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176 lines
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<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<title>Agenda - Edward Betts</title>
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<link rel="icon" href="data:image/svg+xml,<svg xmlns=%22http://www.w3.org/2000/svg%22 viewBox=%220 0 100 100%22><text y=%22.9em%22 font-size=%2290%22>📅</text></svg>">
<script async src="{{ url_for("static", filename="es-module-shims/es-module-shims.js") }}"></script>
{% set event_labels = {
"economist": "📰 The Economist",
"mothers_day": "Mothers' day",
"fathers_day": "Fathers' day",
"uk_financial_year_end": "End of financial year",
"bank_holiday": "UK bank holiday",
"us_holiday": "US holiday",
"uk_clock_change": "UK clock change",
"us_clock_change": "US clock change",
"us_presidential_election": "US pres. election",
"xmas_last_second": "Christmas last posting 2nd class",
"xmas_last_first": "Christmas last posting 1st class",
"up_series": "Up documentary",
"waste_schedule": "Waste schedule",
"gwr_advance_tickets": "GWR advance tickets",
"critical_mass": "Critical Mass",
{%set class_map = {
"bank_holiday": "bg-success-subtle",
"conference": "bg-primary-subtle",
"us_holiday": "bg-secondary-subtle",
"birthday": "bg-info-subtle",
"waste_schedule": "bg-danger-subtle",
} %}
{% from "macros.html" import trip_link, display_date_no_year with context %}
{% from "navbar.html" import navbar with context %}
{{ navbar() }}
<div class="container-fluid mt-2">
<a href="/tools">← personal tools</a>
<li>Today is {{now.strftime("%A, %-d %b %Y")}}</li>
{% if gbpusd %}
<li>GBPUSD: {{"{:,.3f}".format(gbpusd)}}</li>
{% endif %}
<li>GWR advance ticket furthest date:
{% if gwr_advance_tickets %}
{{ gwr_advance_tickets.strftime("%A, %-d %b %Y") }}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
<li>Bristol Sunrise: {{ sunrise.strftime("%H:%M:%S") }} /
Sunset: {{ sunset.strftime("%H:%M:%S") }}</li>
{% if errors %}
{% for error in errors %}
<div class="alert alert-danger" role="alert">
Error: {{ error }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
<h3>Stock markets</h3>
{% for market in stock_markets %}
<p>{{ market }}</p>
{% endfor %}
{% if current_trip %}
{% set end = current_trip.end %}
<div>Current trip: {{ trip_link(current_trip) }}</div>
{% if end %}
<div>Dates: {{ display_date_no_year(current_trip.start) }} to {{ display_date_no_year(end) }}</div>
{% else %}
<div>Start: {{ display_date_no_year(current_trip.start) }} (end date missing)</div>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<a href="{{ url_for(request.endpoint) }}">Hide while away</a>
| <a href="{{ url_for(request.endpoint, markets="show") }}">Show all</a>
| <a href="{{ url_for(request.endpoint, markets="hide") }}">Hide all</a>
{% for event in events if start_event_list <= event.as_date <= end_event_list %}
{% if loop.first or event.date.year != loop.previtem.date.year or event.date.month != loop.previtem.date.month %}
<div class="row mt-2">
<div class="col">
<h4>{{ event.date.strftime("%B %Y") }}</h4>
{% endif %}
{% set delta = event.delta_days(today) %}
{% if event.name == "today" %}
<div class="row">
<div class="col bg-warning-subtle">
{% else %}
{% set cell_bg = " bg-warning-subtle" if delta == "today" else "" %}
<div class="row border border-1 {% if event.name in class_map %} {{ class_map[event.name]}}{% else %}{{ cell_bg }}{% endif %}">
<div class="col-md-2{{ cell_bg }}">
{{event.as_date.strftime("%a, %d, %b")}}
{{event.display_time or ""}}
{{event.display_timezone or ""}}
<div class="col-md-2{{ cell_bg }}">
{% if event.end_date %}
{% set duration = event.display_duration() %}
{% if duration %}
end: {{event.end_date.strftime("%H:%M") }}
(duration: {{duration}})
{% elif event.end_date != event.date %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<div class="col-md-7 text-start">
{% if event.url %}<a href="{{ event.url }}">{% endif %}
{{ event_labels.get(event.name) or event.name }}
{%- if event.title -%}: {{ event.title_with_emoji }}{% endif %}
{% if event.url %}</a>{% endif %}
<div class="col-md-1{{ cell_bg }}">
{{ delta }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<div class="mt-2">
<h5>Page generation time</h5>
<li>Data gather took {{ "%.1f" | format(data_gather_seconds) }} seconds</li>
<li>Stock market open/close took
{{ "%.1f" | format(stock_market_times_seconds) }} seconds</li>
{% for name, seconds in timings %}
<li>{{ name }} took {{ "%.1f" | format(seconds) }} seconds</li>
{% endfor %}
<li>Render time: {{ "%.1f" | format(render_time) }} seconds</li>
<script src="{{ url_for("static", filename="bootstrap5/js/bootstrap.bundle.min.js") }}"></script>