"""Interface with the Brittany Ferries API.""" from typing import Any, TypedDict import requests from . import Vehicle api_root_url = "https://www.brittany-ferries.co.uk/api/ferry/v1/" ua = "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/109.0" headers = {"User-Agent": ua} class VehicleDict(TypedDict): """Description of vechicle in the format expected by the API.""" type: str registrations: list[str] height: int length: int extras: dict[str, None] def vehicle_dict(v: Vehicle) -> VehicleDict: """Return vehicle detail in the format for the Brittany Ferries API.""" return { "type": v.type, "registrations": [v.registration], "height": v.height, "length": v.length, "extras": {"rearMountedBikeCarrier": None}, } def get_prices( departure_port: str, arrival_port: str, from_date: str, to_date: str, vehicle: Vehicle, adults: int = 2, small_dogs: int = 1, ) -> dict[str, Any]: """Call Brittany Ferries API to get details of crossings.""" url = api_root_url + "crossing/prices" post_data = { "bookingReference": None, "pets": {"smallDogs": small_dogs, "largeDogs": 0, "cats": 0}, "passengers": {"adults": adults, "children": 0, "infants": 0}, "vehicle": vehicle_dict(vehicle), "departurePort": departure_port, "arrivalPort": arrival_port, "disability": None, "sponsor": None, "fromDate": f"{from_date}T00:00:00", "toDate": f"{to_date}T23:59:59", } r = requests.post(url, json=post_data, headers=headers) data: dict[str, Any] = r.json() return data def get_accommodations( departure_port: str, arrival_port: str, departure_date: str, ticket_tier: str, vehicle: Vehicle, adults: int, small_dogs: int, ) -> dict[str, Any]: """Grab cabin details.""" url = api_root_url + "crossing/accommodations" post_data = { "bookingReference": None, "departurePort": departure_port, "arrivalPort": arrival_port, "departureDate": departure_date, "passengers": {"adults": adults, "children": 0, "infants": 0}, "disability": None, "vehicle": vehicle_dict(vehicle), "petCabinsNeeded": True, "ticketTier": ticket_tier, "pets": {"smallDogs": small_dogs, "largeDogs": 0, "cats": 0}, "sponsor": None, "offerType": "NONE", } json_data: dict[str, Any] = requests.post( url, json=post_data, headers=headers ).json() return json_data