# Personal agenda web app This is a Python script that serves as a personal agenda web app. It provides various information and reminders, including financial dates, holidays, market openings, and more. You can run this script to get an overview of important events and data relevant to your schedule and interests. ## Requirements - Python 3 - Required Python modules (install them using pip): - dateutil - exchange_calendars - holidays - pandas - pytz - requests ## Features The agenda web app provides the following features and information: - **GBP to USD Exchange Rate**: It fetches the current GBP to USD exchange rate with caching to minimize API calls. - **Next Economist Issue**: Shows the date of the next Economist newspaper publication. - **Next UK Bank Holiday**: Provides the date and title of the next UK bank holiday. - **Next US Holiday**: Displays the date and title of the next US holiday. - **Next UK General Election and US Presidential Election**: Shows the dates of the next UK general election and US presidential election. - **SpaceX Launch Schedule**: Lists upcoming SpaceX launches with details. - **Stock Markets Opening/Closing Times**: Provides information about stock market opening and closing times for London and the US. - **Next Clock Change**: Shows the next time the clocks change for both the UK and the US. ## Customization You can customize the script to add or remove features and modify data sources as needed. ## License This project is licensed under the MIT License. Feel free to use, modify, and distribute it as per the license terms. See the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details. ## Contact If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to contact the project maintainer: - [Edward Betts](mailto:edward@4angle.com)