{% from "individual_route.html" import route_table with context %}

{{ days_until_start }} days / {{ (days_until_start / 7) | int }} weeks / {{ "{:.1f}".format(days_until_start / 30.5) }} months until start of Dodainville week: Friday 29 Sept 2023


{{ other }}


Passengers: {% for o in pax_options %} {% if o.pax == pax %} {{ o.label }} {% else %} {{ o.label }} {% endif %} {% if not loop.last %}|{% endif %} {% endfor %}

{% if rear_mounted_bike_carrier %}

Bike carrier: yes | no

{% else %}

Bike carrier: yes | no

{% endif %} {% if extra_routes %} {% endif %} {% for dep, arr, days in data %}

{{ dep.title() }} to {{ arr.title() }}

{% if days %} {{ route_table(dep, arr, days) }} {% else %}

not available

{% endif %} {% endfor %}