from sqlalchemy import func, or_, and_, text from sqlalchemy.orm import selectinload from sqlalchemy.sql import select from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import literal, union, cast, column from sqlalchemy.types import Float from sqlalchemy.dialects import postgresql from matcher.planet import point, line, polygon from matcher import model, database, wikidata_api, wikidata from import extra_keys from collections import Counter, defaultdict from flask import g, current_app import re import os.path import json srid = 4326 re_point = re.compile(r'^POINT\((.+) (.+)\)$') entity_keys = {"labels", "sitelinks", "aliases", "claims", "descriptions", "lastrevid"} def get_country_iso3166_1(lat, lon): point = func.ST_SetSRID(func.ST_MakePoint(lon, lat), srid) alpha2_codes = set() q = model.Polygon.query.filter(func.ST_Covers(model.Polygon.way, point), model.Polygon.admin_level == "2") for country in q: alpha2 = country.tags.get("ISO3166-1") if not alpha2: continue alpha2_codes.add(alpha2) g.alpha2_codes = alpha2_codes return alpha2_codes def is_street_number_first(lat, lon): if lat is None or lon is None: return True alpha2 = get_country_iso3166_1(lat, lon) alpha2_number_first = {'GB', 'IE', 'US', 'MX', 'CA', 'FR', 'AU', 'NZ', 'ZA'} return bool(alpha2_number_first & alpha2) def make_envelope(bounds): return func.ST_MakeEnvelope(*bounds, srid) def get_bbox_centroid(bbox): bbox = make_envelope(bbox) centroid = database.session.query(func.ST_AsText(func.ST_Centroid(bbox))).scalar() return reversed(re_point.match(centroid).groups()) def make_envelope_around_point(lat, lon, distance): conn = database.session.connection() p = func.ST_MakePoint(lon, lat) s = select([ func.ST_AsText(func.ST_Project(p, distance, func.radians(0))), func.ST_AsText(func.ST_Project(p, distance, func.radians(90))), func.ST_AsText(func.ST_Project(p, distance, func.radians(180))), func.ST_AsText(func.ST_Project(p, distance, func.radians(270))), ]) row = conn.execute(s).fetchone() coords = [[float(v) for v in re_point.match(i).groups()] for i in row] north = coords[0][1] east = coords[1][0] south = coords[2][1] west = coords[3][0] return func.ST_MakeEnvelope(west, south, east, north, srid) def drop_way_area(tags): if "way_area" in tags: del tags["way_area"] return tags def get_part_of(table_name, src_id, bbox): table_map = {'point': point, 'line': line, 'polygon': polygon} table_alias = table_map[table_name].alias() s = (select([polygon.c.osm_id, polygon.c.tags, func.ST_Area(func.ST_Collect(polygon.c.way))]). where(and_(func.ST_Intersects(bbox, polygon.c.way), func.ST_Covers(polygon.c.way, table_alias.c.way), table_alias.c.osm_id == src_id, polygon.c.tags.has_key("name"), or_( polygon.c.tags.has_key("landuse"), polygon.c.tags.has_key("amenity"), ))). group_by(polygon.c.osm_id, polygon.c.tags)) conn = database.session.connection() return [{ "type": "way" if osm_id > 0 else "relation", "id": abs(osm_id), "tags": tags, "area": area, } for osm_id, tags, area in conn.execute(s)] def get_and_save_item(qid): entity = wikidata_api.get_entity(qid) entity_qid = entity["id"] if entity_qid != qid: print(f'redirect {qid} -> {entity_qid}') item = model.Item.query.get(entity_qid[1:]) return item coords = wikidata.get_entity_coords(entity["claims"]) item_id = int(qid[1:]) obj = {k: v for k, v in entity.items() if k in entity_keys} try: item = model.Item(item_id=item_id, **obj) except TypeError: print(qid) print(f'{entity["pageid"]=} {entity["ns"]=} {entity["type"]=}') print(entity.keys()) raise item.locations = model.location_objects(coords) database.session.add(item) database.session.commit() return item def get_isa_count(items): isa_count = Counter() for item in items: if not item: continue isa_list = item.get_claim("P31") for isa in isa_list: if not isa: print("missing IsA:", item.qid) continue isa_count[isa["id"]] += 1 return isa_count.most_common() def get_items_in_bbox(bbox): db_bbox = make_envelope(bbox) q = ( model.Item.query.join(model.ItemLocation) .filter(func.ST_Covers(db_bbox, model.ItemLocation.location)) .options(selectinload(model.Item.locations)) ) return q def get_osm_with_wikidata_tag(bbox): bbox_str = ','.join(str(v) for v in bbox) # easier than building this query with SQLAlchemy sql = f''' SELECT tbl, osm_id, tags, ARRAY[ST_Y(centroid), ST_X(centroid)], geojson FROM ( SELECT 'point' as tbl, osm_id, tags, ST_AsText(ST_Centroid(way)) as centroid, ST_AsGeoJSON(way) as geojson FROM planet_osm_point WHERE ST_Intersects(ST_MakeEnvelope({bbox_str}, {srid}), way) UNION SELECT 'line' as tbl, osm_id, tags, ST_AsText(ST_Centroid(ST_Collect(way))) AS centroid, ST_AsGeoJSON(ST_Collect(way)) AS geojson FROM planet_osm_line WHERE ST_Intersects(ST_MakeEnvelope({bbox_str}, {srid}), way) GROUP BY osm_id, tags UNION SELECT 'polygon' as tbl, osm_id, tags, ST_AsText(ST_Centroid(ST_Collect(way))) AS centroid, ST_AsGeoJSON(ST_Collect(way)) AS geojson FROM planet_osm_polygon WHERE ST_Intersects(ST_MakeEnvelope({bbox_str}, {srid}), way) GROUP BY osm_id, tags HAVING st_area(st_collect(way)) < 20 * st_area(ST_MakeEnvelope({bbox_str}, {srid})) ) as anon WHERE tags ? 'wikidata' ''' conn = database.session.connection() result = conn.execute(text(sql)) tagged = [] for tbl, osm_id, tags, centroid, geojson in result: if tbl == 'point': osm_type = "node" else: osm_type = "way" if osm_id > 0 else "relation" osm_id = abs(osm_id) name = tags.get("name") or tags.get("addr:housename") or "[no label]" tagged.append({ "identifier": f"{osm_type}/{osm_id}", "id": osm_id, "type": osm_type, "geojson": json.loads(geojson), "centroid": centroid, "name": name, "wikidata": tags["wikidata"], }) return tagged def get_items(item_ids): items = [] for item_id in item_ids: item = model.Item.query.get(item_id) if not item: if not get_and_save_item(f"Q{item_id}"): continue item = model.Item.query.get(item_id) items.append(item) return items def get_item_tags(item): skip_tags = {"Key:addr", "Key:addr:street", "Key:lit"} isa_items = [] isa_list = [v["numeric-id"] for v in item.get_claim("P31")] isa_items = [(isa, []) for isa in get_items(isa_list)] osm_list = defaultdict(list) skip_isa = {row[0] for row in database.session.query(model.SkipIsA.item_id)} if item.is_tram_stop(): skip_isa.add(41176) # building (Q41176) seen = set(isa_list) | skip_isa while isa_items: isa, isa_path = isa_items.pop() if not isa: continue isa_path = isa_path + [{'qid': isa.qid, 'label': isa.label()}] osm = [v for v in isa.get_claim("P1282") if v not in skip_tags] if isa.qid in extra_keys: osm += extra_keys[isa.qid] for i in osm: osm_list[i].append(isa_path[:]) subclass_of = [v["numeric-id"] for v in (isa.get_claim("P279") or []) if v] religion = [v["numeric-id"] for v in (isa.get_claim("P140") or []) if v] sport = [v["numeric-id"] for v in (isa.get_claim("P641") or []) if v] use = [v["numeric-id"] for v in (isa.get_claim("P366") or []) if v] check = subclass_of + religion + sport + use print(isa.qid, isa.label(), check) isa_list = [isa_id for isa_id in check if isa_id not in seen] seen.update(isa_list) isa_items += [(isa, isa_path) for isa in get_items(isa_list)] return {key: list(values) for key, values in osm_list.items()} def wikidata_items_count(bounds): q = ( model.Item.query.join(model.ItemLocation) .filter(func.ST_Covers(make_envelope(bounds), model.ItemLocation.location)) ) return q.count() def wikidata_isa_counts(bounds): db_bbox = make_envelope(bounds) q = ( model.Item.query.join(model.ItemLocation) .filter(func.ST_Covers(db_bbox, model.ItemLocation.location)) ) db_items = q.all() counts = get_isa_count(db_items) isa_ids = [qid[1:] for qid, count in counts] isa_items = { isa.qid: isa for isa in model.Item.query.filter(model.Item.item_id.in_(isa_ids)) } isa_count = [] for qid, count in counts: item = isa_items.get(qid) if not item: item = get_and_save_item(qid) label = item.label() if item else "[missing]" isa = { "qid": qid, "count": count, "label": label, } isa_count.append(isa) return isa_count def get_tag_filter(tags, tag_list): tag_filter = [] for tag_or_key in tag_list: if tag_or_key.startswith("Key:"): tag_filter.append(and_(tags.has_key(tag_or_key[4:]), tags[tag_or_key[4:]] != 'no')) if tag_or_key.startswith("Tag:"): k, _, v = tag_or_key.partition("=") tag_filter.append(tags[k[4:]] == v) return tag_filter def get_preset_translations(): app = current_app country_language = { 'AU': 'en-AU', # Australia 'GB': 'en-GB', # United Kingdom 'IE': 'en-GB', # Ireland 'IN': 'en-IN', # India 'NZ': 'en-NZ', # New Zealand } ts_dir = app.config["ID_TAGGING_SCHEMA_DIR"] translation_dir = os.path.join(ts_dir, "dist", "translations") for code in g.alpha2_codes: if code not in country_language: continue filename = os.path.join(translation_dir, country_language[code] + ".json") return json.load(open(filename))["en-GB"]["presets"]["presets"] return {} def get_presets_from_tags(ending, tags): translations = get_preset_translations() found = [] for k, v in tags.items(): if k == 'amenity' and v == 'clock' and tags.get('display') == 'sundial': tag_or_key = f"Tag:{k}={v}" found.append({"tag_or_key": tag_or_key, "name": "Sundial"}) continue match = find_preset_file(k, v, ending) if not match: continue preset = match["preset"] if preset in translations: match["name"] = translations[preset]["name"] else: match["name"] = json.load(open(match["filename"]))["name"] del match["filename"] found.append(match) return found def find_preset_file(k, v, ending): app = current_app ts_dir = app.config["ID_TAGGING_SCHEMA_DIR"] preset_dir = os.path.join(ts_dir, "data", "presets") filename = os.path.join(preset_dir, k, v + ".json") if os.path.exists(filename): return { "tag_or_key": f"Tag:{k}={v}", "preset": f"{k}/{v}", "filename": filename, } filename = os.path.join(preset_dir, k, f"{v}_{ending}.json") if os.path.exists(filename): return { "tag_or_key": f"Tag:{k}={v}", "preset": f"{k}/{v}", "filename": filename, } filename = os.path.join(preset_dir, k, "_" + v + ".json") if os.path.exists(filename): return { "tag_or_key": f"Tag:{k}={v}", "preset": f"{k}/{v}", "filename": filename, } filename = os.path.join(preset_dir, k + ".json") if os.path.exists(filename): return { "tag_or_key": f"Key:{k}", "preset": k, "filename": filename, } def address_from_tags(tags): keys = ["street", "housenumber"] if not all("addr:" + k in tags for k in keys): return if g.street_number_first: keys.reverse() return " ".join(tags["addr:" + k] for k in keys) def old_get_address_nodes_within_building(building, bbox): db_bbox = make_envelope(bbox) ewkt = building.as_EWKT q = model.Point.query.filter( func.ST_Intersects(db_bbox, model.Point.way), func.ST_Covers(func.ST_GeomFromEWKT(ewkt), model.Point.way), model.Point.tags.has_key("addr:street"), model.Point.tags.has_key("addr:housenumber"), ) return [node.tags for node in q] def get_address_nodes_within_building(osm_id, bbox): q = model.Point.query.filter( polygon.c.osm_id == osm_id, func.ST_Intersects(bbox, model.Point.way), func.ST_Covers(polygon.c.way, model.Point.way), model.Point.tags.has_key("addr:street"), model.Point.tags.has_key("addr:housenumber"), ) return [node.tags for node in q] def osm_display_name(tags): keys = ("bridge:name", "tunnel:name", "lock_name", "name", "addr:housename", "inscription") for key in keys: if key in tags: return tags[key] def street_address_in_tags(tags): return "addr:housenumber" in tags and "addr:street" in tags def find_osm_candidates(item, limit=60, max_distance=400, names=None): item_id = item.item_id item_is_street = item.is_street() print("is street:", item_is_street) check_is_street_number_first(item.locations[0].get_lat_lon()) db_bbox = or_(*[make_envelope_around_point(*loc.get_lat_lon(), max_distance) for loc in item.locations]) null_area = cast(None, Float) dist = column('dist') tags = column('tags', postgresql.HSTORE) tag_list = get_item_tags(item) s_point = (select([literal('point'), point.c.osm_id, point.c.tags.label('tags'), func.min(func.ST_DistanceSphere(model.ItemLocation.location, point.c.way)).label('dist'), func.ST_AsText(point.c.way), func.ST_AsGeoJSON(point.c.way), null_area]). where(and_( func.ST_Intersects(db_bbox, point.c.way), model.ItemLocation.item_id == item_id, or_(*get_tag_filter(point.c.tags, tag_list)))). group_by(point.c.osm_id, point.c.tags, point.c.way)) s_line = (select([literal('line'), line.c.osm_id, line.c.tags.label('tags'), func.min(func.ST_DistanceSphere(model.ItemLocation.location, line.c.way)).label('dist'), func.ST_AsText(func.ST_Centroid(func.ST_Collect(line.c.way))), func.ST_AsGeoJSON(func.ST_Collect(line.c.way)), null_area]). where(and_( func.ST_Intersects(db_bbox, line.c.way), model.ItemLocation.item_id == item_id, or_(*get_tag_filter(line.c.tags, tag_list)))). group_by(line.c.osm_id, line.c.tags)) s_polygon = (select([literal('polygon'), polygon.c.osm_id, polygon.c.tags.label('tags'), func.min(func.ST_DistanceSphere(model.ItemLocation.location, polygon.c.way)).label('dist'), func.ST_AsText(func.ST_Centroid(func.ST_Collect(polygon.c.way))), func.ST_AsGeoJSON(func.ST_Collect(polygon.c.way)), func.ST_Area(func.ST_Collect(polygon.c.way))]). where(and_( func.ST_Intersects(db_bbox, polygon.c.way), model.ItemLocation.item_id == item_id, or_(*get_tag_filter(polygon.c.tags, tag_list)))). group_by(polygon.c.osm_id, polygon.c.tags). having(func.ST_Area(func.ST_Collect(polygon.c.way)) < 20 * func.ST_Area(db_bbox))) tables = ([] if item_is_street else [s_point]) + [s_line, s_polygon] s = select([union(*tables).alias()]).where(dist < max_distance).order_by(dist) if names: s = s.where(tags["name"].in_(names)) if item_is_street: s = s.where(tags["highway"] != "bus_stop") if not names: s = s.where(tags.has_key("name")) if "Key:amenity" in tag_list: s = s.where(and_(tags["amenity"] != "bicycle_parking", tags["amenity"] != "bicycle_repair_station", tags["amenity"] != "atm", tags["amenity"] != "recycling")) if limit: s = s.limit(limit) print(s.compile(compile_kwargs={"literal_binds": True})) conn = database.session.connection() nearby = [] for table, src_id, tags, distance, centroid, geojson, area in conn.execute(s): osm_id = src_id if table == "point": osm_type = "node" elif osm_id > 0: osm_type = "way" else: osm_type = "relation" osm_id = -osm_id tags.pop("way_area", None) name = osm_display_name(tags) if not name and street_address_in_tags(tags): name = address_from_tags(tags) if table == "polygon" and "building" in tags: address_nodes = get_address_nodes_within_building(src_id, db_bbox) address_list = [address_from_tags(addr) for addr in address_nodes] else: address_list = [] shape = "area" if table == "polygon" else table cur = { "identifier": f"{osm_type}/{osm_id}", "type": osm_type, "id": osm_id, "distance": distance, "name": name, "tags": tags, "geojson": json.loads(geojson), "presets": get_presets_from_tags(shape, tags), "address_list": address_list, "centroid": list(reversed(re_point.match(centroid).groups())), } if area is not None: cur["area"] = area part_of = [i for i in get_part_of(table, src_id, db_bbox) if i["tags"]["name"] != name] if part_of: cur["part_of"] = part_of if address := address_from_tags(tags): cur["address"] = address nearby.append(cur) return nearby def get_item(item_id): item = model.Item.query.get(item_id) if item: return item item = get_and_save_item(f"Q{item_id}") database.session.add(item) database.session.commit() return item def get_item_street_addresses(item): street_address = [addr["text"] for addr in item.get_claim("P6375") if addr] if street_address or "P669" not in return street_address for claim in["P669"]: qualifiers = claim.get("qualifiers") if not qualifiers or 'P670' not in qualifiers: continue number = qualifiers["P670"][0]["datavalue"]["value"] street_item = get_item(claim["mainsnak"]["datavalue"]["value"]["numeric-id"]) street = street_item.label() for q in qualifiers["P670"]: number = q["datavalue"]["value"] address = (f"{number} {street}" if g.street_number_first else f"{street} {number}") street_address.append(address) return street_address def check_is_street_number_first(latlng): g.street_number_first = is_street_number_first(*latlng) def item_detail(item): locations = [list(i.get_lat_lon()) for i in item.locations] if not hasattr(g, 'street_number_first'): g.street_number_first = is_street_number_first(*locations[0]) image_filenames = item.get_claim("P18") street_address = get_item_street_addresses(item) d = { "qid": item.qid, "label": item.label(), "description": item.description(), "markers": locations, "image_list": image_filenames, "street_address": street_address, "isa_list": item.get_isa_qids(), "closed": item.closed(), } if aliases := item.get_aliases(): d["aliases"] = aliases return d def get_markers(all_items): return [item_detail(item) for item in all_items if item] def wikidata_items(bounds): check_is_street_number_first(get_bbox_centroid(bounds)) q = get_items_in_bbox(bounds) db_items = q.all() items = get_markers(db_items) counts = get_isa_count(db_items) isa_ids = [qid[1:] for qid, count in counts] isa_items = { isa.qid: isa for isa in model.Item.query.filter(model.Item.item_id.in_(isa_ids)) } isa_count = [] for qid, count in counts: item = isa_items.get(qid) if not item: item = get_and_save_item(qid) label = item.label() if item else "[missing]" isa = { "qid": qid, "count": count, "label": label, } isa_count.append(isa) return {'items': items, 'isa_count': isa_count} def missing_wikidata_items(qids, lat, lon): g.street_number_first = is_street_number_first(lat, lon) db_items = [] for qid in qids: item = model.Item.query.get(qid[1:]) if not item: item = get_and_save_item(qid) db_items.append(item) items = get_markers(db_items) counts = get_isa_count(db_items) isa_ids = [qid[1:] for qid, count in counts] isa_items = { isa.qid: isa for isa in model.Item.query.filter(model.Item.item_id.in_(isa_ids)) } isa_count = [] for qid, count in counts: item = isa_items.get(qid) if not item: item = get_and_save_item(qid) label = item.label() if item else "[missing]" isa = { "qid": qid, "count": count, "label": label, } isa_count.append(isa) return dict(items=items, isa_count=isa_count)