import collections import json import os.path import re import typing import flask import geoalchemy2 import sqlalchemy from sqlalchemy import and_, or_ from sqlalchemy.sql import select from matcher import database, model, wikidata, wikidata_api from matcher.planet import line, point, polygon TagsType = dict[str, str] srid = 4326 re_point = re.compile(r"^POINT\((.+) (.+)\)$") entity_keys = {"labels", "sitelinks", "aliases", "claims", "descriptions", "lastrevid"} tag_prefixes = { "disused", "was", "abandoned", "demolished", "destroyed", "ruins", "historic", } # these tags are too generic, so we ignore them skip_tags = { "Key:addr", "Key:addr:street", "Key:lit", "Key:image", "Key:name", "Key:symbol", "Key:brand", } def get_country_iso3166_1(lat: float, lon: float) -> set[str]: """For a given lat/lon return a set of ISO country codes. Also cache the country code in the global object. Normally there should be only one country. """ point = sqlalchemy.func.ST_SetSRID(sqlalchemy.func.ST_MakePoint(lon, lat), srid) alpha2_codes: set[str] = set() q = model.Polygon.query.filter( sqlalchemy.func.ST_Covers(model.Polygon.way, point), model.Polygon.admin_level == "2", ) for country in q: alpha2: str = country.tags.get("ISO3166-1") if not alpha2: continue alpha2_codes.add(alpha2) flask.g.alpha2_codes = alpha2_codes return alpha2_codes def is_street_number_first(lat: float, lon: float) -> bool: """Is lat/lon within a country that puts number first in a street address.""" if lat is None or lon is None: return True alpha2 = get_country_iso3166_1(lat, lon) # Incomplete list of countries that put street number first. alpha2_number_first = { "GB", # United Kingdom "IE", # Ireland "US", # United States "MX", # Mexico "CA", # Canada "FR", # France "AU", # Australia "NZ", # New Zealand "ZA", # South Africa } return bool(alpha2_number_first & alpha2) def make_envelope(bounds: list[float]) -> geoalchemy2.functions.ST_MakeEnvelope: """Make en envelope for the given bounds.""" return sqlalchemy.func.ST_MakeEnvelope(*bounds, srid) def get_bbox_centroid(bbox: list[float]) -> tuple[str, str]: """Get centroid of bounding box.""" bbox = make_envelope(bbox) centroid = database.session.query( sqlalchemy.func.ST_AsText(sqlalchemy.func.ST_Centroid(bbox)) ).scalar() m = re_point.match(centroid) assert m lon, lat = m.groups() assert lon and lat return (lat, lon) def make_envelope_around_point( lat: float, lon: float, distance: float ) -> geoalchemy2.functions.ST_MakeEnvelope: """Make an envelope around a point, the distance parameter specifies the size.""" conn = database.session.connection() p = sqlalchemy.func.ST_MakePoint(lon, lat) s = select( [ sqlalchemy.func.ST_AsText( sqlalchemy.func.ST_Project(p, distance, sqlalchemy.func.radians(0)) ), sqlalchemy.func.ST_AsText( sqlalchemy.func.ST_Project(p, distance, sqlalchemy.func.radians(90)) ), sqlalchemy.func.ST_AsText( sqlalchemy.func.ST_Project(p, distance, sqlalchemy.func.radians(180)) ), sqlalchemy.func.ST_AsText( sqlalchemy.func.ST_Project(p, distance, sqlalchemy.func.radians(270)) ), ] ) row = conn.execute(s).fetchone() coords = [[float(v) for v in re_point.match(i).groups()] for i in row] north = coords[0][1] east = coords[1][0] south = coords[2][1] west = coords[3][0] return sqlalchemy.func.ST_MakeEnvelope(west, south, east, north, srid) def drop_way_area(tags: TagsType) -> TagsType: """Remove the way_area field from a tags dict.""" if "way_area" in tags: del tags["way_area"] return tags def get_part_of(table_name, src_id, bbox): table_map = {"point": point, "line": line, "polygon": polygon} table_alias = table_map[table_name].alias() s = ( select( [ polygon.c.osm_id, polygon.c.tags, sqlalchemy.func.ST_Area(sqlalchemy.func.ST_Collect(polygon.c.way)), ] ) .where( and_( sqlalchemy.func.ST_Intersects(bbox, polygon.c.way), sqlalchemy.func.ST_Covers(polygon.c.way, table_alias.c.way), table_alias.c.osm_id == src_id, polygon.c.tags.has_key("name"), or_( polygon.c.tags.has_key("landuse"), polygon.c.tags.has_key("amenity"), ), ) ) .group_by(polygon.c.osm_id, polygon.c.tags) ) conn = database.session.connection() return [ { "type": "way" if osm_id > 0 else "relation", "id": abs(osm_id), "tags": tags, "area": area, } for osm_id, tags, area in conn.execute(s) ] def get_and_save_item(qid: str) -> model.Item | None: """Download an item from Wikidata and cache it in the database.""" entity = wikidata_api.get_entity(qid) entity_qid = entity["id"] if entity_qid != qid: print(f"redirect {qid} -> {entity_qid}") item: model.Item | None = model.Item.query.get(entity_qid[1:]) return item if "claims" not in entity: return None coords = wikidata.get_entity_coords(entity["claims"]) item_id = int(qid[1:]) obj = {k: v for k, v in entity.items() if k in entity_keys} try: item = model.Item(item_id=item_id, **obj) except TypeError: print(qid) print(f'{entity["pageid"]=} {entity["ns"]=} {entity["type"]=}') print(entity.keys()) raise assert item item.locations = model.location_objects(coords) database.session.add(item) database.session.commit() return item def get_isa_count(items: list[model.Item]) -> list[tuple[str, int]]: """List of IsA counts.""" isa_count: collections.Counter[str] = collections.Counter() for item in items: if not item: continue isa_list = item.get_claim("P31") for isa in isa_list: if not isa: print("missing IsA:", item.qid) continue isa_count[isa["id"]] += 1 return isa_count.most_common() def get_items_in_bbox(bbox: list[float]): db_bbox = make_envelope(bbox) q = ( model.Item.query.join(model.ItemLocation) .filter(sqlalchemy.func.ST_Covers(db_bbox, model.ItemLocation.location)) .options(sqlalchemy.orm.selectinload(model.Item.locations)) ) return q def get_osm_with_wikidata_tag(bbox, isa_filter=None): bbox_str = ",".join(str(v) for v in bbox) extra_sql = "" if isa_filter: q = model.Item.query.join(model.ItemLocation).filter( sqlalchemy.func.ST_Covers(make_envelope(bbox), model.ItemLocation.location) ) q = add_isa_filter(q, isa_filter) qids = [isa.qid for isa in q] if not qids: return [] qid_list = ",".join(f"'{qid}'" for qid in qids) extra_sql += f" AND tags -> 'wikidata' in ({qid_list})" # easier than building this query with SQLAlchemy sql = ( f""" SELECT tbl, osm_id, tags, ARRAY[ST_Y(centroid), ST_X(centroid)], geojson FROM ( SELECT 'point' as tbl, osm_id, tags, ST_AsText(ST_Centroid(way)) as centroid, ST_AsGeoJSON(way) as geojson FROM planet_osm_point WHERE ST_Intersects(ST_MakeEnvelope({bbox_str}, {srid}), way) UNION SELECT 'line' as tbl, osm_id, tags, ST_AsText(ST_Centroid(ST_Collect(way))) AS centroid, ST_AsGeoJSON(ST_Collect(way)) AS geojson FROM planet_osm_line WHERE ST_Intersects(ST_MakeEnvelope({bbox_str}, {srid}), way) GROUP BY osm_id, tags UNION SELECT 'polygon' as tbl, osm_id, tags, ST_AsText(ST_Centroid(ST_Collect(way))) AS centroid, ST_AsGeoJSON(ST_Collect(way)) AS geojson FROM planet_osm_polygon WHERE ST_Intersects(ST_MakeEnvelope({bbox_str}, {srid}), way) GROUP BY osm_id, tags HAVING st_area(st_collect(way)) < 20 * st_area(ST_MakeEnvelope({bbox_str}, {srid})) ) as anon WHERE tags ? 'wikidata' """ + extra_sql ) conn = database.session.connection() result = conn.execute(sqlalchemy.text(sql)) # print(sql) point_sql = ( f""" SELECT 'point' as tbl, osm_id, tags, ST_AsText(ST_Centroid(way)) as centroid, ST_AsGeoJSON(way) as geojson FROM planet_osm_point WHERE ST_Intersects(ST_MakeEnvelope({bbox_str}, {srid}), way) and tags ? 'wikidata' """ + extra_sql ) print("point") print(point_sql) tagged = [] for tbl, osm_id, tags, centroid, geojson in result: if tbl == "point": osm_type = "node" else: osm_type = "way" if osm_id > 0 else "relation" osm_id = abs(osm_id) name = tags.get("name") or tags.get("addr:housename") or "[no label]" tagged.append( { "identifier": f"{osm_type}/{osm_id}", "id": osm_id, "type": osm_type, "geojson": json.loads(geojson), "centroid": centroid, "name": name, "wikidata": tags["wikidata"], } ) return tagged def get_items(item_ids: list[int]) -> list[model.Item]: """Get a Wikidata items with the given item IDs.""" items = [] for item_id in item_ids: item = model.Item.query.get(item_id) if not item: if not get_and_save_item(f"Q{item_id}"): continue item = model.Item.query.get(item_id) items.append(item) return items class IsaPath(typing.TypedDict): """Component of an IsA path.""" qid: str label: str def get_item_tags(item: model.Item) -> dict[str, list[str]]: isa_list: list[int] = [typing.cast(int, v["numeric-id"]) for v in item.get_isa()] isa_items: list[tuple[model.Item, list[IsaPath]]] = [ (isa, []) for isa in get_items(isa_list) ] osm_list = collections.defaultdict(list) skip_isa: set[int] = { row[0] for row in database.session.query(model.SkipIsA.item_id) } tram_stop_id = 41176 airport_id = 1248784 aerodrome_id = 62447 if {tram_stop_id, airport_id, aerodrome_id} & set(isa_list): skip_isa.add(41176) # building (Q41176) seen: set[int] = set(isa_list) | skip_isa stop = { "Q11799049": "public institution", "Q7075": "library", "Q329683": "industrial park", } while isa_items: isa, isa_path = isa_items.pop() if not isa: continue isa_qid: str = typing.cast(str, isa.qid) isa_path = isa_path + [{"qid": isa_qid, "label": isa.label()}] osm: list[str] = [ typing.cast(str, v) for v in isa.get_claim("P1282") if v not in skip_tags ] osm += [ extra.tag_or_key for extra in model.ItemExtraKeys.query.filter_by(item_id=isa.item_id) ] for i in osm: osm_list[i].append(isa_path[:]) if isa_qid in stop: # item is specific enough, no need to keep walking the item hierarchy continue check: set[int] = set() properties = [ ("P279", "subclass of"), ("P140", "religion"), ("P641", "sport"), ("P366", "use"), ("P1269", "facet of"), # ("P361", "part of"), ] for pid, label in properties: check |= { typing.cast(dict[str, int], v)["numeric-id"] for v in (isa.get_claim(pid) or []) if v } print(isa.qid, isa.label(), check) isa_list_set = check - seen seen.update(isa_list_set) isa_items += [(isa, isa_path) for isa in get_items(isa_list_set)] return {key: list(values) for key, values in osm_list.items()} def get_tags_for_isa_item(item): isa_list = [item.item_id] isa_items = [(item, [])] osm_list = collections.defaultdict(list) skip_isa = {row[0] for row in database.session.query(model.SkipIsA.item_id)} tram_stop_id = 41176 airport_id = 1248784 aerodrome_id = 62447 if {tram_stop_id, airport_id, aerodrome_id} & set(isa_list): skip_isa.add(41176) # building (Q41176) seen = set(isa_list) | skip_isa stop = { "Q11799049": "public institution", "Q7075": "library", "Q329683": "industrial park", } items_checked = [] items_checked_done = set() while isa_items: isa, isa_path = isa_items.pop() if not isa: continue isa_path = isa_path + [{"qid": isa.qid, "label": isa.label()}] if isa.item_id not in items_checked_done: items_checked.append({"qid": isa.qid, "label": isa.label()}) items_checked_done.add(isa.item_id) osm = [v for v in isa.get_claim("P1282") if v not in skip_tags] osm += [ extra.tag_or_key for extra in model.ItemExtraKeys.query.filter_by(item_id=isa.item_id) ] for i in osm: osm_list[i].append(isa_path[:]) if isa.qid in stop: # item is specific enough, no need to keep walking the item hierarchy continue check = set() properties = [ ("P279", "subclass of"), ("P140", "religion"), ("P641", "sport"), ("P366", "use"), ("P1269", "facet of"), # ("P361", "part of"), ] for pid, label in properties: check |= {v["numeric-id"] for v in (isa.get_claim(pid) or []) if v} print(isa.qid, isa.label(), check) isa_list = check - seen seen.update(isa_list) isa_items += [(isa, isa_path) for isa in get_items(isa_list)] return { "tags": {key: list(values) for key, values in osm_list.items()}, "checked": items_checked, } def add_isa_filter(q, isa_qids): q_subclass = database.session.query(model.Item.qid).filter( sqlalchemy.func.jsonb_path_query_array(, "$.P279[*]", ).bool_op("?|")(list(isa_qids)) ) subclass_qid = {qid for qid, in q_subclass.all()} isa = sqlalchemy.func.jsonb_path_query_array(, "$.P31[*]", ).bool_op("?|") return q.filter(isa(list(isa_qids | subclass_qid))) def wikidata_items_count(bounds, isa_filter=None): q = model.Item.query.join(model.ItemLocation).filter( sqlalchemy.func.ST_Covers(make_envelope(bounds), model.ItemLocation.location) ) if isa_filter: q = add_isa_filter(q, isa_filter) # print(q.statement.compile(compile_kwargs={"literal_binds": True})) return q.count() def wikidata_isa_counts(bounds, isa_filter=None): db_bbox = make_envelope(bounds) q = model.Item.query.join(model.ItemLocation).filter( sqlalchemy.func.ST_Covers(db_bbox, model.ItemLocation.location) ) if isa_filter: q = add_isa_filter(q, isa_filter) db_items = q.all() counts = get_isa_count(db_items) isa_ids = [qid[1:] for qid, count in counts] isa_items = { isa.qid: isa for isa in model.Item.query.filter(model.Item.item_id.in_(isa_ids)) } isa_count = [] for qid, count in counts: item = isa_items.get(qid) if not item: item = get_and_save_item(qid) label = item.label() if item else "[missing]" isa = { "qid": qid, "count": count, "label": label, } isa_count.append(isa) return isa_count def get_tag_filter( tags: sqlalchemy.sql.schema.Column, tag_list: list[str] ) -> list[sqlalchemy.sql.elements.BooleanClauseList]: tag_filter = [] print("tags type:", type(tags)) for tag_or_key in tag_list: if tag_or_key.startswith("Key:"): key = tag_or_key[4:] tag_filter.append(and_(tags.has_key(key), tags[key] != "no")) for prefix in tag_prefixes: tag_filter.append(tags.has_key(f"{prefix}:{key}")) if tag_or_key.startswith("Tag:"): k, _, v = tag_or_key[4:].partition("=") tag_filter.append(tags[k] == v) for prefix in tag_prefixes: tag_filter.append(tags[f"{prefix}:{k}"] == v) print("tag_filter type:", [type(i) for i in tag_filter]) return tag_filter def get_preset_translations() -> dict[str, typing.Any]: app = flask.current_app country_language = { "AU": "en-AU", # Australia "GB": "en-GB", # United Kingdom "IE": "en-GB", # Ireland "IN": "en-IN", # India "NZ": "en-NZ", # New Zealand } ts_dir = app.config["ID_TAGGING_SCHEMA_DIR"] translation_dir = os.path.join(ts_dir, "dist", "translations") for code in flask.g.alpha2_codes: lang_code = country_language.get("code") if not lang_code: continue filename = os.path.join(translation_dir, lang_code + ".json") json_data = json.load(open(filename)) if lang_code not in json_data: continue try: return typing.cast( dict[str, typing.Any], json_data[lang_code]["presets"]["presets"] ) except KeyError: pass return {} def get_presets_from_tags(ending: str, tags: TagsType) -> list[dict[str, typing.Any]]: translations = get_preset_translations() found: list[dict[str, typing.Any]] = [] for k, v in tags.items(): if k == "amenity" and v == "clock" and tags.get("display") == "sundial": tag_or_key = f"Tag:{k}={v}" found.append({"tag_or_key": tag_or_key, "name": "Sundial"}) continue match = find_preset_file(k, v, ending) if not match: continue preset = match["preset"] if preset in translations: match["name"] = translations[preset]["name"] else: match["name"] = json.load(open(match["filename"]))["name"] del match["filename"] found.append(match) return found def find_preset_file(k: str, v: str, ending: str) -> dict[str, str] | None: """Find preset file.""" app = flask.current_app ts_dir = app.config["ID_TAGGING_SCHEMA_DIR"] preset_dir = os.path.join(ts_dir, "data", "presets") filename = os.path.join(preset_dir, k, v + ".json") if os.path.exists(filename): return { "tag_or_key": f"Tag:{k}={v}", "preset": f"{k}/{v}", "filename": filename, } filename = os.path.join(preset_dir, k, f"{v}_{ending}.json") if os.path.exists(filename): return { "tag_or_key": f"Tag:{k}={v}", "preset": f"{k}/{v}", "filename": filename, } filename = os.path.join(preset_dir, k, "_" + v + ".json") if os.path.exists(filename): return { "tag_or_key": f"Tag:{k}={v}", "preset": f"{k}/{v}", "filename": filename, } filename = os.path.join(preset_dir, k + ".json") if os.path.exists(filename): return { "tag_or_key": f"Key:{k}", "preset": k, "filename": filename, } return None def address_from_tags(tags: TagsType) -> str | None: """Build list of addresses based on OSM tags.""" keys = ["street", "housenumber"] if not all("addr:" + k in tags for k in keys): return None if flask.g.street_number_first: keys.reverse() return " ".join(tags["addr:" + k] for k in keys) def address_node_label(tags: TagsType) -> str | None: """Label for an OSM node, based on tags.""" address = address_from_tags(tags) return f"{tags['name']} ({address})" if "name" in tags else address def get_address_nodes_within_building(osm_id, bbox_list): q = model.Point.query.filter( polygon.c.osm_id == osm_id, or_( *[ sqlalchemy.func.ST_Intersects(bbox, model.Point.way) for bbox in bbox_list ] ), sqlalchemy.func.ST_Covers(polygon.c.way, model.Point.way), model.Point.tags.has_key("addr:street"), model.Point.tags.has_key("addr:housenumber"), ) return [node.tags for node in q] def osm_display_name(tags: TagsType) -> str | None: """Get name to display from OSM tags.""" keys = ( "bridge:name", "tunnel:name", "lock_name", "name", "addr:housename", "inscription", ) return next((tags[key] for key in keys if key in tags), None) def street_address_in_tags(tags): return "addr:housenumber" in tags and "addr:street" in tags def find_osm_candidates(item, limit=80, max_distance=450, names=None): item_id = item.item_id item_is_linear_feature = item.is_linear_feature() item_is_street = item.is_street() item_names_dict = item.names() if item_names_dict: item_names = {n.lower() for n in item_names_dict.keys()} else: item_names = set() check_is_street_number_first(item.locations[0].get_lat_lon()) bbox_list = [ make_envelope_around_point(*loc.get_lat_lon(), max_distance) for loc in item.locations ] null_area = sqlalchemy.sql.expression.cast(None, sqlalchemy.types.Float) dist = sqlalchemy.sql.expression.column("dist") tags = sqlalchemy.sql.expression.column( "tags", sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql.HSTORE ) tag_list = get_item_tags(item) # tag_filters = get_tag_filter(point.c.tags, tag_list) # print(tag_filters) s_point = ( select( [ sqlalchemy.sql.expression.literal("point").label("t"), point.c.osm_id, point.c.tags.label("tags"), sqlalchemy.func.min( sqlalchemy.func.ST_DistanceSphere( model.ItemLocation.location, point.c.way ) ).label("dist"), sqlalchemy.func.ST_AsText(point.c.way), sqlalchemy.func.ST_AsGeoJSON(point.c.way), null_area, ] ) .where( and_( or_( *[ sqlalchemy.func.ST_Intersects(bbox, point.c.way) for bbox in bbox_list ] ), model.ItemLocation.item_id == item_id, or_(*get_tag_filter(point.c.tags, tag_list)), ) ) .group_by(point.c.osm_id, point.c.tags, point.c.way) ) s_line = ( select( [ sqlalchemy.sql.expression.literal("line").label("t"), line.c.osm_id, line.c.tags.label("tags"), sqlalchemy.func.min( sqlalchemy.func.ST_DistanceSphere( model.ItemLocation.location, line.c.way ) ).label("dist"), sqlalchemy.func.ST_AsText( sqlalchemy.func.ST_Centroid(sqlalchemy.func.ST_Collect(line.c.way)) ), sqlalchemy.func.ST_AsGeoJSON(sqlalchemy.func.ST_Collect(line.c.way)), null_area, ] ) .where( and_( or_( *[ sqlalchemy.func.ST_Intersects(bbox, line.c.way) for bbox in bbox_list ] ), model.ItemLocation.item_id == item_id, or_(*get_tag_filter(line.c.tags, tag_list)), ) ) .group_by(line.c.osm_id, line.c.tags) ) s_polygon = ( select( [ sqlalchemy.sql.expression.literal("polygon").label("t"), polygon.c.osm_id, polygon.c.tags.label("tags"), sqlalchemy.func.min( sqlalchemy.func.ST_DistanceSphere( model.ItemLocation.location, polygon.c.way ) ).label("dist"), sqlalchemy.func.ST_AsText( sqlalchemy.func.ST_Centroid( sqlalchemy.func.ST_Collect(polygon.c.way) ) ), sqlalchemy.func.ST_AsGeoJSON(sqlalchemy.func.ST_Collect(polygon.c.way)), sqlalchemy.func.ST_Area(sqlalchemy.func.ST_Collect(polygon.c.way)), ] ) .where( and_( or_( *[ sqlalchemy.func.ST_Intersects(bbox, polygon.c.way) for bbox in bbox_list ] ), model.ItemLocation.item_id == item_id, or_(*get_tag_filter(polygon.c.tags, tag_list)), ) ) .group_by(polygon.c.osm_id, polygon.c.tags) .having( sqlalchemy.func.ST_Area(sqlalchemy.func.ST_Collect(polygon.c.way)) < 20 * sqlalchemy.func.ST_Area(bbox_list[0]) ) ) tables = ([] if item_is_linear_feature else [s_point]) + [s_line, s_polygon] s = ( select([sqlalchemy.sql.expression.union(*tables).alias()]) .where(dist < max_distance) .order_by(dist) ) if names: s = s.where(or_(tags["name"].in_(names), tags["old_name"].in_(names))) if item_is_street: s = s.where(tags["highway"] != "bus_stop") if not names: s = s.where(tags.has_key("name")) if "Key:amenity" in tag_list: s = s.where( and_( tags["amenity"] != "bicycle_parking", tags["amenity"] != "bicycle_repair_station", tags["amenity"] != "atm", tags["amenity"] != "recycling", ) ) if limit: s = s.limit(limit) # print(s.compile(compile_kwargs={"literal_binds": True})) conn = database.session.connection() nearby = [] for table, src_id, tags, distance, centroid, geojson, area in conn.execute(s): osm_id = src_id if table == "point": osm_type = "node" elif osm_id > 0: osm_type = "way" else: osm_type = "relation" osm_id = -osm_id tags.pop("way_area", None) name = osm_display_name(tags) if not name and street_address_in_tags(tags): name = address_from_tags(tags) if table == "polygon" and "building" in tags: address_nodes = get_address_nodes_within_building(src_id, bbox_list) address_list = [address_node_label(addr) for addr in address_nodes] else: address_list = [] shape = "area" if table == "polygon" else table item_identifier_tags = item.get_identifiers_tags() cur = { "identifier": f"{osm_type}/{osm_id}", "type": osm_type, "id": osm_id, "distance": distance, "name": name, "name_match": (name and name.lower() in item_names), "tags": tags, "geojson": json.loads(geojson), "presets": get_presets_from_tags(shape, tags), "address_list": address_list, "centroid": list(reversed(re_point.match(centroid).groups())), } if area is not None: cur["area"] = area part_of = [] for bbox in bbox_list: part_of += [ i for i in get_part_of(table, src_id, bbox) if i["tags"]["name"] != name ] if part_of: cur["part_of"] = part_of if address := address_from_tags(typing.cast(TagsType, tags)): cur["address"] = address nearby.append(cur) return nearby def get_item(item_id: int) -> model.Item | None: """Retrieve a Wikidata item, either from the database or from Wikidata.""" item = model.Item.query.get(item_id) return item or get_and_save_item(f"Q{item_id}") def get_item_street_addresses(item: model.Item) -> list[str]: """Hunt for street addresses for the given item.""" street_address = [addr["text"] for addr in item.get_claim("P6375") if addr] if street_address or "P669" not in return street_address assert isinstance(, dict) claims: wikidata.Claims = for claim in claims["P669"]: qualifiers = claim.get("qualifiers") if not qualifiers or "P670" not in qualifiers: continue number = qualifiers["P670"][0]["datavalue"]["value"] street_item = get_item(claim["mainsnak"]["datavalue"]["value"]["numeric-id"]) assert street_item street = street_item.label() for q in qualifiers["P670"]: number = q["datavalue"]["value"] address = ( f"{number} {street}" if flask.g.street_number_first else f"{street} {number}" ) street_address.append(address) return street_address def check_is_street_number_first(latlng): flask.g.street_number_first = is_street_number_first(*latlng) def item_detail(item): unsupported_relation_types = { "Q194356", # wind farm "Q2175765", # tram stop } locations = [list(i.get_lat_lon()) for i in item.locations] if not hasattr(flask.g, "street_number_first"): flask.g.street_number_first = is_street_number_first(*locations[0]) image_filenames = item.get_claim("P18") street_address = get_item_street_addresses(item) heritage_designation = [] for v in item.get_claim("P1435"): if not v: print("heritage designation missing:", item.qid) continue heritage_designation_item = get_item(v["numeric-id"]) heritage_designation.append( { "qid": v["id"], "label": heritage_designation_item.label(), } ) isa_items = [get_item(isa["numeric-id"]) for isa in item.get_isa()] isa_lookup = {isa.qid: isa for isa in isa_items} wikipedia_links = [ {"lang": site[:-4], "title": link["title"]} for site, link in sorted(item.sitelinks.items()) if site.endswith("wiki") and len(site) < 8 ] d = { "qid": item.qid, "label": item.label(), "description": item.description(), "markers": locations, "image_list": image_filenames, "street_address": street_address, "isa_list": [ {"qid": isa.qid, "label": isa.label()} for isa in isa_items if isa ], "closed": item.closed(), "inception": item.time_claim("P571"), "p1619": item.time_claim("P1619"), "p576": item.time_claim("P576"), "heritage_designation": heritage_designation, "wikipedia": wikipedia_links, "identifiers": item.get_identifiers(), } if aliases := item.get_aliases(): d["aliases"] = aliases if "commonswiki" in item.sitelinks: d["commons"] = item.sitelinks["commonswiki"]["title"] unsupported = isa_lookup.keys() & unsupported_relation_types if unsupported: d["unsupported_relation_types"] = [ isa for isa in d["isa_list"] if isa["qid"] in isa_lookup ] return d def get_markers(all_items): return [item_detail(item) for item in all_items if item] def wikidata_items(bounds, isa_filter=None): check_is_street_number_first(get_bbox_centroid(bounds)) q = get_items_in_bbox(bounds) if isa_filter: q = add_isa_filter(q, isa_filter) db_items = q.all() items = get_markers(db_items) counts = get_isa_count(db_items) isa_ids = [qid[1:] for qid, count in counts] isa_items = { isa.qid: isa for isa in model.Item.query.filter(model.Item.item_id.in_(isa_ids)) } isa_count = [] for qid, count in counts: item = isa_items.get(qid) if not item: item = get_and_save_item(qid) label = item.label() if item else "[missing]" isa = { "qid": qid, "count": count, "label": label, } isa_count.append(isa) return {"items": items, "isa_count": isa_count} def missing_wikidata_items(qids, lat, lon): flask.g.street_number_first = is_street_number_first(lat, lon) db_items = [] for qid in qids: item = model.Item.query.get(qid[1:]) if not item: item = get_and_save_item(qid) db_items.append(item) items = get_markers(db_items) counts = get_isa_count(db_items) isa_ids = [qid[1:] for qid, count in counts] isa_items = { isa.qid: isa for isa in model.Item.query.filter(model.Item.item_id.in_(isa_ids)) } isa_count = [] for qid, count in counts: item = isa_items.get(qid) if not item: item = get_and_save_item(qid) label = item.label() if item else "[missing]" isa = { "qid": qid, "count": count, "label": label, } isa_count.append(isa) return dict(items=items, isa_count=isa_count) def isa_incremental_search(search_terms: str) -> list[dict[str, str]]: """Incremental search.""" en_label = sqlalchemy.func.jsonb_extract_path_text(model.Item.labels, "en", "value") q = model.Item.query.filter("P1282"), en_label.ilike(f"%{search_terms}%"), sqlalchemy.func.length(en_label) < 20, ) # print(q.statement.compile(compile_kwargs={"literal_binds": True})) return [ { "qid": item.qid, "label": item.label(), } for item in q ] class PlaceItems(typing.TypedDict): """Place items.""" count: int items: list[dict[str, typing.Any]] def get_place_items(osm_type: str, osm_id: int) -> PlaceItems: """Return place items for given osm_type and osm_id.""" src_id = osm_id * {"way": 1, "relation": -1}[osm_type] q = ( model.Item.query.join(model.ItemLocation) .join( model.Polygon, sqlalchemy.func.ST_Covers(model.Polygon.way, model.ItemLocation.location), ) .filter(model.Polygon.src_id == src_id) ) # sql = q.statement.compile(compile_kwargs={"literal_binds": True}) item_count = q.count() items = [] for item in q: keys = ["item_id", "labels", "descriptions", "aliases", "sitelinks", "claims"] item_dict = {key: getattr(item, key) for key in keys} items.append(item_dict) return {"count": item_count, "items": items}