
136 lines
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"""Various utility functions."""
import typing
import urllib.parse
from datetime import datetime
from itertools import islice
import inflect
from flask import request
hosts = {
"commons": "",
"enwiki": "",
"wikidata": "",
engine = inflect.engine()
skip_names = {"National Gallery"}
T = typing.TypeVar("T")
def ordinal(n: int) -> str:
"""Convert number to ordinal."""
return "%d%s" % (n, "tsnrhtdd"[(n / 10 % 10 != 1) * (n % 10 < 4) * n % 10 :: 4])
def chunk(it: typing.Iterable[T], size: int) -> typing.Iterator[tuple[T, ...]]:
"""Split an iterable into chunks of the given size."""
it = iter(it)
return iter(lambda: tuple(islice(it, size)), ())
def drop_start(s: str, start: str) -> str:
"""Remove string prefix, otherwise throw an error."""
assert s.startswith(start)
return s[len(start) :]
def drop_category_ns(s: str) -> str:
"""Remove 'Category:' from start of string."""
return drop_start(s, "Category:")
def parse_sitelink(s: str, start: str) -> str:
"""Extract title from sitelink."""
return urllib.parse.unquote(drop_start(s, start)).replace("_", " ")
def word_contains_letter(word: str) -> bool:
"""Word contains letter."""
return any(c.isalpha() for c in word)
def also_singular(name: str) -> list[str]:
names = also_singular_main(name)
extra = []
for n in names:
words = set(n.lower().split())
for word in "girl", "boy":
if word in words:
if {"female", "females", "women"} & words:
if {"male", "males", "men"} & words:
return [n for n in names + extra if n not in skip_names]
def also_singular_main(name: str) -> list[str]:
given a singular name return a list of both the plural and singular versions
just return the name if it isn't singular
singular = engine.singular_noun(name.strip("|"))
if not singular:
return [name]
n, s = name.lower(), singular.lower()
if (
n == s
or n.replace("paintings", "") == s.replace("painting", "")
or n == "venus"
and s == "venu"
return [name]
return [name, singular]
def wiki_url(title: str, site: str, ns: str | None = None) -> str:
"""Build mediawiki URL for given title."""
host = hosts[site]
url_ns = ns + ":" if ns else ""
assert title
if title[0].islower():
title = title[0].upper() + title[1:]
return (
f"https://{host}/wiki/" + url_ns + urllib.parse.quote(title.replace(" ", "_"))
def get_int_arg(name: str) -> int | None:
"""Get an request arg and convert to integer."""
if name in request.args and request.args[name].isdigit():
return int(request.args[name])
return None
def format_time(time_value: str, precision: int) -> str:
"""Format time with given precision."""
# FIXME handle dates like '1965-04-00T00:00:00Z'
# FIXME handle BC dates properly, "120 B.C." instead of "-120"
year = None
if "-00" in time_value:
# can't be represented as python datetime
year = int(time_value[: time_value.find("-", 1)])
t = datetime.strptime(time_value[1:], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
except ValueError:
return time_value
year = t.year
if precision == 9:
return str(year)
if precision == 8:
return f"{year}s"
if precision == 7:
return f"{ordinal((year // 100) + 1)} century"
if precision == 6:
return f"{ordinal((year // 1000) + 1)} millennium"
return time_value