435 lines
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435 lines
14 KiB
import decimal
import os
import typing
from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import date, datetime, time
from zoneinfo import ZoneInfo
import flask
import yaml
from agenda import travel
from agenda.types import StrDict, Trip
class UnknownStation(Exception):
"""Unknown station."""
def load_travel(travel_type: str, plural: str, data_dir: str) -> list[StrDict]:
"""Read flight and train journeys."""
items = travel.parse_yaml(plural, data_dir)
for item in items:
item["type"] = travel_type
return items
def process_train_leg(
leg: StrDict,
by_name: StrDict,
route_distances: travel.RouteDistances | None,
) -> None:
"""Process train leg."""
assert leg["from"] in by_name and leg["to"] in by_name
leg["from_station"], leg["to_station"] = by_name[leg["from"]], by_name[leg["to"]]
if route_distances:
travel.add_leg_route_distance(leg, route_distances)
def load_trains(
data_dir: str, route_distances: travel.RouteDistances | None = None
) -> list[StrDict]:
"""Load trains."""
trains = load_travel("train", "trains", data_dir)
stations = travel.parse_yaml("stations", data_dir)
by_name = {station["name"]: station for station in stations}
for train in trains:
if train["from"] not in by_name:
raise UnknownStation(train["from"])
if train["to"] not in by_name:
raise UnknownStation(train["to"])
train["from_station"] = by_name[train["from"]]
train["to_station"] = by_name[train["to"]]
for leg in train["legs"]:
process_train_leg(leg, by_name=by_name, route_distances=route_distances)
if all("distance" in leg for leg in train["legs"]):
train["distance"] = sum(leg["distance"] for leg in train["legs"])
return trains
def load_ferries(
data_dir: str, route_distances: travel.RouteDistances | None = None
) -> list[StrDict]:
"""Load ferries."""
ferries = load_travel("ferry", "ferries", data_dir)
terminals = travel.parse_yaml("ferry_terminals", data_dir)
by_name = {terminal["name"]: terminal for terminal in terminals}
for item in ferries:
assert item["from"] in by_name and item["to"] in by_name
from_terminal, to_terminal = by_name[item["from"]], by_name[item["to"]]
item["from_terminal"] = from_terminal
item["to_terminal"] = to_terminal
if route_distances:
travel.add_leg_route_distance(item, route_distances)
geojson = from_terminal["routes"].get(item["to"])
if geojson:
item["geojson_filename"] = geojson
return ferries
def depart_datetime(item: StrDict) -> datetime:
depart = item["depart"]
if isinstance(depart, datetime):
return depart
return datetime.combine(depart, time.min).replace(tzinfo=ZoneInfo("UTC"))
def process_flight(
flight: StrDict, iata: dict[str, str], airports: list[StrDict]
) -> None:
"""Add airport detail, airline name and distance to flight."""
if flight["from"] in airports:
flight["from_airport"] = airports[flight["from"]]
if flight["to"] in airports:
flight["to_airport"] = airports[flight["to"]]
if "airline" in flight:
flight["airline_name"] = iata.get(flight["airline"], "[unknown]")
flight["distance"] = travel.flight_distance(flight)
def load_flight_bookings(data_dir: str) -> list[StrDict]:
"""Load flight bookings."""
bookings = load_travel("flight", "flights", data_dir)
airlines = yaml.safe_load(open(os.path.join(data_dir, "airlines.yaml")))
iata = {a["iata"]: a["name"] for a in airlines}
airports = travel.parse_yaml("airports", data_dir)
for booking in bookings:
for flight in booking["flights"]:
process_flight(flight, iata, airports)
return bookings
def load_flights(flight_bookings: list[StrDict]) -> list[StrDict]:
"""Load flights."""
flights = []
for booking in flight_bookings:
for flight in booking["flights"]:
for f in "type", "trip", "booking_reference", "price", "currency":
if f in booking:
flight[f] = booking[f]
return flights
def build_trip_list(
data_dir: str | None = None,
route_distances: travel.RouteDistances | None = None,
) -> list[Trip]:
"""Generate list of trips."""
trips: dict[date, Trip] = {}
if data_dir is None:
data_dir = flask.current_app.config["PERSONAL_DATA"]
yaml_trip_list = travel.parse_yaml("trips", data_dir)
yaml_trip_lookup = {item["trip"]: item for item in yaml_trip_list}
flight_bookings = load_flight_bookings(data_dir)
travel_items = sorted(
+ load_trains(data_dir, route_distances=route_distances)
+ load_ferries(data_dir, route_distances=route_distances),
data = {
"flight_bookings": flight_bookings,
"travel": travel_items,
"accommodation": travel.parse_yaml("accommodation", data_dir),
"conferences": travel.parse_yaml("conferences", data_dir),
"events": travel.parse_yaml("events", data_dir),
for item in data["accommodation"]:
price = item.get("price")
if price:
item["price"] = decimal.Decimal(price)
for key, item_list in data.items():
assert isinstance(item_list, list)
for item in item_list:
if not (start := item.get("trip")):
if start not in trips:
from_yaml = yaml_trip_lookup.get(start, {})
trips[start] = Trip(
start=start, **{k: v for k, v in from_yaml.items() if k != "trip"}
getattr(trips[start], key).append(item)
return [trip for _, trip in sorted(trips.items())]
def add_coordinates_for_unbooked_flights(
routes: list[StrDict], coordinates: list[StrDict]
) -> None:
"""Add coordinates for flights that haven't been booked yet."""
if not (
any(route["type"] == "unbooked_flight" for route in routes)
and not any(pin["type"] == "airport" for pin in coordinates)
data_dir = flask.current_app.config["PERSONAL_DATA"]
airports = typing.cast(dict[str, StrDict], travel.parse_yaml("airports", data_dir))
lhr = airports["LHR"]
"name": lhr["name"],
"type": "airport",
"latitude": lhr["latitude"],
"longitude": lhr["longitude"],
def collect_trip_coordinates(trip: Trip) -> list[StrDict]:
"""Extract and deduplicate airport and station coordinates from trip."""
stations = {}
station_list = []
airports = {}
ferry_terminals = {}
for t in trip.travel:
if t["type"] == "train":
station_list += [t["from_station"], t["to_station"]]
for leg in t["legs"]:
elif t["type"] == "flight":
for field in "from_airport", "to_airport":
if field in t:
airports[t[field]["iata"]] = t[field]
assert t["type"] == "ferry"
for field in "from_terminal", "to_terminal":
terminal = t[field]
ferry_terminals[terminal["name"]] = terminal
for s in station_list:
if s["uic"] in stations:
stations[s["uic"]] = s
coords = []
src = [
("accommodation", trip.accommodation),
("conference", trip.conferences),
("event", trip.events),
for coord_type, item_list in src:
coords += [
"name": item["name"],
"type": coord_type,
"latitude": item["latitude"],
"longitude": item["longitude"],
for item in item_list
if "latitude" in item and "longitude" in item
locations = [
("station", stations),
("airport", airports),
("ferry_terminal", ferry_terminals),
for coord_type, coord_dict in locations:
coords += [
"name": s["name"],
"type": coord_type,
"latitude": s["latitude"],
"longitude": s["longitude"],
for s in coord_dict.values()
return coords
def latlon_tuple(stop: StrDict) -> tuple[float, float]:
"""Given a transport stop return the lat/lon as a tuple."""
return (stop["latitude"], stop["longitude"])
def read_geojson(data_dir: str, filename: str) -> str:
"""Read GeoJSON from file."""
return open(os.path.join(data_dir, filename + ".geojson")).read()
def get_trip_routes(trip: Trip) -> list[StrDict]:
"""Get routes for given trip to show on map."""
routes: list[StrDict] = []
seen_geojson = set()
for t in trip.travel:
if t["type"] == "ferry":
ferry_from, ferry_to = t["from_terminal"], t["to_terminal"]
key = "_".join(["ferry"] + sorted([ferry_from["name"], ferry_to["name"]]))
filename = os.path.join("ferry_routes", t["geojson_filename"])
"type": "train",
"key": key,
"geojson_filename": filename,
if t["type"] == "flight":
if "from_airport" not in t or "to_airport" not in t:
fly_from, fly_to = t["from_airport"], t["to_airport"]
key = "_".join(["flight"] + sorted([fly_from["iata"], fly_to["iata"]]))
"type": "flight",
"key": key,
"from": latlon_tuple(fly_from),
"to": latlon_tuple(fly_to),
assert t["type"] == "train"
for leg in t["legs"]:
train_from, train_to = leg["from_station"], leg["to_station"]
geojson_filename = train_from.get("routes", {}).get(train_to["uic"])
key = "_".join(["train"] + sorted([train_from["name"], train_to["name"]]))
if not geojson_filename:
"type": "train",
"key": key,
"from": latlon_tuple(train_from),
"to": latlon_tuple(train_to),
if geojson_filename in seen_geojson:
"type": "train",
"key": key,
"geojson_filename": os.path.join("train_routes", geojson_filename),
if routes:
return routes
lhr = (51.4775, -0.461389)
return [
"type": "unbooked_flight",
"key": f'LHR_{item["location"]}_{item["country"]}',
"from": lhr,
"to": latlon_tuple(item),
for item in trip.conferences
if "latitude" in item
and "longitude" in item
and item["country"] not in ("gb", "be") # not flying to Belgium
def get_coordinates_and_routes(
trip_list: list[Trip], data_dir: str | None = None
) -> tuple[list[StrDict], list[StrDict]]:
if data_dir is None:
data_dir = flask.current_app.config["PERSONAL_DATA"]
coordinates = []
seen_coordinates: set[tuple[str, str]] = set()
routes = []
seen_routes: set[str] = set()
for trip in trip_list:
for stop in collect_trip_coordinates(trip):
key = (stop["type"], stop["name"])
if key in seen_coordinates:
for route in get_trip_routes(trip):
if route["key"] in seen_routes:
for route in routes:
if "geojson_filename" in route:
route["geojson"] = read_geojson(data_dir, route.pop("geojson_filename"))
return (coordinates, routes)
def calculate_yearly_stats(trips: list[Trip]) -> dict[int, StrDict]:
"""Calculate total distance and distance by transport type grouped by year."""
yearly_stats: defaultdict[int, StrDict] = defaultdict(dict)
for trip in trips:
year = trip.start.year
dist = trip.total_distance()
yearly_stats[year].setdefault("count", 0)
yearly_stats[year]["count"] += 1
for c in trip.conferences:
yearly_stats[c["start"].year].setdefault("conferences", 0)
yearly_stats[c["start"].year]["conferences"] += 1
if dist:
yearly_stats[year]["total_distance"] = (
yearly_stats[year].get("total_distance", 0) + trip.total_distance()
for transport_type, distance in trip.distances_by_transport_type():
yearly_stats[year].setdefault("distances_by_transport_type", {})
yearly_stats[year]["distances_by_transport_type"][transport_type] = (
yearly_stats[year]["distances_by_transport_type"].get(transport_type, 0)
+ distance
for country in trip.countries:
if country.alpha_2 == "GB":
yearly_stats[year].setdefault("countries", set())
for leg in trip.travel:
if leg["type"] == "flight":
yearly_stats[year].setdefault("flight_count", 0)
yearly_stats[year]["flight_count"] += 1
if leg["type"] == "train":
yearly_stats[year].setdefault("train_count", 0)
yearly_stats[year]["train_count"] += 1
return dict(yearly_stats)