#!/usr/bin/python3 """Web page to show upcoming events.""" import decimal import inspect import operator import os.path import sys import traceback from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta import flask import UniAuth.auth import werkzeug import werkzeug.debug.tbtools import yaml import agenda.data import agenda.error_mail import agenda.fx import agenda.holidays import agenda.thespacedevs import agenda.trip from agenda import format_list_with_ampersand, travel, uk_tz from agenda.types import Trip app = flask.Flask(__name__) app.debug = False app.config.from_object("config.default") agenda.error_mail.setup_error_mail(app) @app.before_request def handle_auth() -> None: """Handle autentication and set global user.""" flask.g.user = UniAuth.auth.get_current_user() @app.errorhandler(werkzeug.exceptions.InternalServerError) def exception_handler(e: werkzeug.exceptions.InternalServerError) -> tuple[str, int]: """Handle exception.""" exec_type, exc_value, current_traceback = sys.exc_info() assert exc_value tb = werkzeug.debug.tbtools.DebugTraceback(exc_value) summary = tb.render_traceback_html(include_title=False) exc_lines = "".join(tb._te.format_exception_only()) last_frame = list(traceback.walk_tb(current_traceback))[-1][0] last_frame_args = inspect.getargs(last_frame.f_code) return ( flask.render_template( "show_error.html", plaintext=tb.render_traceback_text(), exception=exc_lines, exception_type=tb._te.exc_type.__name__, summary=summary, last_frame=last_frame, last_frame_args=last_frame_args, ), 500, ) @app.route("/") async def index() -> str: """Index page.""" now = datetime.now() data = await agenda.data.get_data(now, app.config) return flask.render_template("index.html", today=now.date(), **data) @app.route("/launches") def launch_list() -> str: """Web page showing List of space launches.""" now = datetime.now() data_dir = app.config["DATA_DIR"] rocket_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, "thespacedevs") rockets = agenda.thespacedevs.get_launches(rocket_dir, limit=100) return flask.render_template( "launches.html", rockets=rockets, now=now, get_country=agenda.get_country ) @app.route("/gaps") async def gaps_page() -> str: """List of available gaps.""" now = datetime.now() trip_list = agenda.trip.build_trip_list() busy_events = agenda.busy.get_busy_events(now.date(), app.config, trip_list) gaps = agenda.busy.find_gaps(busy_events) return flask.render_template("gaps.html", today=now.date(), gaps=gaps) @app.route("/weekends") async def weekends() -> str: """List of available gaps.""" now = datetime.now() trip_list = agenda.trip.build_trip_list() busy_events = agenda.busy.get_busy_events(now.date(), app.config, trip_list) weekends = agenda.busy.weekends(busy_events) return flask.render_template("weekends.html", today=now.date(), items=weekends) @app.route("/travel") def travel_list() -> str: """Page showing a list of upcoming travel.""" data_dir = app.config["PERSONAL_DATA"] flights = agenda.trip.load_flight_bookings(data_dir) trains = [ item for item in travel.parse_yaml("trains", data_dir) if isinstance(item["depart"], datetime) ] route_distances = agenda.travel.load_route_distances(app.config["DATA_DIR"]) for train in trains: for leg in train["legs"]: agenda.travel.add_leg_route_distance(leg, route_distances) if all("distance" in leg for leg in train["legs"]): train["distance"] = sum(leg["distance"] for leg in train["legs"]) return flask.render_template( "travel.html", flights=flights, trains=trains, fx_rate=agenda.fx.get_rates(app.config), ) def as_date(d: date | datetime) -> date: """Date of event.""" return d.date() if isinstance(d, datetime) else d @app.route("/conference") def conference_list() -> str: """Page showing a list of conferences.""" data_dir = app.config["PERSONAL_DATA"] filepath = os.path.join(data_dir, "conferences.yaml") items = yaml.safe_load(open(filepath)) today = date.today() conference_trip_lookup = {} for trip in agenda.trip.build_trip_list(): for trip_conf in trip.conferences: key = (trip_conf["start"], trip_conf["name"]) conference_trip_lookup[key] = trip for conf in items: conf["start_date"] = as_date(conf["start"]) conf["end_date"] = as_date(conf["end"]) price = conf.get("price") if price: conf["price"] = decimal.Decimal(price) key = (conf["start"], conf["name"]) if this_trip := conference_trip_lookup.get(key): conf["linked_trip"] = this_trip items.sort(key=operator.itemgetter("start_date")) past = [conf for conf in items if conf["end_date"] < today] current = [ conf for conf in items if conf["start_date"] <= today and conf["end_date"] >= today ] future = [conf for conf in items if conf["start_date"] > today] return flask.render_template( "conference_list.html", current=current, past=past, future=future, today=today, get_country=agenda.get_country, fx_rate=agenda.fx.get_rates(app.config), ) @app.route("/accommodation") def accommodation_list() -> str: """Page showing a list of past, present and future accommodation.""" data_dir = app.config["PERSONAL_DATA"] items = travel.parse_yaml("accommodation", data_dir) stays_in_2024 = [item for item in items if item["from"].year == 2024] total_nights_2024 = sum( (stay["to"].date() - stay["from"].date()).days for stay in stays_in_2024 ) nights_abroad_2024 = sum( (stay["to"].date() - stay["from"].date()).days for stay in stays_in_2024 if stay["country"] != "gb" ) trip_lookup = {} for trip in agenda.trip.build_trip_list(): for trip_stay in trip.accommodation: key = (trip_stay["from"], trip_stay["name"]) trip_lookup[key] = trip for item in items: key = (item["from"], item["name"]) if this_trip := trip_lookup.get(key): item["linked_trip"] = this_trip now = uk_tz.localize(datetime.now()) past = [conf for conf in items if conf["to"] < now] current = [conf for conf in items if conf["from"] <= now and conf["to"] >= now] future = [conf for conf in items if conf["from"] > now] return flask.render_template( "accommodation.html", past=past, current=current, future=future, total_nights_2024=total_nights_2024, nights_abroad_2024=nights_abroad_2024, get_country=agenda.get_country, fx_rate=agenda.fx.get_rates(app.config), ) def get_trip_list( route_distances: agenda.travel.RouteDistances | None = None, ) -> list[Trip]: """Get list of trips respecting current authentication status.""" return [ trip for trip in agenda.trip.build_trip_list(route_distances=route_distances) if flask.g.user.is_authenticated or not trip.private ] @app.route("/trip") def trip_list() -> str: """Page showing a list of trips.""" route_distances = agenda.travel.load_route_distances(app.config["DATA_DIR"]) trip_list = get_trip_list(route_distances) today = date.today() current = [ item for item in trip_list if item.start <= today and (item.end or item.start) >= today ] past = [item for item in trip_list if (item.end or item.start) < today] future = [item for item in trip_list if item.start > today] future_coordinates, future_routes = agenda.trip.get_coordinates_and_routes(future) past_coordinates, past_routes = agenda.trip.get_coordinates_and_routes(past) return flask.render_template( "trip_list.html", current=current, past=past, future=future, future_coordinates=future_coordinates, future_routes=future_routes, past_coordinates=past_coordinates, past_routes=past_routes, today=today, get_country=agenda.get_country, format_list_with_ampersand=format_list_with_ampersand, fx_rate=agenda.fx.get_rates(app.config), ) @app.route("/trip/past") def trip_past_list() -> str: """Page showing a list of past trips.""" route_distances = agenda.travel.load_route_distances(app.config["DATA_DIR"]) trip_list = get_trip_list(route_distances) today = date.today() past = [item for item in trip_list if (item.end or item.start) < today] coordinates, routes = agenda.trip.get_coordinates_and_routes(past) return flask.render_template( "trip/list.html", heading="Past trips", trips=reversed(past), coordinates=coordinates, routes=routes, today=today, get_country=agenda.get_country, format_list_with_ampersand=format_list_with_ampersand, fx_rate=agenda.fx.get_rates(app.config), ) @app.route("/trip/future") def trip_future_list() -> str: """Page showing a list of future trips.""" route_distances = agenda.travel.load_route_distances(app.config["DATA_DIR"]) trip_list = get_trip_list(route_distances) today = date.today() future = [item for item in trip_list if item.start > today] coordinates, routes = agenda.trip.get_coordinates_and_routes(future) return flask.render_template( "trip/list.html", heading="Future trips", trips=future, coordinates=coordinates, routes=routes, today=today, get_country=agenda.get_country, format_list_with_ampersand=format_list_with_ampersand, fx_rate=agenda.fx.get_rates(app.config), ) @app.route("/trip/text") def trip_list_text() -> str: """Page showing a list of trips.""" trip_list = get_trip_list() today = date.today() future = [item for item in trip_list if item.start > today] return flask.render_template( "trip_list_text.html", future=future, today=today, get_country=agenda.get_country, format_list_with_ampersand=format_list_with_ampersand, ) def human_readable_delta(future_date: date) -> str | None: """ Calculate the human-readable time delta for a given future date. Args: future_date (date): The future date as a datetime.date object. Returns: str: Human-readable time delta. """ # Ensure the input is a future date if future_date <= date.today(): return None # Calculate the delta delta = future_date - date.today() # Convert delta to a more human-readable format months, days = divmod(delta.days, 30) weeks, days = divmod(days, 7) # Formatting the output parts = [] if months > 0: parts.append(f"{months} months") if weeks > 0: parts.append(f"{weeks} weeks") if days > 0: parts.append(f"{days} days") return " ".join(parts) if parts else None def get_prev_current_and_next_trip( start: str, trip_list: list[Trip] ) -> tuple[Trip | None, Trip | None, Trip | None]: """Get previous trip, this trip and next trip.""" trip_iter = iter(trip_list) prev_trip = None for trip in trip_iter: if trip.start.isoformat() == start: break prev_trip = trip next_trip = next(trip_iter, None) return (prev_trip, trip, next_trip) @app.route("/trip/") def trip_page(start: str) -> str: """Individual trip page.""" route_distances = agenda.travel.load_route_distances(app.config["DATA_DIR"]) trip_list = get_trip_list(route_distances) prev_trip, trip, next_trip = get_prev_current_and_next_trip(start, trip_list) if not trip: flask.abort(404) today = date.today() coordinates = agenda.trip.collect_trip_coordinates(trip) routes = agenda.trip.get_trip_routes(trip) agenda.trip.add_coordinates_for_unbooked_flights(routes, coordinates) for route in routes: if "geojson_filename" in route: route["geojson"] = agenda.trip.read_geojson( app.config["PERSONAL_DATA"], route.pop("geojson_filename") ) if trip.end: countries = {c.alpha_2 for c in trip.countries} holidays = [ hol for hol in agenda.holidays.get_all( trip.start, trip.end, app.config["DATA_DIR"] ) if hol.country.upper() in countries ] holidays.sort(key=lambda item: (item.date, item.country)) else: holidays = [] return flask.render_template( "trip_page.html", trip=trip, prev_trip=prev_trip, next_trip=next_trip, today=today, coordinates=coordinates, routes=routes, get_country=agenda.get_country, format_list_with_ampersand=format_list_with_ampersand, holidays=holidays, human_readable_delta=human_readable_delta, ) @app.route("/holidays") def holiday_list() -> str: """List of holidays.""" today = date.today() data_dir = app.config["DATA_DIR"] next_year = today + timedelta(days=1 * 365) items = agenda.holidays.get_all(today - timedelta(days=2), next_year, data_dir) items.sort(key=lambda item: (item.date, item.country)) return flask.render_template( "holiday_list.html", items=items, get_country=agenda.get_country, today=today ) @app.route("/callback") def auth_callback() -> tuple[str, int] | werkzeug.Response: """Process the authentication callback.""" return UniAuth.auth.auth_callback() @app.route("/login") def login() -> werkzeug.Response: """Login.""" next_url = flask.request.args["next"] return UniAuth.auth.redirect_to_login(next_url) @app.route("/logout") def logout() -> werkzeug.Response: """Logout.""" return UniAuth.auth.redirect_to_logout(flask.request.args["next"]) if __name__ == "__main__": app.run(host="")