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  • clone the project
  • install geoip and postgres from your local package manager
  • setup postgres on your machine, see e.g. https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/PostgreSQL
    • $ sudo su postgres
    • $ initdb -D /var/lib/postgres/data
  • start postgres
  • create postgres user
    • $ sudo su postgres
    • $ createuser --interactive -> "owl" role with relevant priviledges
  • create postgres database "matcher"
    • $ psql -U postgres
    • > CREATE DATABASE matcher;
    • > ALTER DATABASE matcher OWNER TO owl;
  • create the db tables
    • TODO find out where credentials are stored
    • setup credentials in default.py
    • $ python create_db.py
  • setup a venv
    • enter the venv, e.g. in pycharm
    • $ pip install -r requirements.txt
  • $ cp config/example.py config/default.py
  • download id-tagging-schema
    • $ git clone https://github.com/openstreetmap/id-tagging-schema
    • adjust paths in default.py
  • download geoip databases
  • run the tests
  • run 'python web_view.py'