
214 lines
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"""Utility functions."""
import json
import math
import os.path
import re
import typing
from datetime import date
from itertools import islice
from typing import Any, cast
import flask
import user_agents
from num2words import num2words
metres_per_mile = 1609.344
feet_per_metre = 3.28084
feet_per_mile = 5280
T = typing.TypeVar("T")
def chunk(it: typing.Iterable[T], size: int) -> typing.Iterator[tuple[T, ...]]:
"""Split an iterable into chunks of the given size."""
it = iter(it)
return iter(lambda: tuple(islice(it, size)), ())
def flatten(top_list: list[list[T]]) -> list[T]:
"""Flatten a list."""
return [item for sub_list in top_list for item in sub_list]
def drop_start(s: str, start: str) -> str:
"""Remove string prefix, otherwise throw an error."""
assert s.startswith(start)
return s[len(start) :]
def remove_start(s: str, start: str) -> str:
"""Remove a string prefix, if present."""
return s[len(start) :] if s.startswith(start) else s
def normalize_url(url: str) -> str:
"""Standardize URLs to help in comparison."""
for start in "http://", "https://", "www.":
url = remove_start(url, start)
return url.rstrip("/")
def contains_digit(s: str) -> bool:
"""Check if string contains a digit."""
return any(c.isdigit() for c in s)
def cache_dir() -> str:
"""Get cache dir location."""
d: str = flask.current_app.config["CACHE_DIR"]
return d
def cache_filename(filename: str) -> str:
"""Get absolute path for cache file."""
return os.path.join(cache_dir(), filename)
def load_from_cache(filename: str) -> Any:
"""Load JSON data from cache."""
return json.load(open(cache_filename(filename)))
def get_radius(default: int = 1000) -> int | None:
"""Get radius request argument with default."""
arg_radius = flask.request.args.get("radius")
return int(arg_radius) if arg_radius and arg_radius.isdigit() else default
def get_int_arg(name: str) -> int | None:
"""Get an request arg and convert to integer."""
v = flask.request.args.get(name)
return int(v) if v and v.isdigit() else None
def calc_chunk_size(area_in_sq_km: float, size: int = 22) -> int:
"""Work out the size of a chunk."""
side = math.sqrt(area_in_sq_km)
return max(1, math.ceil(side / size))
def file_missing_or_empty(filename: str) -> bool:
"""Check if a file is missing or empty."""
return os.path.exists(filename) or os.stat(filename).st_size == 0
def is_bot() -> bool:
"""Is the current request from a web robot."""
ua = flask.request.headers.get("User-Agent")
return bool(ua and user_agents.parse(ua).is_bot)
def log_location() -> str:
"""Get log location from Flask config."""
return cast(str, flask.current_app.config["LOG_DIR"])
def capfirst(value: str) -> str:
"""Uppercase first letter of string, leave rest as is."""
return value[0].upper() + value[1:] if value else value
def any_upper(value: str) -> bool:
"""Check if string contains any uppercase characters."""
return any(c.isupper() for c in value)
def get_free_space(config: flask.config.Config) -> int:
"""Return the amount of available free space."""
s = os.statvfs(config["FREE_SPACE_PATH"])
return s.f_bsize * s.f_bavail
def metric_display_distance(units: str, dist: float) -> str | None:
"""Convert distance from metres to the specified metric units."""
if units == "km_and_metres":
units = "km" if dist > 500 else "metres"
if units == "metres":
return f"{dist:,.0f} m"
if units == "km":
return f"{dist / 1000:,.2f} km"
return None
def display_distance(units: str, dist: float) -> str | None:
"""Convert distance from metres to the specified units."""
if units in ("miles_and_feet", "miles_and_yards"):
total_feet = dist * feet_per_metre
miles = total_feet / feet_per_mile
if miles > 0.5:
return f"{miles:,.2f} miles"
return {
"miles_and_feet": f"{total_feet:,.0f} feet",
"miles_and_yards": f"{total_feet / 3:,.0f} yards",
if units == "miles_and_metres":
miles = dist / metres_per_mile
return f"{miles:,.2f} miles" if miles > 0.5 else f"{dist:,.0f} metres"
return metric_display_distance(units, dist)
def is_in_range(address_range: str, address: str) -> bool:
"""Check if an address is within a range."""
re_range = re.compile(r"\b(\d+) ?(?:to|-) ?(\d+)\b", re.I)
re_number_list = re.compile(r"\b([\d, ]+) (?:and|&) (\d+)\b", re.I)
re_number = re.compile(r"^(?:No\.?|Number)? ?(\d+)\b")
m_number = re_number.match(address)
if not m_number:
return False
m_range = re_range.search(address_range)
if m_range:
start, end = int(m_range.group(1)), int(m_range.group(2))
if re_range.search(address):
return False
return start <= int(m_number.group(1)) <= end
m_list = re_number_list.search(address_range)
if m_list:
numbers = {n.strip() for n in m_list.group(1).split(",")} | {m_list.group(2)}
if re_number_list.search(address):
return False
return m_number.group(1) in numbers
return False
class WikibaseTime(typing.TypedDict):
"""Wikibase Time dict."""
precision: int
time: str
def format_wikibase_time(v: WikibaseTime) -> str | None:
"""Format Wikibase time value into human readable string."""
t = v["time"]
ordinal_num: str
match v["precision"]:
case 11: # year, month and day
return date.fromisoformat(t[1:11]).strftime("%-d %B %Y")
case 10: # year and month
return date.fromisoformat(t[1:8] + "-01").strftime("%B %Y")
case 9: # year
return t[1:5]
case 8: # decade
return f"{t[1:4]}0s"
case 7: # century
century = ((int(t[:5]) - 1) // 100) + 1
ordinal_num = num2words(abs(century), to="ordinal_num")
return f"{ordinal_num} century{' BC' if century < 0 else ''}"
case 6: # millennium
millennium = ((int(t[:5]) - 1) // 1000) + 1
ordinal_num = num2words(abs(millennium), to="ordinal_num")
return f"{ordinal_num} millennium{' BC' if millennium < 0 else ''}"
case _: # not handled
return None