Remove some unused code.

This commit is contained in:
Edward Betts 2020-01-16 14:01:43 +00:00
parent 93df781115
commit 97ca0aaa34
4 changed files with 4 additions and 365 deletions

View file

@ -1,101 +1,12 @@
from . import utils, wdqs, mediawiki
# import nltk
import re
re_from_article = re.compile(r'(?:portrays|depicts|depictions of|it shows) (.+?)\.', re.I)
ignore_for_depicts = {
43445, # female organism - use: female (Q6581072)
44148, # male organism - use: male (Q6581097)
21075684, # children - use: child (Q7569)
180788, # National Gallery
780294, # human physical appearance
2472587, # people
33659, # People
query = '''
select distinct ?item ?itemLabel ?commonscat ?cat_url ?sitelink
where {
service wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" }
filter (?item != wd:QID)
VALUES (?commonscat) { COMMONS_CAT }
?item wdt:P373 ?commonscat .
filter not exists { ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q4167836 } # Wikimedia category
filter not exists { ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q4167410 } # Wikimedia disambiguation page
filter not exists { ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q24046192 } # Wikimedia category of stubs
filter not exists { ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q4167836 } # Wikimedia list article
filter not exists { ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q4663903 } # Wikimedia portal
} union {
VALUES (?commonscat) { COMMONS_CAT }
?cat_item wdt:P373 ?commonscat .
?cat_item wdt:P301 ?item .
} union {
VALUES (?cat_url) { CAT_URL }
?cat_url schema:about ?cat_item .
?cat_item wdt:P301 ?item .
} union {
VALUES (?sitelink) { SITELINK }
?sitelink schema:about ?item .
filter not exists { ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q4167410 }
class QueryResultRow:
def __init__(self, row):
self.row = {k: (v if k.startswith('item') else [v]) for k, v in row.items()}
self.item_id = wdqs.row_id(row)
self.label = wdqs.get_row_value(row, 'itemLabel')
def update(self, row):
for key, value in row.items():
if key.startswith('item'):
self.row.setdefault(key, []).append(value)
def url(self):
return self.row['item']['value']
def qid(self):
return f'Q{self.item_id}'
def sources(self):
return {k: v for k, v in self.row.items() if not k.startswith('item')}
def sources_list(self):
def get_value(i):
if i['type'] != 'uri':
return i['value']
wiki_start = i['value'].rfind('/wiki/')
return i['value'][wiki_start + 6:]
return [(k, [get_value(i) for i in v])
for k, v in self.row.items()
if not k.startswith('item')]
from . import mediawiki
class Artwork:
def __init__(self, qid):
self.entity = mediawiki.get_entity_with_cache(qid)
self.item_id = int(qid[1:])
if self.enwiki:
content, cats = mediawiki.get_content_and_categories(self.enwiki, 'enwiki')
self.enwiki_content = content
self.enwiki_categories = mediawiki.process_cats(cats, 'enwiki')
for cat in self.enwiki_categories:
self.enwiki_content = None
self.enwiki_categories = None
sites = ['commons', 'enwiki']
self.parent_categories = {site: {} for site in sites}
self.categories = self.get_categories()
@ -194,115 +105,3 @@ class Artwork:
def enwiki(self):
return self.sitelinks['enwiki']['title'] if 'enwiki' in self.sitelinks else None
def get_categories(self):
titles = {'File:' + filename for filename in self.commons_filenames}
for commons_cat in self.commons_cats:
titles.add('Category:' + commons_cat)
if self.commons_sitelink:
if not titles:
return []
# cat_list = mediawiki.get_categories(titles, 'commons')
cat_list = []
for title, cats in cat_list:
for cat in cats:
if not title.startswith('Category:'):
self.parent_categories['commons'][utils.drop_category_ns(title)] = cats
get_more_cats = []
for _, cats in self.parent_categories['commons'].items():
for cat in cats:
if cat.title not in self.parent_categories:
get_more_cats.append('Category:' + cat.title)
for title, cats in mediawiki.get_categories(get_more_cats, 'commons'):
for cat in cats:
self.parent_categories['commons'][utils.drop_category_ns(title)] = cats
if self.enwiki:
cat_list.append((self.enwiki, self.enwiki_categories))
get_more_cats = ['Category:' + cat.title for cat in self.enwiki_categories]
for title, cats in mediawiki.get_categories(get_more_cats, 'enwiki'):
self.parent_categories['enwiki'][utils.drop_category_ns(title)] = cats
return cat_list
def depicts_from_enwiki_content(self):
if not self.enwiki_url:
for par in self.enwiki_content.split('\n\n'):
m =
if m:
def query_variables(self):
commons_cat = []
cat_url = []
keywords = []
for _, categories in self.categories:
for cat in categories:
names = cat.names_for_wikidata()
keywords += names
if == 'commons':
commons_cat += names
cat_url += cat.urls_for_wikidata()
text = self.depicts_from_enwiki_content()
if text:
sentences = nltk.sent_tokenize(text)
for sentence in sentences:
for word, pos in nltk.pos_tag(nltk.word_tokenize(str(sentence))):
if not utils.word_contains_letter(word):
if not pos.startswith('NN'):
word = word.strip('|')
for k in word.strip('|').split('|'):
if utils.word_contains_letter(k):
keywords += utils.also_singular(k)
keywords = [k for k in keywords if utils.word_contains_letter(k)]
return {
'commons_cat': commons_cat,
'cat_url': cat_url,
'keywords': keywords,
def build_query(self):
query_vars = self.query_variables()
sitelinks = [utils.wiki_url(title, 'enwiki') for title in query_vars['keywords']]
sitelinks = [url for url in sitelinks if url]
q = query.replace('COMMONS_CAT', wdqs.quote_list(query_vars['commons_cat']))
q = q.replace('CAT_URL', wdqs.url_list(query_vars['cat_url']))
q = q.replace('QID', self.qid)
q = q.replace('SITELINK', wdqs.url_list(sitelinks))
return q
def run_query(self):
query = self.build_query()
rows = wdqs.run_query_with_cache(query)
by_id = {}
results = []
for row in rows:
item_id = wdqs.row_id(row)
if item_id in ignore_for_depicts:
if item_id in by_id:
hit = QueryResultRow(row)
by_id[item_id] = hit
return sorted(results, key=lambda hit: hit.item_id)

View file

@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
from . import utils
import re
import calendar
month_pattern = '|'.join(m for m in calendar.month_name if m)
re_date_based = re.compile(r'^(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}|(' + month_pattern + r') \d{4}|\d{4}s?|\d{1,2}(st|nd|rd|th)-century) ')
ns_cat = 'Category:'
class Category:
def __init__(self, title, site):
if title.startswith(ns_cat):
title = title[len(ns_cat):]
self.title = title = site
self.item = None
def __repr__(self):
return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({self.title!r}, {!r})'
def set_item(self, item):
self.item = item
def url(self):
return utils.wiki_url(self.title,, ns='Category')
def date_based(self):
return bool(re_date_based.match(self.title))
def contains_artist_name(self):
if not self.item:
return any(artist.lower() in self.title.lower()
for artist in self.item.artist_labels())
def parents(self):
if not self.item:
return []
return self.item.parent_categories[].get(self.title, [])
def is_exhibition(self):
return any(parent.title.startswith('Art exhibitions ')
for parent in self.parents())
def names_for_wikidata(self):
highlight = self.check()
interesting = len(highlight) > 1
if not interesting:
if self.date_based() or self.contains_artist_name() or self.is_exhibition():
return []
return utils.also_singular(self.title)
for significant, text in highlight:
if not significant:
title = text.strip()
title = title[0].upper() + title[1:]
for sep in ' with ', ' at ', ' wearing ':
if sep in title:
before, _, after = title.partition(sep)
names = []
for x in title, before, after:
names += utils.also_singular(x)
return names
return utils.also_singular(title)
def urls_for_wikidata(self):
return [utils.wiki_url(name,, ns='Category')
for name in self.names_for_wikidata()]
def check(self):
cat = self.title
lc_cat = cat.lower()
by_endings = ['title', 'technique', 'period', 'century', 'country', 'movement',
'medium', 'year', 'painter']
if self.item:
by_endings += self.item.artist_labels()
for after in ('in art', 'in portrait paintings', 'in landscape paintings', 'in culture', 'in popular culture', 'in painting', 'in 1', 'in 2', 'looking at viewer'):
pos = lc_cat.find(after)
# don't highlight "1512 in art"
if pos == -1 or cat[:pos - 1].isdigit():
return [(True, cat[:pos]), (False, cat[pos:])]
for before in ('paintings of', 'portraits of', 'landscapes of',
'portraits with', 'paintings with', 'paintings depicting',
'portraits depicting', 'landscapes depicting', 'works about'):
pos = lc_cat.find(before)
if pos == -1:
pos += len(before)
for by_ending in by_endings:
ending = ' by ' + by_ending
if lc_cat.endswith(ending):
return [(False, cat[:pos]),
(True, cat[pos:-len(ending)]),
(False, cat[-len(ending):])]
return [(False, cat[:pos]), (True, cat[pos:])]
pos = lc_cat.find('of ')
if pos != -1:
return [(True, cat[:pos]), (False, cat[pos:])]
return [(False, cat)]

View file

@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ import requests
import os
import json
import hashlib
from .category import Category
from . import utils
wikidata_url = ''
@ -145,26 +144,6 @@ def get_content_and_categories(title, site):
def host_from_site(site):
return hosts[site]
def process_cats(cats, site):
return [Category(cat['title'], site) for cat in cats]
def get_categories(titles, site):
params = {
'prop': 'categories',
'clshow': '!hidden',
'cllimit': 'max',
from_wiki = mediawiki_query(titles, params, site)
title_and_cats = []
for i in from_wiki:
if 'categories' not in i:
cats = process_cats(i['categories'], site)
if not cats:
title_and_cats.append((i['title'], cats))
return title_and_cats
def get_history(title, site):
params = {
'prop': 'revisions',

View file

@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ from flask import request
from itertools import islice
from datetime import datetime
import urllib.parse
import inflect
hosts = {
'commons': '',
@ -10,8 +9,6 @@ hosts = {
'wikidata': '',
engine = inflect.engine()
skip_names = {
'National Gallery'
@ -30,38 +27,12 @@ def drop_start(s, start):
def drop_category_ns(s):
return drop_start(s, 'Category:')
def parse_sitelink(s, start):
return urllib.parse.unquote(drop_start(s, start)).replace('_', ' ')
def word_contains_letter(word):
return any(c.isalpha() for c in word)
def also_singular(name):
names = also_singular_main(name)
extra = []
for n in names:
words = set(n.lower().split())
for word in 'girl', 'boy':
if word in words:
if {'female', 'females', 'women'} & words:
if {'male', 'males', 'men'} & words:
return [n for n in names + extra if n not in skip_names]
def also_singular_main(name):
given a singular name return a list of both the plural and singular versions
just return the name if it isn't singular
singular = engine.singular_noun(name.strip('|'))
if not singular:
return [name]
n, s = name.lower(), singular.lower()
if (n == s or
n.replace('paintings', '') == s.replace('painting', '') or
n == 'venus' and s == 'venu'):
return [name]
return [name, singular]
def wiki_url(title, site, ns=None):
host = hosts[site]
url_ns = ns + ':' if ns else ''