
140 lines
3.6 KiB

import json
import typing
from collections import OrderedDict
import requests
from . import CallParams
Hit = dict[str, typing.Any]
class SearchError(Exception):
"""Search error."""
def lookup_with_params(**kwargs: str) -> list[Hit]:
url = "http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/search"
params: CallParams = {
"format": "jsonv2",
"addressdetails": 1,
"extratags": 1,
"limit": 30,
"namedetails": 1,
"accept-language": "en",
"polygon_text": 0,
r = requests.get(url, params=params)
if r.status_code == 500:
raise SearchError
reply: list[Hit] = json.loads(r.text, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
return reply
except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
raise SearchError(r)
def lookup(q: str) -> list[Hit]:
"""Nominatim search."""
return lookup_with_params(q=q)
def get_us_county(county: str, state: str) -> Hit | None:
"""Search for US county and return resulting hit."""
if " " not in county and "county" not in county:
county += " county"
results = lookup(q="{}, {}".format(county, state))
def pred(hit: Hit) -> typing.TypeGuard[Hit]:
return (
"osm_type" in hit
and hit["osm_type"] != "node"
and county in hit["display_name"].lower()
return next(filter(pred, results), None)
def get_us_city(name: str, state: str) -> Hit | None:
"""Search for US city and return resulting hit."""
results = lookup_with_params(city=name, state=state)
if len(results) != 1:
results = [
hit for hit in results if hit["type"] == "city" or hit["osm_type"] == "node"
if len(results) != 1:
print("more than one")
return None
hit = results[0]
if hit["type"] not in ("administrative", "city"):
print("not a city")
return None
if hit["osm_type"] == "node":
return None
if not hit["display_name"].startswith(name):
print("wrong name")
return None
assert "osm_type" in hit and "osm_id" in hit and "geotext" in hit
return hit
def get_hit_name(hit: Hit) -> str:
"""Get name from hit."""
address = hit.get("address")
if not address:
assert isinstance(hit["display_name"], str)
return hit["display_name"]
address_values = list(address.values())
n1 = address_values[0]
if len(address) == 1:
assert isinstance(n1, str)
return n1
country = address.pop("country", None)
country_code = address.pop("country_code", None)
if country_code:
country_code == country_code.lower()
if country_code == "us" and "state" in address:
state = address["state"]
return f"{n1}, {state}, USA"
if country_code == "gb":
country = "UK"
if len(address) == 1:
return f"{n1}, {country}"
n2 = address_values[1]
return f"{n1}, {n2}, {country}"
def get_hit_label(hit: Hit) -> str:
"""Parse hit and generate label."""
tags = hit["extratags"] or {}
designation = tags.get("designation")
category = hit["category"]
hit_type = hit["type"]
if designation:
assert isinstance(designation, str)
return designation.replace("_", " ")
if category == "boundary" and hit_type == "administrative":
place = tags.get("place") or tags.get("linked_place")
if place:
return f"{place} {category}"
if category == "place":
return f"{hit_type}"
return f"{hit_type} {category}"