#!/usr/bin/python3 """Combined update script for various data sources.""" import asyncio import os import sys import typing from datetime import date, datetime from time import time import deepdiff # type: ignore import flask import requests import yaml import agenda.bristol_waste import agenda.fx import agenda.geomob import agenda.gwr import agenda.mail import agenda.thespacedevs import agenda.types import agenda.uk_holiday from agenda.types import StrDict from web_view import app async def update_bank_holidays(config: flask.config.Config) -> None: """Update cached copy of UK Bank holidays.""" t0 = time() events = await agenda.uk_holiday.get_holiday_list(config["DATA_DIR"]) time_taken = time() - t0 if not sys.stdin.isatty(): return print(len(events), "bank holidays in list") print(f"took {time_taken:.1f} seconds") async def update_bristol_bins(config: flask.config.Config) -> None: """Update waste schedule from Bristol City Council.""" t0 = time() events = await agenda.bristol_waste.get( date.today(), config["DATA_DIR"], config["BRISTOL_UPRN"], refresh=True ) time_taken = time() - t0 if not sys.stdin.isatty(): return for event in events: print(event) print(f"took {time_taken:.1f} seconds") def update_gwr_advance_ticket_date(config: flask.config.Config) -> None: """Update GWR advance ticket date cache.""" filename = os.path.join(config["DATA_DIR"], "advance-tickets.html") existing_html = open(filename).read() existing_dates = agenda.gwr.extract_dates(existing_html) assert existing_dates assert list(existing_dates.keys()) == ["Weekdays", "Saturdays", "Sundays"] new_html = requests.get(agenda.gwr.url).text new_dates = agenda.gwr.extract_dates(new_html) assert new_dates assert list(new_dates.keys()) == ["Weekdays", "Saturdays", "Sundays"] if existing_dates == new_dates: if sys.stdin.isatty(): print(filename) print(agenda.gwr.url) print("dates haven't changed:", existing_dates) return open(filename, "w").write(new_html) subject = ( "New GWR advance ticket booking date: " + f'{new_dates["Weekdays"].strftime("%d %b %Y")} (Weekdays)' ) body = f""" {"\n".join(f'{key}: {when.strftime("%d %b %Y")}' for key, when in new_dates.items())} {agenda.gwr.url} Agenda: https://edwardbetts.com/agenda/ """ if sys.stdin.isatty(): print(filename) print(agenda.gwr.url) print() print("dates have changed") print("old:", existing_dates) print("new:", new_dates) print() print(subject) print(body) agenda.mail.send_mail(config, subject, body) def report_space_launch_change( config: flask.config.Config, prev_launch: StrDict | None, cur_launch: StrDict | None ) -> None: """Send mail to announce change to space launch data.""" if cur_launch: name = cur_launch["name"] else: assert prev_launch name = prev_launch["name"] subject = f"Change to {name}" differences = deepdiff.DeepDiff(prev_launch, cur_launch) body = f""" A space launch of interest was updated. {yaml.dump(differences)} https://edwardbetts.com/agenda/launches """ agenda.mail.send_mail(config, subject, body) def get_launch_by_slug(data: StrDict, slug: str) -> StrDict | None: """Find last update for space launch.""" return {item["slug"]: typing.cast(StrDict, item) for item in data["results"]}.get( slug ) def update_thespacedevs(config: flask.config.Config) -> None: """Update cache of space launch API.""" rocket_dir = os.path.join(config["DATA_DIR"], "thespacedevs") existing_data = agenda.thespacedevs.load_cached_launches(rocket_dir) assert existing_data prev_launches = { slug: get_launch_by_slug(existing_data, slug) for slug in config["FOLLOW_LAUNCHES"] } t0 = time() data = agenda.thespacedevs.next_launch_api_data(rocket_dir) if not data: return # thespacedevs API call failed cur_launches = { slug: get_launch_by_slug(data, slug) for slug in config["FOLLOW_LAUNCHES"] } for slug in config["FOLLOW_LAUNCHES"]: prev, cur = prev_launches[slug], cur_launches[slug] if prev is None and cur is None: continue if prev and cur and prev["last_updated"] == cur["last_updated"]: continue report_space_launch_change(config, prev, cur) time_taken = time() - t0 if not sys.stdin.isatty(): return rockets = [agenda.thespacedevs.summarize_launch(item) for item in data["results"]] print(len(rockets), "launches") print(f"took {time_taken:.1f} seconds") def update_gandi(config: flask.config.Config) -> None: """Retrieve list of domains from gandi.net.""" url = "https://api.gandi.net/v5/domain/domains" headers = {"authorization": "Bearer " + config["GANDI_TOKEN"]} filename = os.path.join(config["DATA_DIR"], "gandi_domains.json") r = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers) items = r.json() assert isinstance(items, list) assert all(item["fqdn"] and item["dates"]["registry_ends_at"] for item in items) with open(filename, "w") as out: out.write(r.text) def main() -> None: """Update caches.""" now = datetime.now() hour = now.hour with app.app_context(): if hour % 3 == 0: asyncio.run(update_bank_holidays(app.config)) asyncio.run(update_bristol_bins(app.config)) update_gwr_advance_ticket_date(app.config) update_gandi(app.config) agenda.geomob.update(app.config) agenda.fx.get_rates(app.config) update_thespacedevs(app.config) if __name__ == "__main__": main()