from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base from sqlalchemy.schema import ForeignKey, Column from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship, column_property, deferred from sqlalchemy import func from sqlalchemy.types import Integer, String, Float, Boolean, DateTime, Text from sqlalchemy.dialects import postgresql from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import cast from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_property from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declared_attr from geoalchemy2 import Geography, Geometry from collections import defaultdict from flask_login import UserMixin from .database import session, now_utc from . import wikidata, utils import json import re Base = declarative_base() Base.query = session.query_property() re_point = re.compile(r'^POINT\((.+) (.+)\)$') class Item(Base): __tablename__ = "item" item_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=False) labels = Column(postgresql.JSONB) descriptions = Column(postgresql.JSONB) aliases = Column(postgresql.JSONB) sitelinks = Column(postgresql.JSONB) claims = Column(postgresql.JSONB) lastrevid = Column(Integer, nullable=False, unique=True) locations = relationship("ItemLocation", cascade="all, delete-orphan", backref="item") qid = column_property("Q" + cast(item_id, String)) @classmethod def get_by_qid(cls, qid): if qid and len(qid) > 1 and qid[0].upper() == "Q" and qid[1:].isdigit(): return cls.query.get(qid[1:]) def get_claim(self, pid): return [i["mainsnak"]["datavalue"]["value"] if "datavalue" in i["mainsnak"] else None for i in, [])] def label(self, lang='en'): if lang in self.labels: return self.labels[lang]['value'] elif 'en' in self.labels: return self.labels['en']['value'] return list(self.labels.values())[0]['value'] def description(self, lang='en'): if lang in self.descriptions: return self.descriptions[lang]['value'] elif 'en' in self.descriptions: return self.descriptions['en']['value'] return d_list = list(self.descriptions.values()) if d_list: return d_list[0]['value'] def get_aliases(self, lang='en'): if lang not in self.aliases: if 'en' not in self.aliases: return [] lang = 'en' return [a['value'] for a in self.aliases[lang]] def get_part_of_names(self): if not return set() part_of_names = set() for p361 in'P361', []): try: part_of_id = p361['mainsnak']['datavalue']['value']['numeric-id'] except KeyError: continue if part_of_id == self.item_id: continue # avoid loop for 'part of' self-reference # TODO: download item if it doesn't exist part_of_item = Item.query.get(part_of_id) if part_of_item: names = part_of_item.names(check_part_of=False) if names: part_of_names |= names.keys() return part_of_names @property def entity(self): keys = ['labels', 'aliases', 'descriptions', 'sitelinks', 'claims'] return {key: getattr(self, key) for key in keys} def names(self, check_part_of=True): part_of_names = self.get_part_of_names() if check_part_of else set() d = wikidata.names_from_entity(self.entity) or defaultdict(list) for name, sources in list(d.items()): if len(sources) == 1 and sources[0][0] == 'image': continue for part_of_name in part_of_names: if not name.startswith(part_of_name): continue prefix_removed = name[len(part_of_name):].strip() if prefix_removed not in d: d[prefix_removed] = sources if for p6375 in'P6375', []): try: street_address = p6375['mainsnak']['datavalue']['value'] except KeyError: continue d[street_address['text']].append(('P6375', street_address.get('language'))) # A terrace of buildings can be illustrated with a photo of a single building. # We try to determine if this is the case and avoid using the filename of the # single building photo as a name for matching. def has_digit(s): return any(c.isdigit() for c in s) image_names = {name for name, sources in d.items() if len(sources) == 1 and sources[0][0] == 'image' and has_digit(name)} if not image_names: return dict(d) or None other_names = {n for n in d.keys() if n not in image_names and has_digit(n)} for image_name in image_names: for other in other_names: if not utils.is_in_range(other, image_name): continue del d[image_name] break return dict(d) or None def is_street(self): return any(v and v["id"] == 'Q79007' for v in self.get_claim("P31")) # class Claim(Base): # __tablename__ = "claim" # item_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) # property_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) # position = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) # mainsnak = Column(postgresql.JSONBB) class ItemIsA(Base): __tablename__ = 'item_isa' item_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('item.item_id'), primary_key=True) isa_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('item.item_id'), primary_key=True) item = relationship('Item', foreign_keys=[item_id]) isa = relationship('Item', foreign_keys=[isa_id]) class ItemLocation(Base): __tablename__ = "item_location" item_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("item.item_id"), primary_key=True) property_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) statement_order = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) location = Column(Geography("POINT", srid=4326, spatial_index=True), nullable=False) qid = column_property("Q" + cast(item_id, String)) pid = column_property("P" + cast(item_id, String)) def get_lat_lon(self): return session.query(func.ST_Y(self.location), func.ST_X(self.location)).one() def location_objects(coords): locations = [] for pid, coord_list in coords.items(): for num, coords in enumerate(coord_list): point = f"POINT({coords['longitude']} {coords['latitude']})" loc = ItemLocation(property_id=int(pid[1:]), statement_order=num, location=point) locations.append(loc) return locations class MapMixin: @declared_attr def __tablename__(cls): return "planet_osm_" + cls.__name__.lower() src_id = Column("osm_id", Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=False) name = Column(String) admin_level = Column(String) boundary = Column(String) tags = Column(postgresql.HSTORE) @declared_attr def way(cls): return deferred( Column(Geometry("GEOMETRY", srid=4326, spatial_index=True), nullable=False) ) @declared_attr def kml(cls): return column_property(func.ST_AsKML(cls.way), deferred=True) @declared_attr def geojson_str(cls): return column_property(func.ST_AsGeoJSON(cls.way), deferred=True) @declared_attr def as_EWKT(cls): return column_property(func.ST_AsEWKT(cls.way), deferred=True) def geojson(self): return json.loads(self.geojson_str) def get_centroid(self): centroid = session.query(func.ST_AsText(func.ST_Centroid(self.way))).scalar() lon, lat = re_point.match(centroid).groups() return (float(lat), float(lon)) @classmethod def coords_within(cls, lat, lon): point = func.ST_SetSRID(func.ST_MakePoint(lon, lat), 4326) return cls.query.filter( cls.admin_level.isnot(None), func.ST_Within(point, cls.way) ).order_by(cls.area) @property def id(self): return abs(self.src_id) # relations have negative IDs @property def identifier(self): return f"{self.type}/{}" @property def osm_url(self): return f"{self.type}/{}" class Point(MapMixin, Base): type = "node" class Line(MapMixin, Base): @property def type(self): return "way" if self.src_id > 0 else "relation" class Polygon(MapMixin, Base): way_area = Column(Float) @property def type(self): return "way" if self.src_id > 0 else "relation" @declared_attr def area(cls): return column_property(func.ST_Area(cls.way, False), deferred=True) @hybrid_property def area_in_sq_km(self): return self.area / (1000 * 1000) class User(Base, UserMixin): __tablename__ = 'user' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) username = Column(String) password = Column(String) name = Column(String) email = Column(String) active = Column(Boolean, default=True) sign_up = Column(DateTime, default=now_utc()) is_admin = Column(Boolean, default=False) description = Column(Text) img = Column(String) # OSM avatar languages = Column(postgresql.ARRAY(String)) single = Column(String) multi = Column(String) units = Column(String) wikipedia_tag = Column(Boolean, default=False) osm_id = Column(Integer, index=True) osm_account_created = Column(DateTime) osm_oauth_token = Column(String) osm_oauth_token_secret = Column(String) def is_active(self): return