#!/usr/bin/python3 import html import itertools import json import re import typing import flask import werkzeug from requests_oauthlib import OAuth1Session from werkzeug.wrappers.response import Response from add_links import api, core, mediawiki_api, wikidata_oauth from add_links.match import NoMatch, get_diff, get_match app = flask.Flask(__name__) app.config.from_object("config.default") app.debug = True wiki_hostname = "en.wikipedia.org" wiki_api_php = f"https://{wiki_hostname}/w/api.php" wiki_index_php = f"https://{wiki_hostname}/w/index.php" class Hit(typing.TypedDict): """Candidate articles.""" ns: int title: str pageid: int size: int wordcount: int snippet: str timestamp: str re_disambig = re.compile(r"^(.*) \((.*)\)$") def load_examples() -> list[dict[str, str | int]]: """Load examples.""" return [json.loads(line) for line in open("examples")] def article_title_to_search_query(title: str) -> str: """Convert from article title to search query string.""" m = re_disambig.match(title) return f'"{m.group(1)}" AND "{m.group(2)}"' if m else f'"{title}"' def run_search(q: str, limit: int | str = "max") -> dict[str, typing.Any]: """Search Wikipedia.""" params = {"list": "search", "srwhat": "text", "srlimit": limit, "srsearch": q} return typing.cast(dict[str, typing.Any], api.api_get(params)["query"]) def article_url(title: str) -> str: """URL for search page.""" return flask.url_for("article_page", url_title=title.replace(" ", "_")) def search_count(q: str) -> int: """How often does this article title appear in Wikipedia.""" query = run_search(article_title_to_search_query(q), limit=0) return typing.cast(int, query["searchinfo"]["totalhits"]) - 1 def search_count_with_link(q: str) -> int: """How often does this article title appear in Wikipedia.""" query = run_search(article_title_to_search_query(q) + f' linksto:"{q}"', limit=0) return typing.cast(int, query["searchinfo"]["totalhits"]) def search_no_link(q: str) -> tuple[int, list[Hit]]: """Search for mentions of article title with no link included.""" query = run_search(article_title_to_search_query(q) + f' -linksto:"{q}"', "max") totalhits = query["searchinfo"]["totalhits"] results = query["search"] return (totalhits, results) @app.before_request def global_user() -> None: """Make username available everywhere.""" flask.g.user = wikidata_oauth.get_username() @app.route("/") def index() -> str | Response: """Index page.""" if "oauth_verifier" in flask.request.args and "oauth_token" in flask.request.args: url = flask.url_for("oauth_callback", **flask.request.args) # type: ignore return flask.redirect(url) examples = load_examples() examples.sort( key=lambda i: float(i["with_links"]) / float(i["total"]), reverse=True ) if q := flask.request.args.get("q"): if q_trimmed := q.strip(): return flask.redirect(article_url(q_trimmed)) return flask.render_template( "index.html", examples=examples, article_url=article_url ) def case_flip(s: str) -> str: """Switch case of character.""" if s.islower(): return s.upper() if s.isupper(): return s.lower() return s def case_flip_first(s: str) -> str: """Switch case of first character in string.""" return case_flip(s[0]) + s[1:] def tidy_snippet(snippet: str) -> str: """Remove HTML from snippet.""" snippet = snippet.replace("\u2013", "-") snippet = snippet.replace("", "") snippet = snippet.replace('', "") return html.unescape(snippet) @app.route("/oauth/start") def start_oauth() -> Response: """Start OAuth.""" next_page = flask.request.args.get("next") if next_page: flask.session["after_login"] = next_page client_key = app.config["CLIENT_KEY"] client_secret = app.config["CLIENT_SECRET"] request_token_url = wiki_index_php + "?title=Special%3aOAuth%2finitiate" oauth = OAuth1Session(client_key, client_secret=client_secret, callback_uri="oob") fetch_response = oauth.fetch_request_token(request_token_url) flask.session["owner_key"] = fetch_response.get("oauth_token") flask.session["owner_secret"] = fetch_response.get("oauth_token_secret") base_authorization_url = f"https://{wiki_hostname}/wiki/Special:OAuth/authorize" authorization_url = oauth.authorization_url( base_authorization_url, oauth_consumer_key=client_key ) return flask.redirect(authorization_url) @app.route("/oauth/callback", methods=["GET"]) def oauth_callback() -> werkzeug.wrappers.response.Response: """Oauth callback.""" client_key = app.config["CLIENT_KEY"] client_secret = app.config["CLIENT_SECRET"] oauth = OAuth1Session( client_key, client_secret=client_secret, resource_owner_key=flask.session["owner_key"], resource_owner_secret=flask.session["owner_secret"], ) oauth_response = oauth.parse_authorization_response(flask.request.url) verifier = oauth_response.get("oauth_verifier") access_token_url = wiki_index_php + "?title=Special%3aOAuth%2ftoken" oauth = OAuth1Session( client_key, client_secret=client_secret, resource_owner_key=flask.session["owner_key"], resource_owner_secret=flask.session["owner_secret"], verifier=verifier, ) oauth_tokens = oauth.fetch_access_token(access_token_url) flask.session["owner_key"] = oauth_tokens.get("oauth_token") flask.session["owner_secret"] = oauth_tokens.get("oauth_token_secret") print("login successful") next_page = flask.session.get("after_login") return flask.redirect(next_page if next_page else flask.url_for("index")) @app.route("/oauth/disconnect") def oauth_disconnect() -> werkzeug.wrappers.response.Response: """Disconnect OAuth.""" for key in "owner_key", "owner_secret", "username", "after_login": if key in flask.session: del flask.session[key] return flask.redirect(flask.url_for("index")) def match_type(q: str, snippet: str) -> str | None: """Discover match type, ''exact', 'case_mismatch' or None. >>> match_type('foo', 'foo') 'exact' >>> match_type('foo', 'bar') is None True >>> match_type('bar', 'foo bar baz') 'exact' >>> match_type('clean coal technology', 'foo clean coal technologies baz') 'exact' >>> match_type('bar', 'foo Bar baz') 'exact' >>> match_type('bar', 'foo BAR baz') 'case_mismatch' >>> match_type('foo-bar', 'aa foo-bar cc') 'exact' >>> match_type(u'foo\u2013bar', 'aa foo-bar cc') 'exact' """ q = q.replace("\u2013", "-") snippet = tidy_snippet(snippet) if q in snippet or case_flip_first(q) in snippet: return "exact" match = None if q.lower() in snippet.lower(): match = "case_mismatch" if match != "exact" and q.endswith("y"): if q[:-1] in snippet or case_flip_first(q[:-1]) in snippet: return "exact" elif match is None: if q[:-1].lower() in snippet.lower(): match = "case_mismatch" return match class NoGoodHit(Exception): pass def get_best_hit(title: str, hits: list[Hit]) -> tuple[Hit, dict[str, typing.Any]]: """Find the best hit within the search results.""" for hit in hits: if hit["title"].lower() == title.lower(): continue if match_type(title, hit["snippet"]) != "exact": continue try: print(f'get diff: {hit["title"]}, {title}') found = get_diff(title, hit["title"], None) except NoMatch: print("no match") continue return (hit, found) raise NoGoodHit @app.route("/link/", methods=["GET", "POST"]) def article_page(url_title: str) -> str | Response: """Article page.""" from_title = url_title.replace("_", " ").strip() if flask.request.method == "POST": hit_title = flask.request.form["hit"] do_save(from_title, hit_title) return flask.redirect( flask.url_for("article_page", url_title=url_title, after=hit_title) ) total = search_count(from_title) with_link = search_count_with_link(from_title) no_link_count, hits = search_no_link(from_title) after = flask.request.args.get("after") if after: print(after) hits_iter = itertools.dropwhile(lambda hit: hit["title"] != after, hits) skip = next(hits_iter, None) if skip: hits = list(hits_iter) try: hit, found = get_best_hit(from_title, hits) except NoGoodHit: return flask.render_template("all_done.html") return flask.render_template( "article2.html", title=from_title, total=total, with_link=with_link, hit=hit, replacement=found["replacement"], diff=found["diff"], found=found, url_title=url_title, ) def do_save(title: str, hit_title: str) -> str: """Update page on Wikipedia.""" token = wikidata_oauth.get_token() found = get_match(title, hit_title, None) summary = ( f"link [[{found['replacement']}]] using [[:en:User:Edward/Find link|Find link]]" ) edit = mediawiki_api.edit_page( pageid=found["pageid"], section=found["section_num"], text=found["section_text"], summary=summary, baserevid=found["revid"], token=token, ) return edit @app.route("/saved") def save_done() -> str: """Save complete.""" return flask.render_template("save_done.html") @app.route("/api/1/hits") def api_hits() -> werkzeug.wrappers.response.Response: """Return canidates for the given article title.""" title = flask.request.args.get("title") assert title ret = core.do_search(title) return flask.jsonify(title=title, hits=ret["results"]) # mock_hits: list[Hit] = json.load(open("sample.json")) # return flask.jsonify(title=title, hits=mock_hits) @app.route("/api/1/valid_hit") def api_valid_hit() -> werkzeug.wrappers.response.Response: """Return canidates for the given article title.""" link_from = flask.request.args.get("link_from") link_to = flask.request.args.get("link_to") try: diff, replacement = get_diff(link_to, link_from, None) except NoMatch: return flask.jsonify(valid=False) return flask.jsonify(valid=True, diff=diff, replacement=replacement) @app.route("/favicon.ico") def favicon() -> Response: """No favicon.""" return flask.Response(status=404) if __name__ == "__main__": app.run(host="", port=8000)