{% extends "base.html" %} {% from "macros.html" import trip_link, display_date_no_year, display_date, display_datetime, display_time with context %} {% block title %}{{ heading }} - Edward Betts{% endblock %} {% block style %} {% set conference_column_count = 8 %} {% set accommodation_column_count = 8 %} {% set travel_column_count = 10 %} {% endblock %} {% macro section(heading, item_list) %} {% if item_list %} {% set items = item_list | list %}

{{ heading }}

{{ items | count }} trips

{% for trip in items %} {% set total_distance = trip.total_distance() %} {% set end = trip.end %}

{{ trip_link(trip) }} ({{ display_date(trip.start) }})

Countries: {{ trip.countries_str }}
{% if end %}
Dates: {{ display_date_no_year(trip.start) }} to {{ display_date_no_year(end) }}
{% else %}
Start: {{ display_date_no_year(trip.start) }} (end date missing)
{% endif %} {% if total_distance %}
Total distance: {{ "{:,.0f} km / {:,.0f} miles".format(total_distance, total_distance / 1.60934) }}
{% endif %} {# {% for day in trip.days() %}

{{ display_date_no_year(day) }}

{% endfor %} #} {% for item in trip.conferences %} {% set country = get_country(item.country) if item.country else None %}
{{ item.name }} {{ display_date_no_year(item.start) }} to {{ display_date_no_year(item.end) }}

Topic: {{ item.topic }} | Venue: {{ item.venue }} | Location: {{ item.location }} {% if country %} {{ country.flag }} {% elif item.online %} 💻 Online {% else %} country code {{ item.country }} not found {% endif %} {% if item.free %} | free to attend {% elif item.price and item.currency %} | price: {{ item.price }} {{ item.currency }} {% endif %}

{% endfor %} {% set date_heading = None %} {% for day, elements in trip.elements_grouped_by_day() %}

{{ display_date_no_year(day) }}

{% for e in elements %}
{{ display_time(e.when) }} — {{ e.element_type }} — {{ e.title }}
{% endfor %} {% endfor %}
{% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endmacro %} {% block content %}
{{ section(heading, trips) }}
{% endblock %} {% block scripts %} {% endblock %}