import json import os import typing from datetime import datetime import requests Launch = dict[str, typing.Any] Summary = dict[str, typing.Any] def next_launch_api(rocket_dir: str, limit: int = 200) -> list[Launch]: """Get the next upcoming launches from the API.""" now = filename = os.path.join(rocket_dir, now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S.json")) url = "" params: dict[str, str | int] = {"limit": limit} r = requests.get(url, params=params) open(filename, "w").write(r.text) data = r.json() return [summarize_launch(launch) for launch in data["results"]] def filename_timestamp(filename: str) -> tuple[datetime, str] | None: """Get datetime from filename.""" try: ts = datetime.strptime(filename, "%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S.json") except ValueError: return None return (ts, filename) def format_time(time_str: str, net_precision: str) -> tuple[str, str | None]: """Format time based on precision.""" dt = datetime.strptime(time_str, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") include_time = False # Format the date based on precision time_format: str | None = None field2 = None if net_precision == "Month": time_format = "%b %Y" if net_precision == "Week": time_format = "%d %b %Y" field2 = "(Week of)" if net_precision == "Day": time_format = "%d %b %Y" if net_precision == "Hour": time_format = "%d %b %Y" include_time = True if net_precision == "Minute": time_format = "%d %b %Y" include_time = True elif net_precision == "Second": time_format = "%d %b %Y" include_time = True elif net_precision.startswith("Quarter "): time_format = f"Q{net_precision[-1]} %Y" if not time_format: return (repr(time_str), repr(net_precision)) assert time_format formatted = dt.strftime(time_format) if include_time: return (formatted, dt.strftime("%H:%M")) else: return (formatted, field2) launch_providers = { "Indian Space Research Organization": "ISRO", "United Launch Alliance": "ULA", "Payload Aerospace S.L.": "Payload Aerospace", "Russian Federal Space Agency (ROSCOSMOS)": "ROSCOSMOS", "China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation": "CASC", } def summarize_launch(launch: Launch) -> Summary: """Summarize rocket launch.""" launch_provider = launch["launch_service_provider"]["name"] launch_provider_abbrev = launch_providers.get(launch_provider) t0_date, t0_time = format_time(launch["net"], launch["net_precision"]["name"]) return { "name": launch["name"], "status": launch["status"], "t0_date": t0_date, "t0_time": t0_time, "window_start": launch["window_start"], "window_end": launch["window_end"], "launch_provider": launch_provider, "launch_provider_abbrev": launch_provider_abbrev, "launch_provider_type": launch["launch_service_provider"]["type"], "rocket": launch["rocket"]["configuration"]["full_name"], "mission": launch["mission"], "pad_name": launch["pad"]["name"], "pad_wikipedia_url": launch["pad"]["wiki_url"], "location": launch["pad"]["location"]["name"], "country_code": launch["pad"]["country_code"], "orbit": launch["mission"]["orbit"], } def get_launches(rocket_dir: str, limit: int = 200) -> list[Summary]: """Get rocket launches with caching.""" now = existing = [x for x in (filename_timestamp(f) for f in os.listdir(rocket_dir)) if x] existing.sort(reverse=True) if not existing or (now - existing[0][0]).seconds > 3600: # one hour try: return next_launch_api(rocket_dir, limit=limit) except ValueError: print("*** SpaceX next launch error ***") f = existing[0][1] filename = os.path.join(rocket_dir, f) data = json.load(open(filename)) return [summarize_launch(launch) for launch in data["results"]]