Split API logic out of web_view.py

This commit is contained in:
Edward Betts 2021-06-25 14:52:42 +02:00
parent e25aaa5ec6
commit 34b2d0fa05
3 changed files with 794 additions and 750 deletions

matcher/api.py Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,573 @@
from sqlalchemy import func, or_
from sqlalchemy.orm import selectinload
from matcher import model, database, wikidata_api, wikidata
from matcher.data import extra_keys
from collections import Counter
from flask import g, current_app
import re
import os.path
import json
srid = 4326
re_point = re.compile(r'^POINT\((.+) (.+)\)$')
entity_keys = {"labels", "sitelinks", "aliases", "claims", "descriptions", "lastrevid"}
def get_country_iso3166_1(lat, lon):
point = func.ST_SetSRID(func.ST_MakePoint(lon, lat), srid)
alpha2_codes = set()
q = model.Polygon.query.filter(func.ST_Covers(model.Polygon.way, point),
model.Polygon.admin_level == "2")
for country in q:
alpha2 = country.tags.get("ISO3166-1")
if not alpha2:
g.alpha2_codes = alpha2_codes
return alpha2_codes
def is_street_number_first(lat, lon):
if lat is None or lon is None:
return True
alpha2 = get_country_iso3166_1(lat, lon)
alpha2_number_first = {'GB', 'IE', 'US', 'MX', 'CA', 'FR', 'AU', 'NZ', 'ZA'}
return bool(alpha2_number_first & alpha2)
def make_envelope(bounds):
return func.ST_MakeEnvelope(*bounds, srid)
def get_bbox_centroid(bbox):
bbox = make_envelope(bbox)
centroid = database.session.query(func.ST_AsText(func.ST_Centroid(bbox))).scalar()
return re_point.match(centroid).groups()
def get_part_of(thing, bbox):
db_bbox = make_envelope(bbox)
ewkt = thing.as_EWKT
q = model.Polygon.query.filter(
func.ST_Intersects(db_bbox, model.Polygon.way),
func.ST_Covers(model.Polygon.way, func.ST_GeomFromEWKT(ewkt)),
return [polygon.tags for polygon in q]
def get_and_save_item(qid):
entity = wikidata_api.get_entity(qid)
entity_qid = entity["id"]
if entity_qid != qid:
print(f'redirect {qid} -> {entity_qid}')
item = model.Item.query.get(entity_qid[1:])
return item
coords = wikidata.get_entity_coords(entity["claims"])
item_id = int(qid[1:])
obj = {k: v for k, v in entity.items() if k in entity_keys}
item = model.Item(item_id=item_id, **obj)
except TypeError:
print(f'{entity["pageid"]=} {entity["ns"]=} {entity["type"]=}')
item.locations = model.location_objects(coords)
return item
def get_isa_count(items):
isa_count = Counter()
for item in items:
if not item:
isa_list = item.get_claim("P31")
for isa in isa_list:
if not isa:
print("missing IsA:", item.qid)
isa_count[isa["id"]] += 1
return isa_count.most_common()
def get_items_in_bbox(bbox):
db_bbox = make_envelope(bbox)
q = (
.filter(func.ST_Covers(db_bbox, model.ItemLocation.location))
return q
def get_osm_with_wikidata_tag(bbox):
db_bbox = make_envelope(bbox)
tagged = []
seen = set()
for cls in (model.Point, model.Polygon, model.Line):
q = cls.query.filter(
func.ST_Intersects(db_bbox, cls.way),
func.ST_Area(cls.way) < 20 * func.ST_Area(db_bbox),
for osm in q:
if osm.identifier in seen:
name = osm.name or osm.tags.get("addr:housename") or "[no label]"
"identifier": osm.identifier,
"id": osm.id,
"type": osm.type,
"url": osm.osm_url,
"geojson": osm.geojson(),
"centroid": list(osm.get_centroid()),
"name": name,
"wikidata": osm.tags["wikidata"],
return tagged
def get_items(item_ids):
items = []
for item_id in item_ids:
item = model.Item.query.get(item_id)
if not item:
if not get_and_save_item(f"Q{item_id}"):
item = model.Item.query.get(item_id)
return items
def get_item_tags(item):
skip_tags = {"Key:addr:street"}
isa_items = []
isa_list = [v["numeric-id"] for v in item.get_claim("P31")]
isa_items = get_items(isa_list)
osm_list = set()
skip_isa = {row[0] for row in database.session.query(model.SkipIsA.item_id)}
seen = set(isa_list) | skip_isa
while isa_items:
isa = isa_items.pop()
if not isa:
osm = [v for v in isa.get_claim("P1282") if v not in skip_tags]
if isa.qid in extra_keys:
osm += extra_keys[isa.qid]
subclass_of = [v["numeric-id"] for v in (isa.get_claim("P279") or []) if v]
isa_list = [isa_id for isa_id in subclass_of if isa_id not in seen]
isa_items += get_items(isa_list)
return sorted(osm_list)
def wikidata_items_count(bounds):
q = (
.filter(func.ST_Covers(make_envelope(bounds), model.ItemLocation.location))
return q.count()
def wikidata_isa_counts(bounds):
db_bbox = make_envelope(bounds)
q = (
.filter(func.ST_Covers(db_bbox, model.ItemLocation.location))
db_items = q.all()
counts = get_isa_count(db_items)
isa_ids = [qid[1:] for qid, count in counts]
isa_items = {
isa.qid: isa for isa in model.Item.query.filter(model.Item.item_id.in_(isa_ids))
isa_count = []
for qid, count in counts:
item = isa_items.get(qid)
if not item:
item = get_and_save_item(qid)
label = item.label() if item else "[missing]"
isa = {
"qid": qid,
"count": count,
"label": label,
return isa_count
def get_tag_filter(cls, tag_list):
tag_filter = []
for tag_or_key in tag_list:
if tag_or_key.startswith("Key:"):
if tag_or_key.startswith("Tag:"):
k, _, v = tag_or_key.partition("=")
tag_filter.append(cls.tags[k[4:]] == v)
return tag_filter
def get_nearby(bbox, item, max_distance=300):
db_bbox = make_envelope(bbox)
osm_objects = {}
distances = {}
tag_list = get_item_tags(item)
if not tag_list:
return []
item_is_street = item.is_street()
for loc in item.locations:
lat, lon = loc.get_lat_lon()
point = func.ST_SetSRID(func.ST_MakePoint(lon, lat), 4326)
for cls in model.Point, model.Line, model.Polygon:
if item_is_street and cls == model.Point:
tag_filter = get_tag_filter(cls, tag_list)
dist = func.ST_Distance(point, cls.way)
q = (cls.query.add_columns(dist.label('distance'))
func.ST_Intersects(db_bbox, cls.way),
func.ST_Area(cls.way) < 20 * func.ST_Area(db_bbox),
if item_is_street:
q = q.filter(cls.tags.has_key("name"),
cls.tags["highway"] != 'bus_stop')
if "Key:amenity" in tag_list:
q = q.filter(cls.tags["amenity"] != "bicycle_parking",
cls.tags["amenity"] != "bicycle_repair_station",
cls.tags["amenity"] != "atm",
cls.tags["amenity"] != "recycling")
q = q.limit(40)
# print(q.statement.compile(compile_kwargs={"literal_binds": True}))
for i, dist in q:
if dist > max_distance:
osm_objects.setdefault(i.identifier, i)
if i.identifier not in distances or dist < distances[i.identifier]:
distances[i.identifier] = dist
nearby = [(osm_objects[identifier], dist)
for identifier, dist
in sorted(distances.items(), key=lambda i:i[1])]
return nearby[:40]
def get_preset_translations():
app = current_app
country_language = {
'AU': 'en-AU', # Australia
'GB': 'en-GB', # United Kingdom
'IE': 'en-GB', # Ireland
'IN': 'en-IN', # India
'NZ': 'en-NZ', # New Zealand
ts_dir = app.config["ID_TAGGING_SCHEMA_DIR"]
translation_dir = os.path.join(ts_dir, "dist", "translations")
for code in g.alpha2_codes:
if code not in country_language:
filename = os.path.join(translation_dir, country_language[code] + ".json")
return json.load(open(filename))["en-GB"]["presets"]["presets"]
return {}
def get_presets_from_tags(osm):
translations = get_preset_translations()
found = []
endings = {model.Point: "point", model.Line: "line", model.Polygon: "area"}
ending = endings[type(osm)]
for k, v in osm.tags.items():
if k == 'amenity' and v == 'clock' and osm.tags.get('display') == 'sundial':
tag_or_key = f"Tag:{k}={v}"
found.append({"tag_or_key": tag_or_key, "name": "Sundial"})
match = find_preset_file(k, v, ending)
if not match:
preset = match["preset"]
if preset in translations:
match["name"] = translations[preset]["name"]
match["name"] = json.load(open(match["filename"]))["name"]
del match["filename"]
return found
def find_preset_file(k, v, ending):
app = current_app
ts_dir = app.config["ID_TAGGING_SCHEMA_DIR"]
preset_dir = os.path.join(ts_dir, "data", "presets")
filename = os.path.join(preset_dir, k, v + ".json")
if os.path.exists(filename):
return {
"tag_or_key": f"Tag:{k}={v}",
"preset": f"{k}/{v}",
"filename": filename,
filename = os.path.join(preset_dir, k, f"{v}_{ending}.json")
if os.path.exists(filename):
return {
"tag_or_key": f"Tag:{k}={v}",
"preset": f"{k}/{v}",
"filename": filename,
filename = os.path.join(preset_dir, k, "_" + v + ".json")
if os.path.exists(filename):
return {
"tag_or_key": f"Tag:{k}={v}",
"preset": f"{k}/{v}",
"filename": filename,
filename = os.path.join(preset_dir, k + ".json")
if os.path.exists(filename):
return {
"tag_or_key": f"Key:{k}",
"preset": k,
"filename": filename,
def address_from_tags(tags):
keys = ["street", "housenumber"]
if not all("addr:" + k in tags for k in keys):
if g.street_number_first:
return " ".join(tags["addr:" + k] for k in keys)
def get_address_nodes_within_building(building, bbox):
db_bbox = make_envelope(bbox)
ewkt = building.as_EWKT
q = model.Point.query.filter(
func.ST_Intersects(db_bbox, model.Point.way),
func.ST_Covers(func.ST_GeomFromEWKT(ewkt), model.Point.way),
return [node.tags for node in q]
def find_osm_candidates(item, bounds):
g.street_number_first = is_street_number_first(*get_bbox_centroid(bounds))
nearby = []
for osm, dist in get_nearby(bounds, item):
tags = osm.tags
tags.pop("way_area", None)
name = osm.name or tags.get("addr:housename") or tags.get("inscription")
if not name and "addr:housenumber" in tags and "addr:street" in tags:
name = address_from_tags(tags)
if isinstance(osm, model.Polygon) and "building" in osm.tags:
address_nodes = get_address_nodes_within_building(osm, bounds)
address_list = [address_from_tags(addr) for addr in address_nodes]
address_list = []
cur = {
"identifier": osm.identifier,
"distance": dist,
"name": name,
"tags": tags,
"geojson": osm.geojson(),
"presets": get_presets_from_tags(osm),
"address_list": address_list,
if hasattr(osm, 'area'):
cur["area"] = osm.area
if address := address_from_tags(tags):
cur["address"] = address
part_of = [i["name"] for i in get_part_of(osm, bounds) if i["name"] != name]
if part_of:
cur["part_of"] = part_of
return nearby
def get_item(item_id):
item = model.Item.query.get(item_id)
if item:
return item
item = get_and_save_item(f"Q{item_id}")
return item
def get_item_street_addresses(item):
street_address = [addr["text"] for addr in item.get_claim("P6375")]
if street_address or "P669" not in item.claims:
return street_address
for claim in item.claims["P669"]:
qualifiers = claim.get("qualifiers")
if not qualifiers or 'P670' not in qualifiers:
number = qualifiers["P670"][0]["datavalue"]["value"]
street_item = get_item(claim["mainsnak"]["datavalue"]["value"]["numeric-id"])
street = street_item.label()
for q in qualifiers["P670"]:
number = q["datavalue"]["value"]
address = (f"{number} {street}"
if g.street_number_first
else f"{street} {number}")
return street_address
def get_markers(all_items):
items = []
for item in all_items:
if not item:
locations = [list(i.get_lat_lon()) for i in item.locations]
image_filenames = item.get_claim("P18")
street_address = get_item_street_addresses(item)
d = {
"qid": item.qid,
"label": item.label(),
"description": item.description(),
"markers": locations,
"image_list": image_filenames,
"street_address": street_address,
"isa_list": [v["id"] for v in item.get_claim("P31") if v],
if aliases := item.get_aliases():
d["aliases"] = aliases
return items
def wikidata_items(bounds):
g.street_number_first = is_street_number_first(*get_bbox_centroid(bounds))
q = get_items_in_bbox(bounds)
db_items = q.all()
items = get_markers(db_items)
counts = get_isa_count(db_items)
isa_ids = [qid[1:] for qid, count in counts]
isa_items = {
isa.qid: isa for isa in model.Item.query.filter(model.Item.item_id.in_(isa_ids))
isa_count = []
for qid, count in counts:
item = isa_items.get(qid)
if not item:
item = get_and_save_item(qid)
label = item.label() if item else "[missing]"
isa = {
"qid": qid,
"count": count,
"label": label,
return {'items': items, 'isa_count': isa_count}
def missing_wikidata_items(qids, lat, lon):
g.street_number_first = is_street_number_first(lat, lon)
db_items = []
for qid in qids:
item = model.Item.query.get(qid[1:])
if not item:
item = get_and_save_item(qid)
items = get_markers(db_items)
counts = get_isa_count(db_items)
isa_ids = [qid[1:] for qid, count in counts]
isa_items = {
isa.qid: isa for isa in model.Item.query.filter(model.Item.item_id.in_(isa_ids))
isa_count = []
for qid, count in counts:
item = isa_items.get(qid)
if not item:
item = get_and_save_item(qid)
label = item.label() if item else "[missing]"
isa = {
"qid": qid,
"count": count,
"label": label,
return dict(items=items, isa_count=isa_count)

matcher/data.py Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
edu = ['Tag:amenity=college', 'Tag:amenity=university', 'Tag:amenity=school',
'Tag:office=educational_institution', 'Tag:building=university']
tall = ['Key:height', 'Key:building:levels']
extra_keys = {
'Q3914': ['Tag:building=school',
'Tag:office=educational_institution'], # school
'Q322563': edu, # vocational school
'Q383092': edu, # film school
'Q1021290': edu, # music school
'Q1244442': edu, # school building
'Q1469420': edu, # adult education centre
'Q2143781': edu, # drama school
'Q2385804': edu, # educational institution
'Q5167149': edu, # cooking school
'Q7894959': edu, # University Technical College
'Q47530379': edu, # agricultural college
'Q38723': edu, # higher education institution
'Q11303': tall, # skyscraper
'Q18142': tall, # high-rise building
'Q33673393': tall, # multi-storey building
'Q641226': ['Tag:leisure=stadium'], # arena
'Q2301048': ['Tag:aeroway=helipad'], # special airfield
'Q622425': ['Tag:amenity=pub',
'Tag:amenity=music_venue'], # nightclub
'Q187456': ['Tag:amenity=pub',
'Tag:amenity=nightclub'], # bar
'Q16917': ['Tag:amenity=clinic',
'Tag:building=clinic'], # hospital
'Q330284': ['Tag:amenity=market'], # marketplace
'Q5307737': ['Tag:amenity=pub',
'Tag:amenity=bar'], # drinking establishment
'Q875157': ['Tag:tourism=resort'], # resort
'Q174782': ['Tag:leisure=park',
'Tag:leisure=common'], # square
'Q34627': ['Tag:religion=jewish'], # synagogue
'Q16970': ['Tag:religion=christian'], # church
'Q32815': ['Tag:religion=islam'], # mosque
'Q811979': ['Key:building'], # architectural structure
'Q11691': ['Key:building'], # stock exchange
'Q1329623': ['Tag:amenity=arts_centre', # cultural centre
'Q856584': ['Tag:amenity=library'], # library building
'Q11315': ['Tag:landuse=retail'], # shopping mall
'Q39658032': ['Tag:landuse=retail'], # open air shopping centre
'Q277760': ['Tag:historic=folly',
'Tag:historic=city_gate'], # gatehouse
'Q180174': ['Tag:historic=folly'], # folly
'Q15243209': ['Tag:leisure=park',
'Tag:boundary=national_park'], # historic district
'Q3010369': ['Tag:historic=monument'], # opening ceremony
'Q123705': ['Tag:place=suburb'], # neighbourhood
'Q256020': ['Tag:amenity=pub'], # inn
'Q41253': ['Tag:amenity=theatre'], # movie theater
'Q17350442': ['Tag:amenity=theatre'], # venue
'Q156362': ['Tag:amenity=winery'], # winery
'Q14092': ['Tag:leisure=fitness_centre',
'Tag:leisure=sports_centre'], # gymnasium
'Q27686': ['Tag:tourism=hostel', # hotel
'Q11707': ['Tag:amenity=cafe', 'Tag:amenity=fast_food',
'Tag:shop=deli', 'Tag:shop=bakery',
'Key:cuisine'], # restaurant
'Q2360219': ['Tag:amenity=embassy'], # permanent mission
'Q27995042': ['Tag:protection_title=Wilderness Area'], # wilderness area
'Q838948': ['Tag:historic=memorial',
'Tag:historic=monument'], # work of art
'Q23413': ['Tag:place=locality'], # castle
'Q28045079': ['Tag:historic=archaeological_site',
'Tag:embankment=yes'], # contour fort
'Q744099': ['Tag:historic=archaeological_site',
'Tag:embankment=yes'], # hillfort
'Q515': ['Tag:border_type=city'], # city
'Q1254933': ['Tag:amenity=university'], # astronomical observatory
'Q1976594': ['Tag:landuse=industrial'], # science park
'Q190928': ['Tag:landuse=industrial'], # shipyard
'Q4663385': ['Tag:historic=train_station', # former railway station
'Q11997323': ['Tag:emergency=lifeboat_station'], # lifeboat station
'Q16884952': ['Tag:castle_type=stately',
'Tag:building=country_house'], # country house
'Q1343246': ['Tag:castle_type=stately',
'Tag:building=country_house'], # English country house
'Q4919932': ['Tag:castle_type=stately'], # stately home
'Q1763828': ['Tag:amenity=community_centre'], # multi-purpose hall
'Q3469910': ['Tag:amenity=community_centre'], # performing arts center
'Q57660343': ['Tag:amenity=community_centre'], # performing arts building
'Q163740': ['Tag:amenity=community_centre', # nonprofit organization
'Q41176': ['Key:building:levels'], # building
'Q44494': ['Tag:historic=mill'], # mill
'Q56822897': ['Tag:historic=mill'], # mill building
'Q2175765': ['Tag:public_transport=stop_area'], # tram stop
'Q179700': ['Tag:memorial=statue', # statue
'Q1076486': ['Tag:landuse=recreation_ground'], # sports venue
'Q988108': ['Tag:amenity=community_centre', # club
'Q55004558': ['Tag:service=yard',
'Tag:landuse=railway'], # car barn
'Q19563580': ['Tag:landuse=railway'], # rail yard
'Q134447': ['Tag:generator:source=nuclear'], # nuclear power plant
'Q1258086': ['Tag:leisure=park',
'Tag:boundary=national_park'], # National Historic Site
'Q32350958': ['Tag:leisure=bingo'], # Bingo hall
'Q53060': ['Tag:historic=gate', # gate
'Q3947': ['Tag:tourism=hotel', # house
'Q847017': ['Tag:leisure=sports_centre'], # sports club
'Q820477': ['Tag:landuse=quarry',
'Tag:gnis:feature_type=Mine'], # mine
'Q77115': ['Tag:leisure=sports_centre'], # community center
'Q35535': ['Tag:amenity=police'], # police
'Q16560': ['Tag:tourism=attraction', # palace
'Q131734': ['Tag:amenity=pub', # brewery
'Q828909': ['Tag:landuse=commercial',
'Tag:historic=dockyard'], # wharf
'Q10283556': ['Tag:landuse=railway'], # motive power depot
'Q18674739': ['Tag:leisure=stadium'], # event venue
'Q20672229': ['Tag:historic=archaeological_site'], # friary
'Q207694': ['Tag:museum=art'], # art museum
'Q22698': ['Tag:leisure=dog_park',
'Tag:leisure=common'], # park
'Q738570': ['Tag:place=suburb'], # central business district
'Q1133961': ['Tag:place=suburb'], # commercial district
'Q935277': ['Tag:gnis:ftype=Playa',
'Tag:natural=sand'], # salt pan
'Q14253637': ['Tag:gnis:ftype=Playa',
'Tag:natural=sand'], # dry lake
'Q63099748': ['Tag:tourism=hotel', # hotel building
'Q2997369': ['Tag:leisure=park',
'Tag:leisure=common'], # plaza
'Q130003': ['Tag:landuse=winter_sports', # ski resort
'Q4830453': ['Key:office',
'Tag:building=office'], # business
'Q43229': ['Key:office',
'Tag:building=office'], # organization
'Q17084016': ['Tag:office=association',
'Tag:office=ngo'], # nonprofit corporation
property_map = [
("P238", ["iata"], "IATA airport code"),
("P239", ["icao"], "ICAO airport code"),
("P240", ["faa", "ref"], "FAA airport code"),
# ('P281', ['addr:postcode', 'postal_code'], 'postal code'),
("P296", ["ref", "ref:train", "railway:ref"], "station code"),
("P300", ["ISO3166-2"], "ISO 3166-2 code"),
("P359", ["ref:rce"], "Rijksmonument ID"),
("P590", ["ref:gnis", "GNISID", "gnis:id", "gnis:feature_id"], "USGS GNIS ID"),
("P649", ["ref:nrhp"], "NRHP reference number"),
("P722", ["uic_ref"], "UIC station code"),
("P782", ["ref"], "LAU (local administrative unit)"),
("P836", ["ref:gss"], "UK Government Statistical Service code"),
("P856", ["website", "contact:website", "url"], "website"),
("P882", ["nist:fips_code"], "FIPS 6-4 (US counties)"),
("P901", ["ref:fips"], "FIPS 10-4 (countries and regions)"),
# A UIC id can be a IBNR, but not every IBNR is an UIC id
("P954", ["uic_ref"], "IBNR ID"),
("P981", ["ref:woonplaatscode"], "BAG code for Dutch residencies"),
("P1216", ["HE_ref"], "National Heritage List for England number"),
("P2253", ["ref:edubase"], "EDUBase URN"),
("P2815", ["esr:user", "ref", "ref:train"], "ESR station code"),
("P3425", ["ref", "ref:SIC"], "Natura 2000 site ID"),
("P3562", ["seamark:light:reference"], "Admiralty number"),
["ref", "ref:train", "ref:crs", "crs", "nat_ref"],
"UK railway station code",
("P4803", ["ref", "ref:train"], "Amtrak station code"),
("P6082", ["nycdoitt:bin"], "NYC Building Identification Number"),
("P5086", ["ref"], "FIPS 5-2 alpha code (US states)"),
("P5087", ["ref:fips"], "FIPS 5-2 numeric code (US states)"),
("P5208", ["ref:bag"], "BAG building ID for Dutch buildings"),

View file

@ -2,16 +2,13 @@
from flask import (Flask, render_template, request, jsonify, redirect, url_for, g,
flash, session, Response)
from sqlalchemy import func, or_
from sqlalchemy.orm import selectinload
from sqlalchemy import func
from matcher import (nominatim, model, database, commons, wikidata, wikidata_api,
osm_oauth, edit, mail)
from collections import Counter
osm_oauth, edit, mail, api)
from matcher.data import property_map
from time import time, sleep
from geoalchemy2 import Geography
from requests_oauthlib import OAuth1Session
import flask_login
import os
import json
import GeoIP
import re
@ -34,42 +31,6 @@ entity_keys = {"labels", "sitelinks", "aliases", "claims", "descriptions", "last
re_qid = re.compile(r'^Q\d+$')
property_map = [
("P238", ["iata"], "IATA airport code"),
("P239", ["icao"], "ICAO airport code"),
("P240", ["faa", "ref"], "FAA airport code"),
# ('P281', ['addr:postcode', 'postal_code'], 'postal code'),
("P296", ["ref", "ref:train", "railway:ref"], "station code"),
("P300", ["ISO3166-2"], "ISO 3166-2 code"),
("P359", ["ref:rce"], "Rijksmonument ID"),
("P590", ["ref:gnis", "GNISID", "gnis:id", "gnis:feature_id"], "USGS GNIS ID"),
("P649", ["ref:nrhp"], "NRHP reference number"),
("P722", ["uic_ref"], "UIC station code"),
("P782", ["ref"], "LAU (local administrative unit)"),
("P836", ["ref:gss"], "UK Government Statistical Service code"),
("P856", ["website", "contact:website", "url"], "website"),
("P882", ["nist:fips_code"], "FIPS 6-4 (US counties)"),
("P901", ["ref:fips"], "FIPS 10-4 (countries and regions)"),
# A UIC id can be a IBNR, but not every IBNR is an UIC id
("P954", ["uic_ref"], "IBNR ID"),
("P981", ["ref:woonplaatscode"], "BAG code for Dutch residencies"),
("P1216", ["HE_ref"], "National Heritage List for England number"),
("P2253", ["ref:edubase"], "EDUBase URN"),
("P2815", ["esr:user", "ref", "ref:train"], "ESR station code"),
("P3425", ["ref", "ref:SIC"], "Natura 2000 site ID"),
("P3562", ["seamark:light:reference"], "Admiralty number"),
["ref", "ref:train", "ref:crs", "crs", "nat_ref"],
"UK railway station code",
("P4803", ["ref", "ref:train"], "Amtrak station code"),
("P6082", ["nycdoitt:bin"], "NYC Building Identification Number"),
("P5086", ["ref"], "FIPS 5-2 alpha code (US states)"),
("P5087", ["ref:fips"], "FIPS 5-2 numeric code (US states)"),
("P5208", ["ref:bag"], "BAG building ID for Dutch buildings"),
def shutdown_session(exception=None):
@ -108,107 +69,6 @@ def check_for_tagged_qid(qid):
def make_envelope(bbox):
west, south, east, north = [float(i) for i in bbox.split(",")]
return func.ST_MakeEnvelope(west, south, east, north, srid)
def get_osm_with_wikidata_tag(bbox):
db_bbox = make_envelope(bbox)
tagged = []
seen = set()
for cls in (model.Point, model.Polygon, model.Line):
q = cls.query.filter(
func.ST_Intersects(db_bbox, cls.way),
func.ST_Area(cls.way) < 20 * func.ST_Area(db_bbox),
for osm in q:
if osm.identifier in seen:
name = osm.name or osm.tags.get("addr:housename") or "[no label]"
"identifier": osm.identifier,
"id": osm.id,
"type": osm.type,
"url": osm.osm_url,
"geojson": osm.geojson(),
"centroid": list(osm.get_centroid()),
"name": name,
"wikidata": osm.tags["wikidata"],
return tagged
def get_items_in_bbox(bbox):
db_bbox = make_envelope(bbox)
q = (
.filter(func.ST_Covers(db_bbox, model.ItemLocation.location))
return q
def get_item_street_addresses(item):
street_address = [addr["text"] for addr in item.get_claim("P6375")]
if street_address or "P669" not in item.claims:
return street_address
for claim in item.claims["P669"]:
qualifiers = claim.get("qualifiers")
if not qualifiers or 'P670' not in qualifiers:
number = qualifiers["P670"][0]["datavalue"]["value"]
street_item = get_item(claim["mainsnak"]["datavalue"]["value"]["numeric-id"])
street = street_item.label()
for q in qualifiers["P670"]:
number = q["datavalue"]["value"]
address = (f"{number} {street}"
if g.street_number_first
else f"{street} {number}")
return street_address
def get_markers(all_items):
items = []
for item in all_items:
if not item:
locations = [list(i.get_lat_lon()) for i in item.locations]
image_filenames = item.get_claim("P18")
street_address = get_item_street_addresses(item)
d = {
"qid": item.qid,
"label": item.label(),
"description": item.description(),
"markers": locations,
"image_list": image_filenames,
"street_address": street_address,
"isa_list": [v["id"] for v in item.get_claim("P31") if v],
if aliases := item.get_aliases():
d["aliases"] = aliases
return items
def geoip_user_record():
gi = GeoIP.open(app.config["GEOIP_DATA"], GeoIP.GEOIP_STANDARD)
@ -372,52 +232,9 @@ def search_page():
return render_template("search.html", hits=hits, bbox_list=bbox)
def get_isa_count(items):
isa_count = Counter()
for item in items:
if not item:
isa_list = item.get_claim("P31")
for isa in isa_list:
if not isa:
print("missing IsA:", item.qid)
isa_count[isa["id"]] += 1
def read_bounds_param():
return [float(i) for i in request.args["bounds"].split(",")]
return isa_count.most_common()
def get_and_save_item(qid):
entity = wikidata_api.get_entity(qid)
entity_qid = entity["id"]
if entity_qid != qid:
print(f'redirect {qid} -> {entity_qid}')
item = model.Item.query.get(entity_qid[1:])
return item
coords = wikidata.get_entity_coords(entity["claims"])
item_id = int(qid[1:])
obj = {k: v for k, v in entity.items() if k in entity_keys}
item = model.Item(item_id=item_id, **obj)
except TypeError:
print(f'{entity["pageid"]=} {entity["ns"]=} {entity["type"]=}')
item.locations = model.location_objects(coords)
return item
def get_bbox_centroid(bbox):
bbox = make_envelope(bbox)
centroid = database.session.query(func.ST_AsText(func.ST_Centroid(bbox))).scalar()
lon, lat = re_point.match(centroid).groups()
return lat, lon
def show_user_location():
@ -427,52 +244,18 @@ def show_user_location():
def api_wikidata_items_count():
t0 = time()
bounds = request.args.get("bounds")
db_bbox = make_envelope(bounds)
q = (
.filter(func.ST_Covers(db_bbox, model.ItemLocation.location))
count = api.wikidata_items_count(read_bounds_param())
t1 = time() - t0
return cors_jsonify(success=True, count=q.count(), duration=t1)
return cors_jsonify(success=True, count=count, duration=t1)
def api_wikidata_isa_counts():
t0 = time()
bbox = request.args.get("bounds")
bounds = [float(i) for i in bbox.split(",")]
db_bbox = make_envelope(bbox)
q = (
.filter(func.ST_Covers(db_bbox, model.ItemLocation.location))
db_items = q.all()
counts = get_isa_count(db_items)
isa_ids = [qid[1:] for qid, count in counts]
isa_items = {
isa.qid: isa for isa in model.Item.query.filter(model.Item.item_id.in_(isa_ids))
isa_count = []
for qid, count in counts:
item = isa_items.get(qid)
if not item:
item = get_and_save_item(qid)
label = item.label() if item else "[missing]"
isa = {
"qid": qid,
"count": count,
"label": label,
bounds = read_bounds_param()
isa_count = api.wikidata_isa_counts(bounds)
t1 = time() - t0
return cors_jsonify(success=True, isa_count=isa_count, bounds=bounds, duration=t1)
@ -480,273 +263,28 @@ def api_wikidata_isa_counts():
def api_wikidata_items():
bounds = request.args.get("bounds")
g.street_number_first = is_street_number_first(*get_bbox_centroid(bounds))
t0 = time()
q = get_items_in_bbox(bounds)
db_items = q.all()
items = get_markers(db_items)
counts = get_isa_count(db_items)
isa_ids = [qid[1:] for qid, count in counts]
isa_items = {
isa.qid: isa for isa in model.Item.query.filter(model.Item.item_id.in_(isa_ids))
isa_count = []
for qid, count in counts:
item = isa_items.get(qid)
if not item:
item = get_and_save_item(qid)
label = item.label() if item else "[missing]"
isa = {
"qid": qid,
"count": count,
"label": label,
bounds = read_bounds_param()
ret = api.wikidata_items(bounds)
t1 = time() - t0
print(f"wikidata: {t1} seconds")
return cors_jsonify(success=True, items=items, isa_count=isa_count, duration=t1)
return cors_jsonify(success=True, duration=t1, **ret)
def api_osm_objects():
bounds = request.args.get("bounds")
t0 = time()
objects = get_osm_with_wikidata_tag(bounds)
objects = api.get_osm_with_wikidata_tag(read_bounds_param())
t1 = time() - t0
print(f"OSM: {t1} seconds")
return cors_jsonify(success=True, objects=objects, duration=t1)
edu = ['Tag:amenity=college', 'Tag:amenity=university', 'Tag:amenity=school',
'Tag:office=educational_institution', 'Tag:building=university']
tall = ['Key:height', 'Key:building:levels']
extra_keys = {
'Q3914': ['Tag:building=school',
'Tag:office=educational_institution'], # school
'Q322563': edu, # vocational school
'Q383092': edu, # film school
'Q1021290': edu, # music school
'Q1244442': edu, # school building
'Q1469420': edu, # adult education centre
'Q2143781': edu, # drama school
'Q2385804': edu, # educational institution
'Q5167149': edu, # cooking school
'Q7894959': edu, # University Technical College
'Q47530379': edu, # agricultural college
'Q38723': edu, # higher education institution
'Q11303': tall, # skyscraper
'Q18142': tall, # high-rise building
'Q33673393': tall, # multi-storey building
'Q641226': ['Tag:leisure=stadium'], # arena
'Q2301048': ['Tag:aeroway=helipad'], # special airfield
'Q622425': ['Tag:amenity=pub',
'Tag:amenity=music_venue'], # nightclub
'Q187456': ['Tag:amenity=pub',
'Tag:amenity=nightclub'], # bar
'Q16917': ['Tag:amenity=clinic',
'Tag:building=clinic'], # hospital
'Q330284': ['Tag:amenity=market'], # marketplace
'Q5307737': ['Tag:amenity=pub',
'Tag:amenity=bar'], # drinking establishment
'Q875157': ['Tag:tourism=resort'], # resort
'Q174782': ['Tag:leisure=park',
'Tag:leisure=common'], # square
'Q34627': ['Tag:religion=jewish'], # synagogue
'Q16970': ['Tag:religion=christian'], # church
'Q32815': ['Tag:religion=islam'], # mosque
'Q811979': ['Key:building'], # architectural structure
'Q11691': ['Key:building'], # stock exchange
'Q1329623': ['Tag:amenity=arts_centre', # cultural centre
'Q856584': ['Tag:amenity=library'], # library building
'Q11315': ['Tag:landuse=retail'], # shopping mall
'Q39658032': ['Tag:landuse=retail'], # open air shopping centre
'Q277760': ['Tag:historic=folly',
'Tag:historic=city_gate'], # gatehouse
'Q180174': ['Tag:historic=folly'], # folly
'Q15243209': ['Tag:leisure=park',
'Tag:boundary=national_park'], # historic district
'Q3010369': ['Tag:historic=monument'], # opening ceremony
'Q123705': ['Tag:place=suburb'], # neighbourhood
'Q256020': ['Tag:amenity=pub'], # inn
'Q41253': ['Tag:amenity=theatre'], # movie theater
'Q17350442': ['Tag:amenity=theatre'], # venue
'Q156362': ['Tag:amenity=winery'], # winery
'Q14092': ['Tag:leisure=fitness_centre',
'Tag:leisure=sports_centre'], # gymnasium
'Q27686': ['Tag:tourism=hostel', # hotel
'Q11707': ['Tag:amenity=cafe', 'Tag:amenity=fast_food',
'Tag:shop=deli', 'Tag:shop=bakery',
'Key:cuisine'], # restaurant
'Q2360219': ['Tag:amenity=embassy'], # permanent mission
'Q27995042': ['Tag:protection_title=Wilderness Area'], # wilderness area
'Q838948': ['Tag:historic=memorial',
'Tag:historic=monument'], # work of art
'Q23413': ['Tag:place=locality'], # castle
'Q28045079': ['Tag:historic=archaeological_site',
'Tag:embankment=yes'], # contour fort
'Q744099': ['Tag:historic=archaeological_site',
'Tag:embankment=yes'], # hillfort
'Q515': ['Tag:border_type=city'], # city
'Q1254933': ['Tag:amenity=university'], # astronomical observatory
'Q1976594': ['Tag:landuse=industrial'], # science park
'Q190928': ['Tag:landuse=industrial'], # shipyard
'Q4663385': ['Tag:historic=train_station', # former railway station
'Q11997323': ['Tag:emergency=lifeboat_station'], # lifeboat station
'Q16884952': ['Tag:castle_type=stately',
'Tag:building=country_house'], # country house
'Q1343246': ['Tag:castle_type=stately',
'Tag:building=country_house'], # English country house
'Q4919932': ['Tag:castle_type=stately'], # stately home
'Q1763828': ['Tag:amenity=community_centre'], # multi-purpose hall
'Q3469910': ['Tag:amenity=community_centre'], # performing arts center
'Q57660343': ['Tag:amenity=community_centre'], # performing arts building
'Q163740': ['Tag:amenity=community_centre', # nonprofit organization
'Q41176': ['Key:building:levels'], # building
'Q44494': ['Tag:historic=mill'], # mill
'Q56822897': ['Tag:historic=mill'], # mill building
'Q2175765': ['Tag:public_transport=stop_area'], # tram stop
'Q179700': ['Tag:memorial=statue', # statue
'Q1076486': ['Tag:landuse=recreation_ground'], # sports venue
'Q988108': ['Tag:amenity=community_centre', # club
'Q55004558': ['Tag:service=yard',
'Tag:landuse=railway'], # car barn
'Q19563580': ['Tag:landuse=railway'], # rail yard
'Q134447': ['Tag:generator:source=nuclear'], # nuclear power plant
'Q1258086': ['Tag:leisure=park',
'Tag:boundary=national_park'], # National Historic Site
'Q32350958': ['Tag:leisure=bingo'], # Bingo hall
'Q53060': ['Tag:historic=gate', # gate
'Q3947': ['Tag:tourism=hotel', # house
'Q847017': ['Tag:leisure=sports_centre'], # sports club
'Q820477': ['Tag:landuse=quarry',
'Tag:gnis:feature_type=Mine'], # mine
'Q77115': ['Tag:leisure=sports_centre'], # community center
'Q35535': ['Tag:amenity=police'], # police
'Q16560': ['Tag:tourism=attraction', # palace
'Q131734': ['Tag:amenity=pub', # brewery
'Q828909': ['Tag:landuse=commercial',
'Tag:historic=dockyard'], # wharf
'Q10283556': ['Tag:landuse=railway'], # motive power depot
'Q18674739': ['Tag:leisure=stadium'], # event venue
'Q20672229': ['Tag:historic=archaeological_site'], # friary
'Q207694': ['Tag:museum=art'], # art museum
'Q22698': ['Tag:leisure=dog_park',
'Tag:leisure=common'], # park
'Q738570': ['Tag:place=suburb'], # central business district
'Q1133961': ['Tag:place=suburb'], # commercial district
'Q935277': ['Tag:gnis:ftype=Playa',
'Tag:natural=sand'], # salt pan
'Q14253637': ['Tag:gnis:ftype=Playa',
'Tag:natural=sand'], # dry lake
'Q63099748': ['Tag:tourism=hotel', # hotel building
'Q2997369': ['Tag:leisure=park',
'Tag:leisure=common'], # plaza
'Q130003': ['Tag:landuse=winter_sports', # ski resort
'Q4830453': ['Key:office',
'Tag:building=office'], # business
'Q43229': ['Key:office',
'Tag:building=office'], # organization
'Q17084016': ['Tag:office=association',
'Tag:office=ngo'], # nonprofit corporation
skip_tags = {"Key:addr:street"}
def get_item(item_id):
item = model.Item.query.get(item_id)
if item:
return item
item = get_and_save_item(f"Q{item_id}")
return item
def get_items(item_ids):
items = []
for item_id in item_ids:
item = model.Item.query.get(item_id)
if not item:
if not get_and_save_item(f"Q{item_id}"):
item = model.Item.query.get(item_id)
return items
def get_item_tags(item):
isa_items = []
isa_list = [v["numeric-id"] for v in item.get_claim("P31")]
isa_items = get_items(isa_list)
osm_list = set()
skip_isa = {row[0] for row in database.session.query(model.SkipIsA.item_id)}
seen = set(isa_list) | skip_isa
while isa_items:
isa = isa_items.pop()
if not isa:
osm = [v for v in isa.get_claim("P1282") if v not in skip_tags]
if isa.qid in extra_keys:
osm += extra_keys[isa.qid]
subclass_of = [v["numeric-id"] for v in (isa.get_claim("P279") or []) if v]
isa_list = [isa_id for isa_id in subclass_of if isa_id not in seen]
isa_items += get_items(isa_list)
return sorted(osm_list)
def api_get_item_tags(item_id):
t0 = time()
item = model.Item.query.get(item_id)
osm_list = get_item_tags(item)
osm_list = api.get_item_tags(item)
t1 = time() - t0
return cors_jsonify(success=True,
@ -754,256 +292,13 @@ def api_get_item_tags(item_id):
def get_tag_filter(cls, tag_list):
tag_filter = []
for tag_or_key in tag_list:
if tag_or_key.startswith("Key:"):
if tag_or_key.startswith("Tag:"):
k, _, v = tag_or_key.partition("=")
tag_filter.append(cls.tags[k[4:]] == v)
return tag_filter
def get_country_iso3166_1(lat, lon):
point = func.ST_SetSRID(func.ST_MakePoint(lon, lat), srid)
alpha2_codes = set()
q = model.Polygon.query.filter(func.ST_Covers(model.Polygon.way, point),
model.Polygon.admin_level == "2")
for country in q:
alpha2 = country.tags.get("ISO3166-1")
if not alpha2:
g.alpha2_codes = alpha2_codes
return alpha2_codes
def is_street_number_first(lat, lon):
if lat is None or lon is None:
return True
alpha2 = get_country_iso3166_1(lat, lon)
alpha2_number_first = {'GB', 'IE', 'US', 'MX', 'CA', 'FR', 'AU', 'NZ', 'ZA'}
return bool(alpha2_number_first & alpha2)
def get_nearby(bbox, item, max_distance=300):
db_bbox = make_envelope(bbox)
osm_objects = {}
distances = {}
tag_list = get_item_tags(item)
if not tag_list:
return []
item_is_street = item.is_street()
for loc in item.locations:
lat, lon = loc.get_lat_lon()
point = func.ST_SetSRID(func.ST_MakePoint(lon, lat), 4326)
for cls in model.Point, model.Line, model.Polygon:
if item_is_street and cls == model.Point:
tag_filter = get_tag_filter(cls, tag_list)
dist = func.ST_Distance(point, cls.way.cast(Geography(srid=4326)))
q = (cls.query.add_columns(dist.label('distance'))
func.ST_Intersects(db_bbox, cls.way),
func.ST_Area(cls.way) < 20 * func.ST_Area(db_bbox),
if item_is_street:
q = q.filter(cls.tags.has_key("name"),
cls.tags["highway"] != 'bus_stop')
if "Key:amenity" in tag_list:
q = q.filter(cls.tags["amenity"] != "bicycle_parking",
cls.tags["amenity"] != "bicycle_repair_station",
cls.tags["amenity"] != "atm",
cls.tags["amenity"] != "recycling")
q = q.limit(40)
# print(q.statement.compile(compile_kwargs={"literal_binds": True}))
for i, dist in q:
if dist > max_distance:
osm_objects.setdefault(i.identifier, i)
if i.identifier not in distances or dist < distances[i.identifier]:
distances[i.identifier] = dist
nearby = [(osm_objects[identifier], dist)
for identifier, dist
in sorted(distances.items(), key=lambda i:i[1])]
return nearby[:40]
def find_preset_file(k, v, ending):
ts_dir = app.config["ID_TAGGING_SCHEMA_DIR"]
preset_dir = os.path.join(ts_dir, "data", "presets")
filename = os.path.join(preset_dir, k, v + ".json")
if os.path.exists(filename):
return {
"tag_or_key": f"Tag:{k}={v}",
"preset": f"{k}/{v}",
"filename": filename,
filename = os.path.join(preset_dir, k, f"{v}_{ending}.json")
if os.path.exists(filename):
return {
"tag_or_key": f"Tag:{k}={v}",
"preset": f"{k}/{v}",
"filename": filename,
filename = os.path.join(preset_dir, k, "_" + v + ".json")
if os.path.exists(filename):
return {
"tag_or_key": f"Tag:{k}={v}",
"preset": f"{k}/{v}",
"filename": filename,
filename = os.path.join(preset_dir, k + ".json")
if os.path.exists(filename):
return {
"tag_or_key": f"Key:{k}",
"preset": k,
"filename": filename,
def get_preset_translations():
country_language = {
'AU': 'en-AU', # Australia
'GB': 'en-GB', # United Kingdom
'IE': 'en-GB', # Ireland
'IN': 'en-IN', # India
'NZ': 'en-NZ', # New Zealand
ts_dir = app.config["ID_TAGGING_SCHEMA_DIR"]
translation_dir = os.path.join(ts_dir, "dist", "translations")
for code in g.alpha2_codes:
if code not in country_language:
filename = os.path.join(translation_dir, country_language[code] + ".json")
return json.load(open(filename))["en-GB"]["presets"]["presets"]
return {}
def get_presets_from_tags(osm):
translations = get_preset_translations()
found = []
endings = {model.Point: "point", model.Line: "line", model.Polygon: "area"}
ending = endings[type(osm)]
for k, v in osm.tags.items():
if k == 'amenity' and v == 'clock' and osm.tags.get('display') == 'sundial':
tag_or_key = f"Tag:{k}={v}"
found.append({"tag_or_key": tag_or_key, "name": "Sundial"})
match = find_preset_file(k, v, ending)
if not match:
preset = match["preset"]
if preset in translations:
match["name"] = translations[preset]["name"]
match["name"] = json.load(open(match["filename"]))["name"]
del match["filename"]
return found
def get_address_nodes_within_building(building, bbox):
db_bbox = make_envelope(bbox)
ewkt = building.as_EWKT
q = model.Point.query.filter(
func.ST_Intersects(db_bbox, model.Point.way),
func.ST_Covers(func.ST_GeomFromEWKT(ewkt), model.Point.way),
return [node.tags for node in q]
def get_part_of(thing, bbox):
db_bbox = make_envelope(bbox)
ewkt = thing.as_EWKT
q = model.Polygon.query.filter(
func.ST_Intersects(db_bbox, model.Polygon.way),
func.ST_Covers(model.Polygon.way, func.ST_GeomFromEWKT(ewkt)),
return [polygon.tags for polygon in q]
def address_from_tags(tags):
keys = ["street", "housenumber"]
if not all("addr:" + k in tags for k in keys):
if g.street_number_first:
return " ".join(tags["addr:" + k] for k in keys)
def api_find_osm_candidates(item_id):
bounds = request.args.get("bounds")
g.street_number_first = is_street_number_first(*get_bbox_centroid(bounds))
t0 = time()
bounds = read_bounds_param()
item = model.Item.query.get(item_id)
nearby = []
for osm, dist in get_nearby(bounds, item):
tags = osm.tags
tags.pop("way_area", None)
name = osm.name or tags.get("addr:housename") or tags.get("inscription")
if not name and "addr:housenumber" in tags and "addr:street" in tags:
name = address_from_tags(tags)
if isinstance(osm, model.Polygon) and "building" in osm.tags:
address_nodes = get_address_nodes_within_building(osm, bounds)
address_list = [address_from_tags(addr) for addr in address_nodes]
address_list = []
cur = {
"identifier": osm.identifier,
"distance": dist,
"name": name,
"tags": tags,
"geojson": osm.geojson(),
"presets": get_presets_from_tags(osm),
"address_list": address_list,
if hasattr(osm, 'area'):
cur["area"] = osm.area
if address := address_from_tags(tags):
cur["address"] = address
part_of = [i["name"] for i in get_part_of(osm, bounds) if i["name"] != name]
if part_of:
cur["part_of"] = part_of
nearby = api.find_osm_candidates(item, bounds)
t1 = time() - t0
return cors_jsonify(success=True, qid=item.qid, nearby=nearby, duration=t1)
@ -1029,36 +324,9 @@ def api_missing_wikidata_items():
return jsonify(success=True, items=[], isa_count=[])
lat, lon = request.args.get("lat"), request.args.get("lon")
g.street_number_first = is_street_number_first(lat, lon)
db_items = []
for qid in qids:
item = model.Item.query.get(qid[1:])
if not item:
item = get_and_save_item(qid)
items = get_markers(db_items)
counts = get_isa_count(db_items)
isa_ids = [qid[1:] for qid, count in counts]
isa_items = {
isa.qid: isa for isa in model.Item.query.filter(model.Item.item_id.in_(isa_ids))
isa_count = []
for qid, count in counts:
item = isa_items.get(qid)
if not item:
item = get_and_save_item(qid)
label = item.label() if item else "[missing]"
isa = {
"qid": qid,
"count": count,
"label": label,
return cors_jsonify(success=True, items=items, isa_count=isa_count)
ret = api.missing_wikidata_items(qids, lat, lon)
return cors_jsonify(success=True, **ret)