"use strict"; var options = {}; if (start_lat || start_lng) { start_lat = start_lat.toFixed(5); start_lng = start_lng.toFixed(5); options = { center: [start_lat, start_lng], zoom: zoom, }; } var map = L.map("map", options); var items = {}; var wikidata_items = {}; var osm_objects = {}; var wikidata_loaded = false; var osm_loaded = false; var loading = document.getElementById("loading"); var load_text = document.getElementById("load-text"); var isa_card = document.getElementById("isa-card"); var link_status_card = document.getElementById("link-status-card"); var detail_card = document.getElementById("detail-card"); var detail = document.getElementById("detail"); var detail_header = document.getElementById("detail-header"); var search_and_isa = document.getElementById("search-and-isa"); var detail_qid; var candidates = document.getElementById("candidates"); var checkbox_list = document.getElementsByClassName("isa-checkbox"); var linked = document.getElementById("linked"); var not_linked = document.getElementById("not-linked"); var nearby_lookup = {}; var isa_labels = {}; var items_url = "/api/1/items"; var osm_objects_url = "/api/1/osm"; var missing_url = "/api/1/missing"; var hover_circles = []; var selected_circles = []; var candidate_outline; var isa_count = {}; map.zoomControl.setPosition("topright"); function build_map_path() { var zoom = map.getZoom(); var c = map.getCenter(); var lat = c.lat.toFixed(5); var lng = c.lng.toFixed(5); var path = `/map/${zoom}/${lat}/${lng}`; if (detail_qid !== undefined) { path += `?item=${detail_qid}`; } return path; } function update_map_path() { history.replaceState(null, null, build_map_path()); } function qid_from_url() { const queryString = window.location.search; const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(queryString); return urlParams.get("item") || undefined; } map.on("moveend", update_map_path); var blueMarker = L.ExtraMarkers.icon({ icon: "fa-wikidata", markerColor: "blue", shape: "circle", prefix: "fa", }); var greenMarker = L.ExtraMarkers.icon({ icon: "fa-wikidata", markerColor: "green", shape: "circle", prefix: "fa", }); var redMarker = L.ExtraMarkers.icon({ icon: "fa-wikidata", markerColor: "red", shape: "circle", prefix: "fa", }); var osmYellowMarker = L.ExtraMarkers.icon({ icon: "fa-map", markerColor: "yellow", shape: "square", prefix: "fa", }); var osmOrangeMarker = L.ExtraMarkers.icon({ icon: "fa-map", markerColor: "orange", shape: "square", prefix: "fa", }); if (!start_lat || !start_lng) { map.fitBounds([ [49.85, -10.5], [58.75, 1.9], ]); } var osm = L.tileLayer("https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png", { maxZoom: 19, }); osm.addTo(map); function load_complete() { loading.classList.add("d-none"); load_text.classList.remove("d-none"); detail_card.classList.add("d-none"); if(detail_qid) { open_detail(detail_qid); } } function add_to_feature_group(qid, thing) { if (items[qid] === undefined) items[qid] = {}; if (items[qid].group === undefined) items[qid].group = L.featureGroup(); var group = items[qid].group; thing.addTo(group); return group; } function update_wikidata(check_for_missing = true) { if ( Object.keys(wikidata_items).length === 0 || Object.keys(osm_objects).length === 0 ) { if (wikidata_loaded && osm_loaded) load_complete(); return; } if (check_for_missing) { var missing_qids = []; for (const qid in osm_objects) { var item = wikidata_items[qid]; if (!item) missing_qids.push(qid); } if (missing_qids.length) { var c = map.getCenter(); var params = { qids: missing_qids.join(","), lat: c.lat.toFixed(5), lon: c.lng.toFixed(5), }; axios.get(missing_url, { params: params }).then((response) => { response.data.isa_count.forEach((isa) => { isa_labels[isa.qid] = isa.label; if (isa_count[isa.qid] === undefined) { isa_count[isa.qid] = isa; } else { isa_count[isa.qid].count += 1; } }); process_wikidata_items(response.data.items); update_wikidata(false); }); } } var linked_count = 0; var not_linked_count = 0; for (const qid in osm_objects) { var osm_list = osm_objects[qid]; var item = wikidata_items[qid]; osm_list.forEach((osm) => { osm.marker.setIcon(item ? osmYellowMarker : osmOrangeMarker); }); if (!item) continue; item.markers.forEach((marker_data) => { marker_data.marker.setIcon(greenMarker); if (!items[qid].lines) items[qid].lines = []; osm_list.forEach((osm) => { var path = [osm.centroid, marker_data]; var polyline = L.polyline(path, { color: "green" }); add_to_feature_group(qid, polyline); items[qid].lines.push(polyline); }); }); } for (const qid in wikidata_items) { if (osm_objects[qid]) { linked_count += 1; continue; } not_linked_count += 1; var item = wikidata_items[qid]; item.markers.forEach((marker_data) => { marker_data.marker.setIcon(redMarker); }); } document.getElementById("linked-count").textContent = linked_count; document.getElementById("not-linked-count").textContent = not_linked_count; var isa_count_values = Object.values(isa_count); set_isa_list(isa_count_values); link_status_card.classList.remove("d-none"); load_complete(); } function isa_only(e) { e.preventDefault(); var this_id = e.target.parentNode.childNodes[0].id; for (const checkbox of checkbox_list) { checkbox.checked = checkbox.id == this_id; } checkbox_change(); } function show_all_isa(e) { e.preventDefault(); for (const checkbox of checkbox_list) { checkbox.checked = true; } checkbox_change(); } function checkbox_change() { var ticked = []; for (const checkbox of checkbox_list) { if (checkbox.checked) ticked.push(checkbox.id.substr(4)); } for (const qid in items) { var item = items[qid]; if (item.group === undefined) continue; if (item.isa_list === undefined) continue; var show_item = true; if (osm_objects[qid] && !linked.checked) { show_item = false; } if (!osm_objects[qid] && !not_linked.checked) { show_item = false; } if (show_item) { const item_isa_list = item.isa_list; const intersection = ticked.filter((isa_qid) => item_isa_list.includes(isa_qid) ); if (intersection.length == 0) { show_item = false; } } if (show_item) { item.group.addTo(map); } else { item.group.removeFrom(map); } } } function link_status_change() { if (!linked.checked && !not_linked.checked) { for (const qid in items) { var item = items[qid]; item.group.removeFrom(map); } } } function set_isa_list(isa_count_list) { isa_count_list.sort((a, b) => b.count - a.count); isa_card.classList.remove("d-none"); var isa_list = document.getElementById("isa-list"); isa_list.innerHTML = ""; isa_count_list.forEach((isa) => { var isa_id = `isa-${isa.qid}`; var e = document.createElement("div"); e.setAttribute("class", "isa-item"); var checkbox = document.createElement("input"); checkbox.setAttribute("type", "checkbox"); checkbox.setAttribute("checked", "checked"); checkbox.setAttribute("id", isa_id); checkbox.setAttribute("class", "isa-checkbox"); checkbox.onchange = checkbox_change; e.appendChild(checkbox); e.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" ")); var label = document.createElement("label"); label.setAttribute("for", isa_id); var label_text = document.createTextNode( ` ${isa.label} (${isa.qid}): ${isa.count} ` ); label.appendChild(label_text); e.appendChild(label); e.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" ")); var only = document.createElement("a"); only.setAttribute("href", "#"); var only_text = document.createTextNode("only"); only.appendChild(only_text); only.onclick = isa_only; e.appendChild(only); isa_list.appendChild(e); }); } function build_item_detail(item, tag_or_key_list) { var wd_url = "https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/" + item.qid; var popup = '
' var has_image = item.image_list && item.image_list.length; popup += "Wikidata item
"; popup += `${item.label} (${item.qid})`; if (item.description) { popup += `
${item.description}`; } if (item.isa_list && item.isa_list.length) { popup += "
item type"; for (const [index, isa_qid] of item.isa_list.entries()) { var isa_url = "https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/" + isa_qid; var isa_label = isa_labels[isa_qid]; popup += `
${isa_label} (${isa_qid})`; } } if (item.street_address && item.street_address.length) { popup += "
street address"; popup += `
${item.street_address[0]}`; } if (tag_or_key_list && tag_or_key_list.length) { if (!has_image) { popup += '
' } else { popup += "
" } popup += "OSM tags/keys to search for"; for (const v of tag_or_key_list) { popup += `
${v}`; } } if (has_image) { popup += '
' popup += ``; } popup += "
"; return popup; } function mouseover(item) { if (item.outline) { item.outline.setStyle({ fillOpacity: 0.2, weight: 6 }); } if (item.lines) { item.lines.forEach((line) => { line.setStyle({ weight: 6 }); }); } item.markers.forEach((marker) => { var coords = marker.getLatLng(); var circle = L.circle(coords, { radius: 20 }).addTo(map); hover_circles.push(circle); }); } function mouseout(item) { if (item.outline) { item.outline.setStyle({ fillOpacity: 0, weight: 3 }); } if (item.lines) { item.lines.forEach((line) => { line.setStyle({ weight: 3 }); }); } hover_circles.forEach((circle) => { circle.removeFrom(map); }); hover_circles = []; } function close_item_details() { selected_circles.forEach((circle) => { circle.removeFrom(map); }); selected_circles = []; detail_header.innerHTML = ""; detail.innerHTML = ""; candidates.innerHTML = ""; update_map_path(); if (candidate_outline) { candidate_outline.removeFrom(map); candidate_outline = undefined; } } function show_outline(osm) { if (candidate_outline !== undefined) { candidate_outline.removeFrom(map); } var mapStyle = { fillOpacity: 0, color: "red" }; var geojson = L.geoJSON(null, { style: mapStyle }); geojson.addData(osm.geojson); geojson.addTo(map); candidate_outline = geojson; } function open_detail(qid) { var item = items[qid]; if (item.wikidata === undefined) { console.log("not found:", qid); return; } search_and_isa.classList.add("d-none"); detail_card.classList.remove("d-none"); detail_card.classList.add("bg-highlight"); close_item_details(); detail_qid = qid; item.markers.forEach((marker) => { var coords = marker.getLatLng(); var circle = L.circle(coords, { radius: 20, color: "orange" }).addTo(map); selected_circles.push(circle); }); window.setTimeout(function () { detail_card.classList.remove("bg-highlight"); }, 1000); update_map_path(); var item_label = `${item.wikidata.label} (${item.wikidata.qid})`; detail_header.innerHTML = ""; detail_header.append(document.createTextNode(item_label)); var item_tags_url = `/api/1/item/${qid}/tags`; axios.get(item_tags_url).then((response) => { var tag_or_key_list = response.data.tag_or_key_list; if (response.data.qid != detail_qid) { tag_or_key_list = []; // different QID } var item_detail = build_item_detail(item.wikidata, tag_or_key_list); detail.innerHTML = item_detail; if (tag_or_key_list.length == 0) return; var item_osm_candidates_url = `/api/1/item/${qid}/candidates`; var bounds = map.getBounds(); var params = { bounds: bounds.toBBoxString() }; axios .get(item_osm_candidates_url, { params: params }) .then((response) => { if (response.data.qid != detail_qid) return; // different QID var nearby = response.data.nearby; if (!nearby.length) return; var osm_html = "Possible OSM matches
"; osm_html += '' osm_html += '' for (const osm of nearby) { var candidate_id = osm.identifier.replace("/", "_"); osm_html += `"; } osm_html += "
${osm.distance.toFixed(0)}m `; osm_html += ``; osm_html += ''; osm_html += ""; nearby_lookup[candidate_id] = osm; if (osm.name) { osm_html += osm.name + " "; } if (!osm.presets.length && !osm.name) { osm_html += "no name "; } osm_html += osm.presets.map(function(p) { var wiki_url = `http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/${p.tag_or_key}`; return `${p.name} `; }).join(", "); if (osm.address_list && osm.address_list.length) { if (osm.address_list.length == 1) { osm_html += "
address node: " + osm.address_list[0]; } else { osm_html += "
address nodes: " + osm.address_list.join("; ") } } osm_html += "
" candidates.innerHTML = osm_html; var span_list = document.getElementsByClassName("osm-candidate"); for (const osm_span of span_list) { osm_span.onmouseenter = function (e) { show_outline(nearby_lookup[e.target.id]); }; } }); }); } function mouse_events(marker, qid) { items[qid] ||= {}; var item = items[qid]; marker.on("mouseover", function () { mouseover(item); }); marker.on("mouseout", function () { mouseout(item); }); marker.on("click", function () { detail_qid = qid; open_detail(qid); }); item.markers ||= []; item.markers.push(marker); } function add_wikidata_marker(item, marker_data) { var icon = blueMarker; var qid = item.qid; var label = `${item.label} (${item.qid})`; var marker = L.marker(marker_data, { icon: icon }); mouse_events(marker, qid); var group = add_to_feature_group(item.qid, marker); group.addTo(map); marker_data.marker = marker; } function process_wikidata_items(load_items) { load_items.forEach((item) => { var qid = item.qid; if (item.qid in wikidata_items) return; item.markers.forEach((marker_data) => add_wikidata_marker(item, marker_data) ); items[qid].wikidata = item; wikidata_items[item.qid] = item; if (items[qid] === undefined) items[qid] = {}; items[qid].isa_list = item.isa_list; }); } function load_wikidata_items() { var checkbox_list = document.getElementsByClassName("isa-checkbox"); for (const checkbox of checkbox_list) checkbox.checked = true; linked.checked = true; not_linked.checked = true; checkbox_change(); close_item_details(); search_and_isa.classList.remove("d-none"); detail_card.classList.add("d-none"); loading.classList.remove("d-none"); load_text.classList.add("d-none"); var bounds = map.getBounds(); var params = { bounds: bounds.toBBoxString() }; axios.get(items_url, { params: params }).then((response) => { response.data.isa_count.forEach((isa) => { isa_count[isa.qid] = isa; isa_labels[isa.qid] = isa.label; }); process_wikidata_items(response.data.items); wikidata_loaded = true; isa_card.classList.remove("d-none"); link_status_card.classList.remove("d-none"); update_wikidata(); }); axios.get(osm_objects_url, { params: params }).then((response) => { console.log(`${response.data.duration} seconds`); response.data.objects.forEach((osm) => { var qid = osm.wikidata; if (osm_objects[qid] === undefined) osm_objects[qid] = []; osm_objects[qid].push(osm); var icon = osmYellowMarker; var marker = L.marker(osm.centroid, { title: osm.name, icon: icon }); osm.marker = marker; var wd_url = "https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/" + qid; var popup = `

${osm.name}: ${osm.identifier}
Wikidata tag: ${qid}

`; mouse_events(marker, qid); var group = add_to_feature_group(qid, marker); group.addTo(map); items[qid].markers ||= []; items[qid].markers.push(marker); if (osm.type != "node" && osm.geojson) { var mapStyle = { fillOpacity: 0 }; var geojson = L.geoJSON(null, { style: mapStyle }); geojson.addData(osm.geojson); add_to_feature_group(qid, geojson); items[qid].outline = geojson; } }); osm_loaded = true; update_wikidata(); }); } document.getElementById("search-form").onsubmit = function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var search_text = document.getElementById("search-text").value.trim(); if (!search_text) return; var params = { q: search_text }; var search_url = "/api/1/search"; var search_results = document.getElementById("search-results"); axios.get(search_url, { params: params }).then((response) => { search_results.innerHTML = ""; response.data.hits.forEach((hit) => { var e = document.createElement("div"); var category = document.createTextNode(hit.category + " "); e.appendChild(category); var a = document.createElement("a"); var lat = parseFloat(hit.lat).toFixed(5); var lon = parseFloat(hit.lon).toFixed(5); a.setAttribute("href", `/map/15/${lat}/${lon}`); var link_text = document.createTextNode(hit.name); a.appendChild(link_text); e.appendChild(a); search_results.appendChild(e); }); }); }; function close_detail() { search_and_isa.classList.remove("d-none"); detail_card.classList.add("d-none"); close_item_details(); detail_qid = undefined; update_map_path(); } document.getElementById("load-btn").onclick = load_wikidata_items; document.getElementById("show-all-isa").onclick = show_all_isa; document.getElementById("close-detail").onclick = close_detail; linked.onchange = checkbox_change; not_linked.onchange = checkbox_change; detail_qid = qid_from_url(); update_map_path(); if(detail_qid) { load_wikidata_items(); }