{# vim: set ft=htmljinja #} Agenda {% set event_labels = { "economist": "📰 The Economist", "mothers_day": "Mothers' day", "fathers_day": "Fathers' day", "uk_financial_year_end": "End of financial year", "bank_holiday": "UK bank holiday", "us_holiday": "US holiday", "uk_clock_change": "UK clock change", "us_clock_change": "US clock change", "us_presidential_election": "US pres. election", "xmas_last_second": "Christmas last posting 2nd class", "xmas_last_first": "Christmas last posting 1st class", "up_series": "Up documentary", "waste_schedule": "Waste schedule", "gwr_advance_tickets": "GWR advance tickets", "critical_mass": "Critical Mass", } %} {%set class_map = { "bank_holiday": "bg-success-subtle", "conference": "bg-primary-subtle", "us_holiday": "bg-secondary-subtle", "birthday": "bg-info-subtle", "waste_schedule": "bg-danger-subtle", } %}


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Stock markets

{% for market in stock_markets %}

{{ market }}

{% endfor %}


{% for event in events if event.as_date >= two_weeks_ago %} {% if loop.first or event.date.year != loop.previtem.date.year or event.date.month != loop.previtem.date.month %}

{{ event.date.strftime("%B %Y") }}

{% endif %} {% set delta = event.delta_days(today) %} {% if event.name == "today" %}


{% else %} {% set cell_bg = " bg-warning-subtle" if delta == "today" else "" %}
{{event.as_date.strftime("%a, %d, %b")}}     {{event.display_time or ""}}     {{event.display_timezone or ""}}
{% if event.end_date %} {% if event.end_as_date == event.as_date and event.has_time %} end: {{event.end_date.strftime("%H:%M") }} (duration: {{event.end_date - event.date}}) {% elif event.end_date != event.date %} {{event.end_date}} {% endif %} {% endif %}
{{ delta }}
{% endif %} {% endfor %}

Space launches

{% for launch in rockets %}
{{ launch.t0_date }}
{% if launch.t0_time %} {{ launch.t0_time }}{% endif %} {{ launch.net_precision }}
launch status: {{ launch.status.abbrev }}
{{ launch.rocket }} – {{launch.mission.name }} – {% if launch.launch_provider_abbrev %} {{ launch.launch_provider_abbrev }} {% else %} {{ launch.launch_provider }} {% endif %} ({{ launch.launch_provider_type }}) — {{ launch.orbit.name }} ({{ launch.orbit.abbrev }})
{% if launch.pad_wikipedia_url %} {{ launch.pad_name }} {% else %} {{ launch.pad_name }} {% if launch.pad_name != "Unknown Pad" %}(no Wikipedia article){% endif %} {% endif %} — {{ launch.location }}
{% if launch.mission %} {% for line in launch.mission.description.splitlines() %}

{{ line }}

{% endfor %} {% else %}

No description.

{% endif %}
{% endfor %}