from sqlalchemy import func, or_, and_ from sqlalchemy.orm import selectinload from matcher import model, database, wikidata_api, wikidata from import extra_keys from collections import Counter, defaultdict from flask import g, current_app import re import os.path import json srid = 4326 re_point = re.compile(r'^POINT\((.+) (.+)\)$') entity_keys = {"labels", "sitelinks", "aliases", "claims", "descriptions", "lastrevid"} def get_country_iso3166_1(lat, lon): point = func.ST_SetSRID(func.ST_MakePoint(lon, lat), srid) alpha2_codes = set() q = model.Polygon.query.filter(func.ST_Covers(model.Polygon.way, point), model.Polygon.admin_level == "2") for country in q: alpha2 = country.tags.get("ISO3166-1") if not alpha2: continue alpha2_codes.add(alpha2) g.alpha2_codes = alpha2_codes return alpha2_codes def is_street_number_first(lat, lon): if lat is None or lon is None: return True alpha2 = get_country_iso3166_1(lat, lon) alpha2_number_first = {'GB', 'IE', 'US', 'MX', 'CA', 'FR', 'AU', 'NZ', 'ZA'} return bool(alpha2_number_first & alpha2) def make_envelope(bounds): return func.ST_MakeEnvelope(*bounds, srid) def get_bbox_centroid(bbox): bbox = make_envelope(bbox) centroid = database.session.query(func.ST_AsText(func.ST_Centroid(bbox))).scalar() return reversed(re_point.match(centroid).groups()) def get_part_of(thing, bbox): db_bbox = make_envelope(bbox) ewkt = thing.as_EWKT q = model.Polygon.query.filter( func.ST_Intersects(db_bbox, model.Polygon.way), func.ST_Covers(model.Polygon.way, func.ST_GeomFromEWKT(ewkt)), or_( model.Polygon.tags.has_key("landuse"), model.Polygon.tags.has_key("amenity"), ), model.Polygon.tags.has_key("name"), ) return [polygon.tags for polygon in q] def get_and_save_item(qid): entity = wikidata_api.get_entity(qid) entity_qid = entity["id"] if entity_qid != qid: print(f'redirect {qid} -> {entity_qid}') item = model.Item.query.get(entity_qid[1:]) return item coords = wikidata.get_entity_coords(entity["claims"]) item_id = int(qid[1:]) obj = {k: v for k, v in entity.items() if k in entity_keys} try: item = model.Item(item_id=item_id, **obj) except TypeError: print(qid) print(f'{entity["pageid"]=} {entity["ns"]=} {entity["type"]=}') print(entity.keys()) raise item.locations = model.location_objects(coords) database.session.add(item) database.session.commit() return item def get_isa_count(items): isa_count = Counter() for item in items: if not item: continue isa_list = item.get_claim("P31") for isa in isa_list: if not isa: print("missing IsA:", item.qid) continue isa_count[isa["id"]] += 1 return isa_count.most_common() def get_items_in_bbox(bbox): db_bbox = make_envelope(bbox) q = ( model.Item.query.join(model.ItemLocation) .filter(func.ST_Covers(db_bbox, model.ItemLocation.location)) .options(selectinload(model.Item.locations)) ) return q def get_osm_with_wikidata_tag(bbox): db_bbox = make_envelope(bbox) tagged = [] seen = set() for cls in (model.Point, model.Polygon, model.Line): q = cls.query.filter( cls.tags.has_key("wikidata"), func.ST_Intersects(db_bbox, cls.way), func.ST_Area(cls.way) < 20 * func.ST_Area(db_bbox), ) for osm in q: if osm.identifier in seen: continue seen.add(osm.identifier) name = or osm.tags.get("addr:housename") or "[no label]" tagged.append( { "identifier": osm.identifier, "id":, "type": osm.type, "url": osm.osm_url, "geojson": osm.geojson(), "centroid": list(osm.get_centroid()), "name": name, "wikidata": osm.tags["wikidata"], } ) return tagged def get_items(item_ids): items = [] for item_id in item_ids: item = model.Item.query.get(item_id) if not item: if not get_and_save_item(f"Q{item_id}"): continue item = model.Item.query.get(item_id) items.append(item) return items def get_item_tags(item): skip_tags = {"Key:addr", "Key:addr:street", "Key:lit"} isa_items = [] isa_list = [v["numeric-id"] for v in item.get_claim("P31")] isa_items = [(isa, []) for isa in get_items(isa_list)] osm_list = defaultdict(list) skip_isa = {row[0] for row in database.session.query(model.SkipIsA.item_id)} if item.is_tram_stop(): skip_isa.add(41176) # building (Q41176) seen = set(isa_list) | skip_isa while isa_items: isa, isa_path = isa_items.pop() if not isa: continue isa_path = isa_path + [{'qid': isa.qid, 'label': isa.label()}] osm = [v for v in isa.get_claim("P1282") if v not in skip_tags] if isa.qid in extra_keys: osm += extra_keys[isa.qid] for i in osm: osm_list[i].append(isa_path[:]) subclass_of = [v["numeric-id"] for v in (isa.get_claim("P279") or []) if v] religion = [v["numeric-id"] for v in (isa.get_claim("P140") or []) if v] sport = [v["numeric-id"] for v in (isa.get_claim("P641") or []) if v] use = [v["numeric-id"] for v in (isa.get_claim("P366") or []) if v] check = subclass_of + religion + sport + use print(isa.qid, isa.label(), check) isa_list = [isa_id for isa_id in check if isa_id not in seen] seen.update(isa_list) isa_items += [(isa, isa_path) for isa in get_items(isa_list)] return {key: list(values) for key, values in osm_list.items()} def wikidata_items_count(bounds): q = ( model.Item.query.join(model.ItemLocation) .filter(func.ST_Covers(make_envelope(bounds), model.ItemLocation.location)) ) return q.count() def wikidata_isa_counts(bounds): db_bbox = make_envelope(bounds) q = ( model.Item.query.join(model.ItemLocation) .filter(func.ST_Covers(db_bbox, model.ItemLocation.location)) ) db_items = q.all() counts = get_isa_count(db_items) isa_ids = [qid[1:] for qid, count in counts] isa_items = { isa.qid: isa for isa in model.Item.query.filter(model.Item.item_id.in_(isa_ids)) } isa_count = [] for qid, count in counts: item = isa_items.get(qid) if not item: item = get_and_save_item(qid) label = item.label() if item else "[missing]" isa = { "qid": qid, "count": count, "label": label, } isa_count.append(isa) return isa_count def get_tag_filter(cls, tag_list): tag_filter = [] for tag_or_key in tag_list: if tag_or_key.startswith("Key:"): tag_filter.append(and_(cls.tags.has_key(tag_or_key[4:]), cls.tags[tag_or_key[4:]] != 'no')) if tag_or_key.startswith("Tag:"): k, _, v = tag_or_key.partition("=") tag_filter.append(cls.tags[k[4:]] == v) return tag_filter def get_nearby(bbox, item, max_distance=300): db_bbox = make_envelope(bbox) osm_objects = {} distances = {} tag_list = get_item_tags(item) if not tag_list: return [] item_is_street = item.is_street() for loc in item.locations: lat, lon = loc.get_lat_lon() point = func.ST_SetSRID(func.ST_MakePoint(lon, lat), 4326) for cls in model.Point, model.Line, model.Polygon: if item_is_street and cls == model.Point: continue tag_filter = get_tag_filter(cls, tag_list) dist = func.ST_DistanceSphere(point, cls.way) q = (cls.query.add_columns(dist.label('distance')) .filter( func.ST_Intersects(db_bbox, cls.way), func.ST_Area(cls.way) < 20 * func.ST_Area(db_bbox), or_(*tag_filter)) .order_by(point.distance_centroid(cls.way))) if item_is_street: q = q.filter(cls.tags.has_key("name"), cls.tags["highway"] != 'bus_stop') if "Key:amenity" in tag_list: q = q.filter(cls.tags["amenity"] != "bicycle_parking", cls.tags["amenity"] != "bicycle_repair_station", cls.tags["amenity"] != "atm", cls.tags["amenity"] != "recycling") q = q.limit(40) # print(q.statement.compile(compile_kwargs={"literal_binds": True})) for i, dist in q: if dist > max_distance: continue osm_objects.setdefault(i.identifier, i) if i.identifier not in distances or dist < distances[i.identifier]: distances[i.identifier] = dist nearby = [(osm_objects[identifier], dist) for identifier, dist in sorted(distances.items(), key=lambda i:i[1])] return nearby[:40] def get_preset_translations(): app = current_app country_language = { 'AU': 'en-AU', # Australia 'GB': 'en-GB', # United Kingdom 'IE': 'en-GB', # Ireland 'IN': 'en-IN', # India 'NZ': 'en-NZ', # New Zealand } ts_dir = app.config["ID_TAGGING_SCHEMA_DIR"] translation_dir = os.path.join(ts_dir, "dist", "translations") for code in g.alpha2_codes: if code not in country_language: continue filename = os.path.join(translation_dir, country_language[code] + ".json") return json.load(open(filename))["en-GB"]["presets"]["presets"] return {} def get_presets_from_tags(osm): translations = get_preset_translations() found = [] endings = {model.Point: "point", model.Line: "line", model.Polygon: "area"} ending = endings[type(osm)] for k, v in osm.tags.items(): if k == 'amenity' and v == 'clock' and osm.tags.get('display') == 'sundial': tag_or_key = f"Tag:{k}={v}" found.append({"tag_or_key": tag_or_key, "name": "Sundial"}) continue match = find_preset_file(k, v, ending) if not match: continue preset = match["preset"] if preset in translations: match["name"] = translations[preset]["name"] else: match["name"] = json.load(open(match["filename"]))["name"] del match["filename"] found.append(match) return found def find_preset_file(k, v, ending): app = current_app ts_dir = app.config["ID_TAGGING_SCHEMA_DIR"] preset_dir = os.path.join(ts_dir, "data", "presets") filename = os.path.join(preset_dir, k, v + ".json") if os.path.exists(filename): return { "tag_or_key": f"Tag:{k}={v}", "preset": f"{k}/{v}", "filename": filename, } filename = os.path.join(preset_dir, k, f"{v}_{ending}.json") if os.path.exists(filename): return { "tag_or_key": f"Tag:{k}={v}", "preset": f"{k}/{v}", "filename": filename, } filename = os.path.join(preset_dir, k, "_" + v + ".json") if os.path.exists(filename): return { "tag_or_key": f"Tag:{k}={v}", "preset": f"{k}/{v}", "filename": filename, } filename = os.path.join(preset_dir, k + ".json") if os.path.exists(filename): return { "tag_or_key": f"Key:{k}", "preset": k, "filename": filename, } def address_from_tags(tags): keys = ["street", "housenumber"] if not all("addr:" + k in tags for k in keys): return if g.street_number_first: keys.reverse() return " ".join(tags["addr:" + k] for k in keys) def get_address_nodes_within_building(building, bbox): db_bbox = make_envelope(bbox) ewkt = building.as_EWKT q = model.Point.query.filter( func.ST_Intersects(db_bbox, model.Point.way), func.ST_Covers(func.ST_GeomFromEWKT(ewkt), model.Point.way), model.Point.tags.has_key("addr:street"), model.Point.tags.has_key("addr:housenumber"), ) return [node.tags for node in q] def find_osm_candidates(item, bounds): check_is_street_number_first(bounds) nearby = [] for osm, dist in get_nearby(bounds, item): tags = osm.tags tags.pop("way_area", None) name = osm.display_name() if not name and osm.has_street_address: name = address_from_tags(tags) if isinstance(osm, model.Polygon) and "building" in osm.tags: address_nodes = get_address_nodes_within_building(osm, bounds) address_list = [address_from_tags(addr) for addr in address_nodes] else: address_list = [] cur = { "identifier": osm.identifier, "distance": dist, "name": name, "tags": tags, "geojson": osm.geojson(), "presets": get_presets_from_tags(osm), "address_list": address_list, } if hasattr(osm, 'area'): cur["area"] = osm.area if address := address_from_tags(tags): cur["address"] = address part_of = [i["name"] for i in get_part_of(osm, bounds) if i["name"] != name] if part_of: cur["part_of"] = part_of nearby.append(cur) return nearby def get_item(item_id): item = model.Item.query.get(item_id) if item: return item item = get_and_save_item(f"Q{item_id}") database.session.add(item) database.session.commit() return item def get_item_street_addresses(item): street_address = [addr["text"] for addr in item.get_claim("P6375") if addr] if street_address or "P669" not in return street_address for claim in["P669"]: qualifiers = claim.get("qualifiers") if not qualifiers or 'P670' not in qualifiers: continue number = qualifiers["P670"][0]["datavalue"]["value"] street_item = get_item(claim["mainsnak"]["datavalue"]["value"]["numeric-id"]) street = street_item.label() for q in qualifiers["P670"]: number = q["datavalue"]["value"] address = (f"{number} {street}" if g.street_number_first else f"{street} {number}") street_address.append(address) return street_address def check_is_street_number_first(bounds): g.street_number_first = is_street_number_first(*get_bbox_centroid(bounds)) def get_markers(all_items): items = [] for item in all_items: if not item: continue locations = [list(i.get_lat_lon()) for i in item.locations] image_filenames = item.get_claim("P18") street_address = get_item_street_addresses(item) d = { "qid": item.qid, "label": item.label(), "description": item.description(), "markers": locations, "image_list": image_filenames, "street_address": street_address, "isa_list": [v["id"] for v in item.get_claim("P31") if v], } if aliases := item.get_aliases(): d["aliases"] = aliases items.append(d) return items def wikidata_items(bounds): check_is_street_number_first(bounds) q = get_items_in_bbox(bounds) db_items = q.all() items = get_markers(db_items) counts = get_isa_count(db_items) isa_ids = [qid[1:] for qid, count in counts] isa_items = { isa.qid: isa for isa in model.Item.query.filter(model.Item.item_id.in_(isa_ids)) } isa_count = [] for qid, count in counts: item = isa_items.get(qid) if not item: item = get_and_save_item(qid) label = item.label() if item else "[missing]" isa = { "qid": qid, "count": count, "label": label, } isa_count.append(isa) return {'items': items, 'isa_count': isa_count} def missing_wikidata_items(qids, lat, lon): g.street_number_first = is_street_number_first(lat, lon) db_items = [] for qid in qids: item = model.Item.query.get(qid[1:]) if not item: item = get_and_save_item(qid) db_items.append(item) items = get_markers(db_items) counts = get_isa_count(db_items) isa_ids = [qid[1:] for qid, count in counts] isa_items = { isa.qid: isa for isa in model.Item.query.filter(model.Item.item_id.in_(isa_ids)) } isa_count = [] for qid, count in counts: item = isa_items.get(qid) if not item: item = get_and_save_item(qid) label = item.label() if item else "[missing]" isa = { "qid": qid, "count": count, "label": label, } isa_count.append(isa) return dict(items=items, isa_count=isa_count)