#!/usr/bin/python3 import html import itertools import json import re import typing import flask import werkzeug from requests_oauthlib import OAuth1Session from werkzeug.wrappers.response import Response from add_links import api, core, mediawiki_api, mediawiki_oauth from add_links.match import NoMatch, get_diff, get_match app = flask.Flask(__name__) app.config.from_object("config.default") app.debug = True wiki_hostname = "en.wikipedia.org" wiki_api_php = f"https://{wiki_hostname}/w/api.php" wiki_index_php = f"https://{wiki_hostname}/w/index.php" class Hit(typing.TypedDict): """Candidate articles.""" ns: int title: str pageid: int size: int wordcount: int snippet: str timestamp: str def load_examples() -> list[dict[str, str | int]]: """Load examples.""" return [json.loads(line) for line in open("examples")] def article_title_to_search_query(title: str) -> str: """ Convert a Wikipedia article title to a search query string. This function takes a Wikipedia article title and parses it to create a search query. If the title contains disambiguation text in parentheses, it separates the main title and the disambiguation text and formats them into a search query using an AND operator. If there's no disambiguation text, the title is used as is for the search query. The search query is formatted such that the main title and the disambiguation text (if present) are enclosed in double quotes and connected with 'AND'. This format is useful for precise search engine queries. Args: title (str): The Wikipedia article title, possibly including disambiguation text in parentheses. Returns: str: A formatted search query string. If disambiguation text is present, returns '"[main title]" AND "[disambiguation text]"'. Otherwise, returns '"[title]"'. Example: >>> article_title_to_search_query("Python (programming language)") '"Python" AND "programming language"' >>> article_title_to_search_query("London") '"London"' """ m = re.match(r"^(.*) \((.*)\)$", title) return f'"{m.group(1)}" AND "{m.group(2)}"' if m else f'"{title}"' def run_search(q: str, limit: int | str = "max") -> dict[str, typing.Any]: """Search Wikipedia.""" params = {"list": "search", "srwhat": "text", "srlimit": limit, "srsearch": q} return typing.cast(dict[str, typing.Any], api.api_get(params)["query"]) def article_url(title: str) -> str: """URL for search page.""" return flask.url_for("article_page", url_title=title.replace(" ", "_")) def search_count(q: str) -> int: """How often does this article title appear in Wikipedia.""" query = run_search(article_title_to_search_query(q), limit=0) return typing.cast(int, query["searchinfo"]["totalhits"]) - 1 def search_count_with_link(q: str) -> int: """How often does this article title appear in Wikipedia.""" query = run_search(article_title_to_search_query(q) + f' linksto:"{q}"', limit=0) return typing.cast(int, query["searchinfo"]["totalhits"]) def search_no_link(q: str) -> tuple[int, list[Hit]]: """Search for mentions of article title with no link included.""" query = run_search(article_title_to_search_query(q) + f' -linksto:"{q}"', "max") totalhits = query["searchinfo"]["totalhits"] results = query["search"] return (totalhits, results) @app.before_request def global_user() -> None: """Make username available everywhere.""" flask.g.user = mediawiki_oauth.get_username() @app.route("/") def index() -> str | Response: """Index page.""" if "oauth_verifier" in flask.request.args and "oauth_token" in flask.request.args: url = flask.url_for("oauth_callback", **flask.request.args) # type: ignore return flask.redirect(url) examples = load_examples() examples.sort( key=lambda i: float(i["with_links"]) / float(i["total"]), reverse=True ) if q := flask.request.args.get("q"): if q_trimmed := q.strip(): return flask.redirect(article_url(q_trimmed)) return flask.render_template( "index.html", examples=examples, article_url=article_url ) def case_flip(s: str) -> str: """Switch case of character.""" if s.islower(): return s.upper() if s.isupper(): return s.lower() return s def case_flip_first(s: str) -> str: """Switch case of first character in string.""" return case_flip(s[0]) + s[1:] def tidy_snippet(snippet: str) -> str: """Remove HTML from snippet.""" snippet = snippet.replace("\u2013", "-") snippet = snippet.replace("", "") snippet = snippet.replace('', "") return html.unescape(snippet) @app.route("/oauth/start") def start_oauth() -> Response: """Start OAuth.""" next_page = flask.request.args.get("next") if next_page: flask.session["after_login"] = next_page client_key = app.config["CLIENT_KEY"] client_secret = app.config["CLIENT_SECRET"] request_token_url = wiki_index_php + "?title=Special%3aOAuth%2finitiate" oauth = OAuth1Session(client_key, client_secret=client_secret, callback_uri="oob") fetch_response = oauth.fetch_request_token(request_token_url) flask.session["owner_key"] = fetch_response.get("oauth_token") flask.session["owner_secret"] = fetch_response.get("oauth_token_secret") assert flask.session["owner_key"] and flask.session["owner_secret"] base_authorization_url = f"https://{wiki_hostname}/wiki/Special:OAuth/authorize" authorization_url = oauth.authorization_url( base_authorization_url, oauth_consumer_key=client_key ) return flask.redirect(authorization_url) @app.route("/oauth/callback", methods=["GET"]) def oauth_callback() -> werkzeug.wrappers.response.Response: """Oauth callback.""" client_key = app.config["CLIENT_KEY"] client_secret = app.config["CLIENT_SECRET"] oauth = OAuth1Session( client_key, client_secret=client_secret, resource_owner_key=flask.session.get("owner_key"), resource_owner_secret=flask.session.get("owner_secret"), ) oauth_response = oauth.parse_authorization_response(flask.request.url) verifier = oauth_response.get("oauth_verifier") access_token_url = wiki_index_php + "?title=Special%3aOAuth%2ftoken" oauth = OAuth1Session( client_key, client_secret=client_secret, resource_owner_key=flask.session["owner_key"], resource_owner_secret=flask.session["owner_secret"], verifier=verifier, ) oauth_tokens = oauth.fetch_access_token(access_token_url) flask.session["owner_key"] = oauth_tokens.get("oauth_token") flask.session["owner_secret"] = oauth_tokens.get("oauth_token_secret") print("login successful") next_page = flask.session.get("after_login") return flask.redirect(next_page if next_page else flask.url_for("index")) @app.route("/oauth/disconnect") def oauth_disconnect() -> werkzeug.wrappers.response.Response: """Disconnect OAuth.""" for key in "owner_key", "owner_secret", "username", "after_login": if key in flask.session: del flask.session[key] return flask.redirect(flask.url_for("index")) def match_type(q: str, snippet: str) -> str | None: """Discover match type, ''exact', 'case_mismatch' or None. >>> match_type('foo', 'foo') 'exact' >>> match_type('foo', 'bar') is None True >>> match_type('bar', 'foo bar baz') 'exact' >>> match_type('clean coal technology', 'foo clean coal technologies baz') 'exact' >>> match_type('bar', 'foo Bar baz') 'exact' >>> match_type('bar', 'foo BAR baz') 'case_mismatch' >>> match_type('foo-bar', 'aa foo-bar cc') 'exact' >>> match_type(u'foo\u2013bar', 'aa foo-bar cc') 'exact' """ q = q.replace("\u2013", "-") snippet = tidy_snippet(snippet) if q in snippet or case_flip_first(q) in snippet: return "exact" match = None if q.lower() in snippet.lower(): match = "case_mismatch" if match != "exact" and q.endswith("y"): if q[:-1] in snippet or case_flip_first(q[:-1]) in snippet: return "exact" elif match is None: if q[:-1].lower() in snippet.lower(): match = "case_mismatch" return match class NoGoodHit(Exception): """No good hit.""" def get_best_hit(title: str, hits: list[Hit]) -> tuple[Hit, dict[str, typing.Any]]: """Find the best hit within the search results.""" for hit in hits: if hit["title"].lower() == title.lower(): continue if match_type(title, hit["snippet"]) != "exact": continue try: print(f'get diff: {hit["title"]}, {title}') found = get_diff(title, hit["title"], None) except NoMatch: print("no match") continue return (hit, found) raise NoGoodHit @app.route("/link/", methods=["GET", "POST"]) def article_page(url_title: str) -> str | Response: """Article page.""" from_title = url_title.replace("_", " ").strip() if flask.request.method == "POST": hit_title = flask.request.form["hit"] try: do_save(from_title, hit_title) except mediawiki_oauth.LoginNeeded: return flask.redirect(flask.url_for("start_oauth")) return flask.redirect( flask.url_for("article_page", url_title=url_title, after=hit_title) ) article_title = flask.request.args.get("title") total = search_count(from_title) with_link = search_count_with_link(from_title) no_link_count, hits = search_no_link(from_title) by_title = {hit["title"]: hit for hit in hits} found = None if article_title in by_title: hit = by_title[article_title] try: found = get_diff(from_title, hit["title"], None) except NoMatch: pass if not found: after = flask.request.args.get("after") if after: print(after) hits_iter = itertools.dropwhile(lambda hit: hit["title"] != after, hits) skip = next(hits_iter, None) if skip: hits = list(hits_iter) try: hit, found = get_best_hit(from_title, hits) except NoGoodHit: return flask.render_template("all_done.html") return flask.render_template( "article.html", title=from_title, total=total, with_link=with_link, hit_title=hit["title"], hits=hits, replacement=found["replacement"], diff=found["diff"], found=found, url_title=url_title, ) def do_save(title: str, hit_title: str) -> str: """Update page on Wikipedia.""" token = mediawiki_oauth.get_token() found = get_match(title, hit_title, None) summary = ( f"link [[{found['replacement']}]] using [[:en:User:Edward/Find link|Find link]]" ) edit = mediawiki_api.edit_page( pageid=found["pageid"], section=found["section_num"], text=found["section_text"], summary=summary, baserevid=found["revid"], token=token, ) return edit @app.route("/saved") def save_done() -> str: """Save complete.""" return flask.render_template("save_done.html") @app.route("/api/1/hits") def api_hits() -> werkzeug.wrappers.response.Response: """Return canidates for the given article title.""" title = flask.request.args.get("title") assert title ret = core.do_search(title) return flask.jsonify(title=title, hits=ret["results"]) # mock_hits: list[Hit] = json.load(open("sample.json")) # return flask.jsonify(title=title, hits=mock_hits) @app.route("/api/1/valid_hit") def api_valid_hit() -> werkzeug.wrappers.response.Response: """Return canidates for the given article title.""" link_from = flask.request.args["link_from"] link_to = flask.request.args["link_to"] try: diff, replacement = get_diff(link_to, link_from, None) except NoMatch: return flask.jsonify(valid=False) return flask.jsonify(valid=True, diff=diff, replacement=replacement) @app.route("/favicon.ico") def favicon() -> Response: """No favicon.""" return flask.Response(status=404) if __name__ == "__main__": app.run(host="", port=8000)