
215 lines
6.6 KiB

from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Any, Iterator, Optional, TypedDict
import flask
import lxml.html
from . import mediawiki_api
from pprint import pprint
from time import sleep
disambig_templates = [
"Template:Airport disambiguation",
"Template:Biology disambiguation",
"Template:Call sign disambiguation",
"Template:Caselaw disambiguation",
"Template:Chinese title disambiguation",
"Template:Disambiguation cleanup",
"Template:Genus disambiguation",
"Template:Hospital disambiguation",
"Template:Human name disambiguation",
"Template:Human name disambiguation cleanup",
"Template:Letter-number combination disambiguation",
"Template:Mathematical disambiguation",
"Template:Military unit disambiguation",
"Template:Music disambiguation",
"Template:Number disambiguation",
"Template:Opus number disambiguation",
"Template:Phonetics disambiguation",
"Template:Place name disambiguation",
"Template:Portal disambiguation",
"Template:Road disambiguation",
"Template:School disambiguation",
"Template:Species Latin name abbreviation disambiguation",
"Template:Species Latin name disambiguation",
"Template:Station disambiguation",
"Template:Synagogue disambiguation",
"Template:Taxonomic authority disambiguation",
"Template:Taxonomy disambiguation",
"Template:Template disambiguation",
"Template:WoO number disambiguation",
def link_params(enwiki: str) -> dict[str, str | int]:
"""Parameters for finding article links from the API."""
params: dict[str, str | int] = {
"action": "query",
"format": "json",
"formatversion": 2,
"titles": enwiki,
"generator": "links",
"gpllimit": "max",
"gplnamespace": 0,
"tllimit": "max",
"redirects": 1,
"tlnamespace": 10,
"tltemplates": "|".join(disambig_templates),
"prop": "templates",
return params
def needs_disambig(link: dict[str, Any]) -> bool:
"""Is this a disambiguation link."""
return bool(
not link["title"].endswith(" (disambiguation)") and link.get("templates")
def get_article_links(enwiki: str) -> dict[str, str]:
"""Get links that appear in this article."""
params: dict[str, str | int] = link_params(enwiki)
links: set[str] = set()
redirects = defaultdict(set)
while True:
data = mediawiki_api.call(params)
if "query" not in data:
pages = data["query"].pop("pages")
for r in data["query"].pop("redirects"):
links.update(page["title"] for page in pages if needs_disambig(page))
if "continue" not in data:
params["gplcontinue"] = data["continue"]["gplcontinue"]
ret_links = {}
for link in set(links):
ret_links[link] = link
for r in redirects.get(link, []):
ret_links[r] = link
return ret_links
# return {link["title"] for link in r.json()["query"]["pages"][0]["links"]}
def get_article_html(enwiki: str) -> str:
"""Parse article wikitext and return HTML."""
text: str = mediawiki_api.parse_page(enwiki)["text"]
return text
class DabItem(TypedDict):
"""Represent a disabiguation page."""
num: int
title: str
html: str
def delete_toc(root: lxml.html.HtmlElement) -> None:
"""Delete table of contents from article HTML."""
for toc in root.findall(".//div[@class='toc']"):
def get_dab_html(dab_num: int, html: str) -> str:
"""Parse dab page and rewrite links."""
root = lxml.html.fromstring(html)
element_id_map = {e.get("id"): e for e in root.findall(".//*[@id]")}
for a in root.findall(".//a[@href]"):
href: str | None = a.get("href")
if not href:
if not href.startswith("#"):
a.set("href", "#")
a.set("onclick", f"return select_dab(this, {dab_num})")
destination_element = element_id_map[href[1:]]
assert destination_element is not None
destination_element.set("id", f"{dab_num}{href[1:]}")
a.set("href", f"#{dab_num}{href[1:]}")
html: str = lxml.html.tostring(root, encoding=str)
return html
class Article:
"""Current article we're working on."""
def __init__(self, enwiki: str) -> None:
"""Make a new Article object."""
self.enwiki = enwiki.replace("_", " ")
self.links = get_article_links(enwiki)
self.dab_list: list[DabItem] = []
self.dab_lookup: dict[int, str] = {}
self.dab_order: list[str] = []
self.parse: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None
self.dab_html: dict[str, str] = {}
def save_endpoint(self) -> str:
"""Endpoint for saving changes."""
href: str = flask.url_for("save", enwiki=self.enwiki.replace(" ", "_"))
return href
def load(self) -> None:
"""Load parsed article HTML."""
self.parse = mediawiki_api.parse_page(self.enwiki)
self.root = lxml.html.fromstring(self.parse.pop("text"))
def iter_links(self) -> Iterator[tuple[lxml.html.Element, str]]:
"""Disambiguation links that need fixing."""
for a in self.root.findall(".//a[@href]"):
title = a.get("title")
if title is not None and title in self.links:
yield a, title, self.links[title]
href = a.get("href")
if not href.startswith("/wiki/"):
a.set("href", "https://en.wikipedia.org" + href)
a.set("target", "_blank")
def dab_link_to(self):
return [dab["link_to"] for dab in self.dab_list]
def process_links(self) -> None:
"""Process links in parsed wikitext."""
for dab_num, (a, link_to, title) in enumerate(self.iter_links()):
a.set("class", "disambig")
a.set("id", f"dab-{dab_num}")
if title not in self.dab_html:
self.dab_html[title] = get_article_html(title)
dab: DabItem = {
"num": dab_num,
"title": title,
"link_to": link_to,
"html": get_dab_html(dab_num, self.dab_html[title]),
self.dab_lookup[dab_num] = title
def get_html(self) -> str:
"""Return the processed article HTML."""
html: str = lxml.html.tostring(self.root, encoding=str)
return html