64 lines
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64 lines
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"""Stock market open and close times."""
from datetime import timedelta, timezone
import dateutil.tz
import exchange_calendars
import pandas
here = dateutil.tz.tzlocal()
def timedelta_display(delta: timedelta) -> str:
"""Format timedelta as a human readable string."""
total_seconds = int(delta.total_seconds())
days, remainder = divmod(total_seconds, 24 * 60 * 60)
hours, remainder = divmod(remainder, 60 * 60)
mins, secs = divmod(remainder, 60)
return " ".join(
f"{v:>3} {label}"
for v, label in ((days, "days"), (hours, "hrs"), (mins, "mins"))
if v
def open_and_close() -> list[str]:
"""Stock markets open and close times."""
# The trading calendars code is slow, maybe there is a faster way to do this
# Or we could cache the result
now = pandas.Timestamp.now(timezone.utc)
now_local = pandas.Timestamp.now(here)
markets = [
("XLON", "London"),
("XNYS", "US"),
reply = []
for code, label in markets:
cal = exchange_calendars.get_calendar(code)
if cal.is_open_on_minute(now_local):
next_close = cal.next_close(now).tz_convert(here)
next_close = next_close.replace(minute=round(next_close.minute, -1))
delta_close = timedelta_display(next_close - now_local)
prev_open = cal.previous_open(now).tz_convert(here)
prev_open = prev_open.replace(minute=round(prev_open.minute, -1))
delta_open = timedelta_display(now_local - prev_open)
msg = (
f"{label:>6} market opened {delta_open} ago, "
+ f"closes in {delta_close} ({next_close:%H:%M})"
ts = cal.next_open(now)
ts = ts.replace(minute=round(ts.minute, -1))
ts = ts.tz_convert(here)
delta = timedelta_display(ts - now_local)
msg = f"{label:>6} market opens in {delta}" + (
f" ({ts:%H:%M})" if (ts - now_local) < timedelta(days=1) else ""
return reply