
147 lines
4.4 KiB

import requests
import json
import urllib.parse
import os
import dateutil.parser
import hashlib
from collections import defaultdict
from . import utils
query_url = ''
url_start = ''
commons_start = ''
def row_id(row, field='item'):
return int(utils.drop_start(row[field]['value'], url_start))
def get_row_value(row, field):
return row[field]['value'] if field in row else None
def get_row_text(row, field):
if field in row and 'xml:lang' in row[field]:
return row[field]['value']
def commons_uri_to_filename(uri):
return urllib.parse.unquote(utils.drop_start(uri, commons_start))
def run_query(query):
params = {'query': query, 'format': 'json'}
r =, data=params, stream=True)
if r.status_code != 200:
assert r.status_code == 200
return r
def md5_query(query):
''' generate the md5 hexdigest of a SPARQL query '''
return hashlib.md5(query.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
def run_query_with_cache(q, name=None):
if name is None:
name = md5_query(q)
filename = f'cache/{name}.json'
if os.path.exists(filename):
from_cache = json.load(open(filename))
if isinstance(from_cache, dict) and from_cache.get('query') == q:
return from_cache['bindings']
r = run_query(q)
bindings = r.json()['results']['bindings']
json.dump({'query': q, 'bindings': bindings},
open(filename, 'w'), indent=2)
return bindings
def format_time(row_time, row_timeprecision):
t = dateutil.parser.parse(row_time['value'])
precision = int(row_timeprecision['value'])
if precision == 9:
return t.year
if precision == 8:
return f'{t.year}s'
if precision == 7:
return f'{utils.ordinal((t.year // 100) + 1)} century'
if precision == 6:
return f'{utils.ordinal((t.year // 1000) + 1)} millennium'
return row_time['value']
def build_browse_item_map(bindings):
row_map = defaultdict(list)
for row in bindings:
item_id = row_id(row)
label = row['itemLabel']['value']
image_filename = commons_uri_to_filename(row['image']['value'])
artist_name = get_row_value(row, 'artistLabel')
d = format_time(row['time'], row['timeprecision']) if 'time' in row else None
row_qid = f'Q{item_id}'
item = {
'image_filename': image_filename,
'date': d,
if artist_name:
item['artist_name'] = artist_name
if label != row_qid:
item['label'] = label
title = get_row_value(row, 'title')
if title:
lang = get_row_value(row, 'titleLang')
item['title'] = (lang, title)
item_map = {}
for item_id, items in row_map.items():
titles = {}
filenames = set()
artist_names = []
labels = set()
when = None
for item in items:
if 'title' in item:
lang, title = item['title']
titles[lang] = title
artist_name = item.get('artist_name')
if artist_name and artist_name not in artist_names:
if 'label' in item:
if when is None and item.get('date'):
when = item['date']
item = {
'qid': f'Q{item_id}',
'item_id': item_id,
'image_filename': list(filenames),
'artist_name': ', '.join(artist_names),
'date': when,
if artist_names:
item['artist_name'] = ', '.join(artist_names)
if labels:
assert len(labels) == 1
item['label'] = list(labels)[0]
elif 'en' in titles:
item['label'] = titles['en']
item['label'] = '[ label missing ]'
item_map[item_id] = item
return item_map
def quote_list(l):
no_dups = list(dict.fromkeys(l)) # remove duplicates
return ' '.join('("' + s.replace('"', '\\"') + '")' for s in no_dups)
def url_list(l):
no_dups = list(dict.fromkeys(l)) # remove duplicates
return ' '.join(f'(<{s}>)' for s in no_dups)