#!/usr/bin/python3 """Web page to show upcoming events.""" import inspect import operator import os.path import sys import traceback from datetime import date, datetime import flask import werkzeug import werkzeug.debug.tbtools import yaml import agenda.data import agenda.travel app = flask.Flask(__name__) app.debug = False app.config.from_object("config.default") @app.errorhandler(werkzeug.exceptions.InternalServerError) def exception_handler(e: werkzeug.exceptions.InternalServerError) -> tuple[str, int]: """Handle exception.""" exec_type, exc_value, current_traceback = sys.exc_info() assert exc_value tb = werkzeug.debug.tbtools.DebugTraceback(exc_value) summary = tb.render_traceback_html(include_title=False) exc_lines = "".join(tb._te.format_exception_only()) last_frame = list(traceback.walk_tb(current_traceback))[-1][0] last_frame_args = inspect.getargs(last_frame.f_code) return ( flask.render_template( "show_error.html", plaintext=tb.render_traceback_text(), exception=exc_lines, exception_type=tb._te.exc_type.__name__, summary=summary, last_frame=last_frame, last_frame_args=last_frame_args, ), 500, ) @app.route("/") async def index() -> str: """Index page.""" now = datetime.now() data = await agenda.data.get_data(now, app.config) return flask.render_template("index.html", today=now.date(), **data) @app.route("/travel") def travel_list() -> str: """Page showing a list of upcoming travel.""" data_dir = app.config["PERSONAL_DATA"] flights = agenda.travel.parse_yaml("flights", data_dir) trains = agenda.travel.parse_yaml("trains", data_dir) return flask.render_template("travel.html", flights=flights, trains=trains) def as_date(d: date | datetime) -> date: """Date of event.""" return d.date() if isinstance(d, datetime) else d @app.route("/conference") def conference_list() -> str: """Page showing a list of conferences.""" data_dir = app.config["PERSONAL_DATA"] filepath = os.path.join(data_dir, "conferences.yaml") item_list = yaml.safe_load(open(filepath))["conferences"] today = date.today() for conf in item_list: conf["start_date"] = as_date(conf["start"]) conf["end_date"] = as_date(conf["end"]) item_list.sort(key=operator.itemgetter("start_date")) current = [ conf for conf in item_list if conf["start_date"] <= today and conf["end_date"] >= today ] past = [conf for conf in item_list if conf["end_date"] < today] future = [conf for conf in item_list if conf["start_date"] > today] return flask.render_template( "conference_list.html", current=current, past=past, future=future, today=today ) if __name__ == "__main__": app.run(host="")