{{ self.title() }}
{% if label_languages %}Label from: {% for lang in label_languages %} {{ lang.label }} ({{ lang.code }}) {% if show_translation_links %} [translate] {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% for hit in hits %}
{% if not username %}
url: {{ hit.url }}
label: {{ hit.label }}
qid: {{ hit.qid }}
sources: {{ hit.sources() }}
{% for key, prop_label in labels.items() %}
{% set claims = entity['claims'][key] %}
{% if claims %}
{% endif %}
{{ prop_label }}:
{% for claim in claims %}
{% if 'datavalue' in claim.mainsnak %}
{% set claim_qid = claim.mainsnak.datavalue.value.id %}
{{ other[claim_qid] or '[ label missing ]' }} ({{ claim_qid }})
{% else %}
no value
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if catalog.detail %}
{% for detail in catalog.detail %}
{{ detail.label }}:
{{ detail.value }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if catalog.url %}
catalog URL: {{ catalog.url }}
{% endif %} {% if catalog.description or catalog.keywords %}information from the {{ catalog.institution }} catalog
{% if catalog.description %}description: {{ catalog.description }}
{% endif %}
{% if catalog.keywords %}
{% for keyword in catalog.keywords %}
{{ keyword }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
This tool must be connected with Wikidata to work.
Connect with Wikidata {% endif %} {% if username %}
{% endif %}